The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 952 Making an attack in the east and attacking in the west

In fact, Lu Li himself didn't know what was in the treasure box.

People always think too highly of experts like them, thinking that they don't pay attention to anything except legendary equipment.

Below him is Zumashal. This is indeed a good place. The terrain is very good and the land is relatively fertile. Of course, this was all a long time ago. Since the natural disaster swept through Lordaeron, there has been no fertile land.

Lu Li did not dare to keep hovering over Zumashal, as that would attract a large number of coveters.

Therefore, his route was very irregular, confusing those who kept refreshing his coordinates. Unfortunately, they were all on the ground and could not threaten Lu Li at all.

Some smart people have given up on this treasure map. They guessed the identity of the person who owns the map from the coordinates. As far as the target knows, the few people who can fly are Lu Li, Xiaobajiang, and a few others such as Tong Yanwuji. Individuals, everyone is easy to mess with.

There seems to be some strange person mixed in - well, Hachi-chan's PK skills are indeed outrageous.

But she and Can Meng are the little princesses of the Sword of Judgment. There are many people who will spend a lot of effort to avenge her, and once they attack her, they must be prepared to be hacked to death by NPCs.

But there were still many people who coveted Lu Li's goal. They followed Lu Li on the ground and never relaxed for a moment.

After all, no matter how high Lu Li flies, he will always come down to get the treasure.

That's when there is an opportunity. Some of the more ambitious people here no longer simply focus on the harvest of the treasure map. In their eyes, Lu Li himself is a mobile treasure house, as long as it is something that falls from him. It will definitely not be garbage.

It must be admitted that their calculations were very shrewd.

"I heard that you got the treasure map again. Do you need help?" It was the voice of the water elf.

Lu Li, who had been circling for a long time, had discovered Hamia's location and was about to call for help when he happened to receive a communication from the water elf. It seemed that he had been searching in the air for too long. Many people knew that he now had something in his hand. A treasure map.

In fact, it is very simple to determine that it is Lu Li, just use the method of offering a reward to see his location.

If it is found that Lu Li's position coincides with the coordinates of "Hamiya's Request", then everything will be explained. The information about the water elf comes from this method.

"Yeah, I got a treasure map from the trial tower this week," Lu Li didn't hide anything.

Treasure maps can sometimes make ordinary players rich overnight, but no matter what they can unlock, they probably won't make people at the level of water elves greedy.

"Really? Can I participate in the treasure hunt?" the water elf asked enthusiastically.

"It's just a very simple treasure map, I'm afraid there won't be any twists and turns," Lu Li understood the young lady's thoughts very well. The boring life always longed for different excitement, and the word "treasure hunting" directly hit the target of the rich woman.

What she wants is not necessarily a certain gain, the key is the process.

"To put it simply, why did you delay it for so long? Now the circle of treasure hunters knows that your treasure is in the Plague Land," the water elf was still very interested.

"It's just that the process of searching for the target was a little troublesome, but now the target has been found," Lu Li said.

"Are you sure you won't be hacked to death if you fall to the ground now? Many people want to explode the things on you, which must be more precious than the treasure map," the water elf asked unceremoniously. She obviously Know the situation of your targets in the Plaguelands.

"So, what suggestions do you have?" Lu Li asked.

"You continue flying in the sky and tell me the location of the target, and I will help you." The water elf was obviously not stupid, and the strategies Lu Li could think of were not difficult for her.

"Okay, I hope we can get the treasure smoothly," Lu Li said calmly.

He didn't mind giving the water elf a chance to show off. God knows why the person in charge of a gaming consortium is so idle. Not only does she have to be busy with Weiyu Pavilion, she also obviously has several other guilds under her to worry about.

Whether it is Yanyulou, Second Dimension House, Sushou Zhetian and Lanyu, they all have the hope of reaching the top 100.

Lu Li reported the coordinates to the water elf and gradually flew away from the target location alone. He was now a bait. As long as the coordinates moved, he could attract a group of treasure hunters.

"I saw the Hamiya you mentioned, what should I do now?" The water elf came quickly.

"Just kill him, he will drop a key," Lu Li said.

"Kill him? The treasure map is called Hamiya's request, and now you actually want me to kill him?" The water elf obviously cannot accept this plot trend.

"Yes, this is his request," Lu Li briefly told the story behind the treasure map, and then said: "Hamiya is an undead now, and his wish is to use his complete death to prevent the natural disaster of the undead. To harm his homeland.”

"But now Zumashal is full of undead. We may be late."

"That's not important. What's important is the key on him. Only after I get the key can I see where the treasure chest is," Lu Li said with a slight smile, "Miss Shui, are you too into the drama?"

"You..." the water elf said angrily, "you are so cold-blooded!"

Shouldn't normal people be moved by this plot? How many people can endure the pain and write a suicide note after being infected with the plague, asking others to kill their corrupted self.

So, Hamiya is a hero.

Lu Li got Hamiya's scroll and was supposed to work for him, but unfortunately they arrived too late.

Who would have thought that Lu Li didn't care about this at all. He seemed to only have treasures in his eyes, which was a bit difficult for the fairly emotional water elf to accept.

"No matter how we think about it, we can't change anything, so don't hesitate. I'm very tired from flying in the sky," Lu Li didn't want to argue with her. This was not something worth arguing about.

From the perspective of the growth environment, if the water elf wants to change something, many people will help her. In fact, her attitude determines the changes in the surrounding environment. But Lu Li is different. He must adapt to the environment to survive, so he has to cultivate Develop an outlook on life that can accept reality at any time.

Hamiya is indeed an admirable person, and Lu Li also admires him very much. There are indeed few people in this world who would kill themselves for any reason - suicide is not included.

However, this did not affect Lu Li's treasure hunting process.

He always knew that this was a game and nothing in the game should be too serious.

What's more, Zumashal's destruction had nothing to do with him. He just got the scroll today and came over without wasting any time. It was not his fault that he was late.

Fortunately, the water elf was just a little more emotional and not pretentious, so she quickly started to take action after getting rid of her unpleasant emotions.

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