The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 948 Cats also show off their power (please vote for recommendation)

"The Sword of Judgment is finally losing!"

This is the voice of almost everyone. So far in the first season of the professional league, Lu Li has been killed on the stage more than once, and Moonlight has been KO'd on the stage more than once, let alone others. Shuguang has never been A game that never dies, especially on the stage.

However, Sword of Judgment has never lost in a team competition due to its absolute level advantage and equipment advantage.

Lu Li is level 48, and almost all the others are at level 47. Except for Dusk, which is at level 47, the Star Guild is all at level 46. Although this level gap does not form an absolute gap like three or five levels, it can be It is a gap after all.

Moreover, the Sword of Judgment has achieved so many first kills, and legendary and unique gold equipment are not rare at all. Even those who are not racers have legends.

However, they made a lot of mistakes and some bad luck, and now they're finally paying the price.

After the warriors and hunters had dealt with the cat's love for meat, they would then go back and join the fight between the three of Lu Li. When the time came, five would fight three. Even if Lu Li had reached level 50, he would still stop eating.

The commentator was spitting on the stage as if he was witnessing this historic moment.

In fact, what he said is right. Anyone who is undefeated is preparing for failure. No one or any team can always be undefeated.

From the audience's perspective, the darkroom is actually like a glass box. They can see everything that just happened, and naturally they can also see Cut Me Seventy-Two Times. After entering the arena, they quickly joined Dusk, and together they intercepted Lu Li. Three.

Maomao loves to eat meat, and this weak girl appeared on the field with a confused look.

She was still quite far away from Lu Li and the others, and on her path she could meet the warriors and hunters who came to intercept her.

This time, even God stood on the opposite side of the sword of judgment.

"Lu Li seems to have given up. In fact, if I were him, I would escape first to save Maomao. As for Mu Qiu and Yueguang, they are both plate armor. They can retreat and fight at the same time until they are reunited. After that, it’s hard to say whether we will win or lose.”

This was the exact words of one of the commentators. Before this, Lu Li could analyze eighteen kinds of smells even if he farted, but now he suddenly had the courage to accuse Lu Li of his mistakes.

Not to mention that the wall fell and everyone pushed it, at least the apotheosis of the Sword of Judgment was shattered.

"I think March Rain should be the last person to fight in this battle. Her development path is too dangerous. It is estimated that this girl has not increased her physique at all. Her blood volume is too thin, and her skills will be handed over in one round," another commentator said Also an afterthought.

Both commentators were relatively young. They felt that it was the first time in their lives that they were commenting so freely, completely forgetting that their seniors had warned them not to question the level of the players.

The reason why racers become racers is that they are carefully selected from countless players.

At this time, Maomao Loves Meat and the warrior hunter met.

They discovered each other almost at the same time. After all, both sides were on heightened alert. It was impossible to say who made the first move. In short, the three of them immediately threw their skills at each other.

The warriors kept getting closer, while the hunters struck from a distance, one from a distance and one close. It was not easy to deal with a warlock.

However, a scene that made everyone feel subversive has slowly unfolded. Maomao loves to eat meat, constantly fears hunters, deals out warriors, and then keeps moving around. From beginning to end, he purses his lips and looks calm, unlike a little girl of this age.

Literacy, if you are a knowledgeable person, you will think of this word immediately.

This is the quality of a professional racer!

Vincent is not a rookie. He finally got close to Maomao Loves Meat and completed the optimal distance of a melee attack method.

Cats love to eat meat and give all their control skills to hunters. Naturally, it is impossible to effectively prevent soldiers from approaching.

Most of what she gives to warriors are various negative statuses that continuously drop blood.

When everyone thought Maomao Love Eat Meat was going to die, Maomao Love Eat Meat screamed, black smoke erupted from her whole body, and then the soft girl turned into a ferocious tall devil.

That's right, it's the kind of demon with two things that are on fire, and then a pair of chicken wings growing on its back.

Her armor suddenly became unmatched by plate armor warriors, and she was also immune to some control effects. Her spell attacks became melee combat, and the attack effect was greatly improved.

Of course, this has a time limit, otherwise the game would be unbalanced, but using this transformation state to survive the first round of combined attacks between warriors and hunters is more than enough.

Unable to kill the warlock immediately, the warrior and hunter fell into a very strange situation.

And they found that the equipment for cats who love to eat meat is really good.

Take the warrior for example. Those skills that continuously drop blood should be insignificant. At most, it will cause a little trouble and reduce some of his blood volume. But in fact, this is not the case. The warrior finds that his blood loss is too much. Soon.

Can you hurry up? Maomao loves to eat meat. This equipment will make any legal profession in the arena kneel down.

She is a Sword of Judgment racer, not Sesame Rice Balls, and neither is Huadi Liqing. There is no way Lu Li would take off the equipment of Sesame Rice Balls and Huadi Liqing and give it to Maomao Ai Meat, even if she is a racer. No, otherwise all players of Sword of Judgment will feel chilled.

But this does not mean that Tangyuan with sesame filling and Huadi Liqing will not take the initiative to lend their equipment to Maomao Love to Eat Meat.

Yes, borrowing is such a beautiful word. It does not harm the interests of Tangyuan with sesame fillings and Huadi Liqing, but also takes into account the strength of the club's players.

Most of Maomao Loves Meat's equipment are parts from Tangyuan with Sesame Filling and Huadi Liqing.

Tangyuan with sesame filling and Huadi Liqing joined the Xinxin mercenary group very early. Almost all the first kills in the dungeon have their shadows. The equipment of either of them is better than that of a star player, let alone two people. Gather together and pick together.

Even Lu Li didn't dare to say that his equipment was much better than Maomao Loves Meat's current equipment.

After using his demon transformation to withstand the attacks of the warrior and hunter, Maomao Loved Meat basically suppressed the two of them and beat them, making the warrior and hunter regret not bringing treatment.

"Brother Wen, you go first!" Hunter Zi Xinhai watched as his teammates' blood volume became less and less, and finally realized that their plan was going to fail. Now it's not a question of whether they can kill the cat or not. Cats love to eat meat. The key is It's a soldier who will take the dog with him soon.

"Fuck, this is so frustrating," soldier Vincent was so depressed that he wanted to commit suicide.

There were two young commentators who also wanted to commit suicide. They sat on the commentary table with blushing faces and had no idea how to continue their commentary.

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