The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 956 Huge Pit (please vote for recommendation)

When the onlookers heard what he said, they immediately went into an uproar. Even those who had heard him say it beforehand couldn't calm down.

It is not an exaggeration to sell a gold ring for 300 gold, because the ring is a special equipment, and the explosion rate is four to five times lower than that of regular equipment. Rings with good attributes are very rare. Most of the current mainstream players are still equipped with black iron and silver rings. .

If you use a gold ring to pick up girls, you are a wealthy person.

However, when most people hear such news, they will not directly pay for it. The most direct reaction should be to question it. If you say there is dark gold and legend, there must be it.

"I'm not sure about the legendary ring. Anyway, someone from our guild identified the dark gold ring," a bystander volunteered to testify.

"Why do I think this old man is like a liar? There are a lot of people like him on the overpass," Can Meng said, "Although I am young, I have read a lot, so don't lie to me."

"Don't be stupid, go buy two, buy according to your feelings," Lu left the door to let the ferocious little hunter go.

"Grandpa, I want to buy two, this one, um, and this one," Can Meng hummed, took out the gold coins and handed them over.

Sir Spade glanced at Can Meng, picked up the ring and gave it to Can Meng: "Do you need me to help you appraise it? If I appraise it, it will be free. If you want to buy an appraisal scroll, it will be one gold coin per scroll."

Most people will ask Old Sir to help with the appraisal, firstly to save money, and secondly to show off in front of everyone.

Only people like Lu Li, who naturally like to keep a low profile, would do such sultry behavior as walking in brocade clothes at night. A normal person should accept the worship of other losers with the best equipment they have identified.

"Two appraisal scrolls, thank you," Can Meng said without hesitation.

She originally wanted others to worship her, but Lu Li threatened her that she would be captured and put in a cage, and she would have to help touch equipment all day long, and then she decisively gave up.

Xiao Dashi broke out of the crowd and ran away. If Lu Li hadn't grabbed her, she would have been able to run further.

"I want you to stay hidden, and I don't want you to be a thief. Okay, let's identify it quickly. We will continue later." Lu Li put the little hunter in his hand on the ground.

"Why not buy a lot at once?" Can Meng asked while appraising.

"If there are more than two, he won't sell to us next time, at least he won't sell to us again today." Lu Li certainly knows this rule. It's not a secret. There was some gambling in him just now. Bigger players have discovered this pattern.

There are always some people who want to get rich overnight.

If you spend one hundred and ten gold coins to identify the legendary ring, you will definitely become a millionaire, marry Bai Fumei, and reach the pinnacle of life.

"Hey, why is he here? He seems to be your friend," Can Meng saw a person coming.

"I asked him to come here. He is responsible for giving us gold coins." Lu Li turned around and waved: "Old Shen, this way!"

Shen Wansan moved his fat body over and complained: "I am a very busy person with tens of thousands of dollars every minute. Don't always come and go as soon as you call..."

"Hey, Old Shen, you can actually use idioms," Lu Li smiled mockingly, pointed at Can Meng and said, "This is our trump card today. Sir Spade has stolen too many people's hard-earned money. I plan to replace him." Heaven walks the way."

"Haha, justice for God. This statement made me feel no longer guilty. Go to the teahouse over there. I'll treat you." Shen Wansan didn't want to stand on the street doing business.

"The ivory ring looks ordinary," Can Meng threw it to Lu Li in disgust.

Lu Li took it and glanced at it, then threw it to Shen Wansan.

"It's a pretty good silver ring. How do you plan to trade it?" Shen Wansan chuckled. He knew that Lu Li and his group were very discerning, and a ring with such attributes was considered a top-notch item in the eyes of ordinary players.

"Two options, one is that you bid to buy it, the other is that you are responsible for selling it, and we share the money," Lu Li had already considered it.

"Haha, let me pay for the acquisition. I think you guys must be short of money recently, after all, it's the end of the year," Shen Wansan said very understandingly. This strategy is a win-win situation, and Lu Li gets what he wants. Cash, while Shen Wansan maximizes profits.

"I'll give you everything below gold, and I'll keep the good stuff above gold," Lu Li said.

Although Lu Li has no intention of supporting the entire guild members, if he really has good equipment, he doesn't mind selling it to people in his guild at a cheaper price.

Rings are rare equipment, and there are many people in the guild who lack a good pair of rings.

"This one is also a silver ring. My luck is really bad. Lu Li, did you contaminate my hand?" Can Meng expressed that he couldn't accept the identification of two pieces of silver.

"You're satisfied. Most of the rings identified by others are rubbish." Lu Li put the ring into his backpack: "I'll keep this one. It's the best of the fire mage, no worse than ordinary gold."

"Okay, the ivory ring just now is forty-five gold," Shen Wansan put the gold coin on the table.

"I'll go ahead and buy it, remember to share the money with me," Can Meng quickly ran off to buy the ring on her short legs. Lu Li sat drinking tea this time and didn't follow him at all.

Not long after, Can Meng came back holding two rings.

One piece of silver and one piece of black iron were identified and handed over to Shen Wansan, who received fifty gold.

If the ring left by Lu Li was not included, it would have cost them 120 gold to buy the four rings and 95 gold to sell them to Shen Wansan. After all, they still lost a lot of money.

Can Meng was not empty-handed four times, which shows how unlucky luck is. However, it is still such a modest harvest. It is conceivable how evil Sir Spade is. Most of the people who buy rings from him spend all their money. No return.

Later, game players also realized that Sir Spade was a means designed by the game company to balance the price of gold, but this did not prevent more and more players from playing the mysterious ring several times a week.

"Wow, gold ring!"

After losing a lot of money, Can Meng was finally surprised to identify a gold ring - the Ring of Drakrig.

The Ring of Drakrig is a mage ring. Although its attributes are not too amazing, it is at least worthy of its gold-level status. If it is put on the market...

"Four hundred and fifty gold coins, this price won't deceive you. If I take action, it will cost up to five hundred gold coins, and it will take a lot of time." Shen Wansan couldn't help but ask for a price. In fact, he didn't offer any hope. After all, this is the law. Rings and legal equipment have always been in great demand.

"Okay, here you go." Unexpectedly, Lu Li pushed the ring in front of him without hesitation.

"Why don't you keep it?" So far, a total of twelve rings have been appraised. Lu Li kept two and sold the rest to Shen Wansan. The two properties left behind were not as good as this gold ring.

"I told you that today is about making money," Lu Li spread his hands and said, "Mengmeng and I don't have many gold coins left."

I don’t know if it’s rheumatism or myosinitis. My fingers hurt so much. I don’t dare to touch my mobile phone or computer recently. There are a few updates. Please forgive me. Thank you. I’ll go to the hospital as soon as possible.

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