The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 974 Violent in turn

"Stay steady, don't run around. If there is damage reduction, use damage reduction. If there is no damage reduction, take medicine. Increase the healing group. Pay attention to the blood of T. So confused.

Not only will casualties increase, but the team may even be wiped out due to ineffectiveness in defeating the BOSS.

Fortunately, most of the players here are from the elite group and have excellent psychological quality.

What these people fear most is not the BOSS skills, but the commander's silence. They don't know what to do. Once the commander can issue instructions immediately, they will involuntarily follow the commander's orders.

Several boulders hit the ground, then rolled over, knocking down many players.

Except for a few people who were killed when falling at the beginning, the casualties caused by rolling and other events were not many because the players either used damage reduction or drank medicine to increase their health.

Once players change and get together, more and more people may die.

"The mobs have been cleaned up," the water elf finally killed tens of thousands of mobs. The players suffered more than 20 casualties, and they all used resurrection skills to pull them up.

The resurrection skills of almost all professions require the caster to use them when out of combat, so Lu Li could resurrect players who died in battle from a distance by arranging a few healing professions not to enter the battle.

Of course, there is also a distance requirement.

If you are close, you will inevitably enter a battle. If you are far, the resurrection skills are not enough, so you can only let the druid fight back.

"Take a rest, and then join the substitute team," Lu Li nodded, not taking his eyes off the main battlefield. He paid close attention to the situation on the field. Hagel's rage was still lifted, but he might have taken some medicine. , and now there is still no signs of depression.

"I don't need it, I'm going to fight the BOSS first," the water elf said, rejecting Lu Li's kindness.

Lu Li shrugged and said nothing.

Because there were so many people here, they couldn't help but maintain an attitude of "I don't know this person." Little did they know that every move was magnified into gossip.

818 The relationship experiences between our boss and the boss of Sword of Judgment over the years (Lu Li: I have only been playing the game for four months).

818 The rise of a certain pretty boy, but he struggled and lost to the soft rice (Lu Li: This is the first time in my life that someone said I have a pale face).

818 A man and a woman work together and do bad things together (Lu Li: I have never heard of it)...

"BOSS No. 3 has 20% HP, No. 2 has 18% HP. Slow down the sacrifice. I told you to slow down the sacrifice. Why are those long-range ones still fighting? If they don't hit you, you'll feel itchy, right?" Lu Li clicked on a few names to deduct points, which made the somewhat lazy player suddenly excited.

Although the command was across guilds, Lu Li's authority was still thoroughly implemented under the command of the water elf.

The priest is a magic monster. Although he can occasionally add a small healing spell to himself, under the watchful eyes of a group of people who interrupt skills, almost no one can successfully add it to himself. Large healing spells cannot be interrupted, but small healing spells have a certain probability of being interrupted. With so many skills being used together, there will always be one or two lucky ones who succeed.

Therefore, his blood volume dropped the fastest. Lu Li was worried that the other two bosses would go berserk after the sacrificer died, so he kept controlling the blood volume of the second boss.

"Ten percent, cheer up, we will succeed soon." The battle lasted for too long, and many people were already showing signs of fatigue, but Lu Li's words were like a tube of stimulant that cheered everyone up.

Some commanders like to report bad news but not good news, fearing that their team members will slack off.

Lu Li was different. He always felt that people could only put the most energy into things when they were in a particularly good mood.

He said it was almost successful, and everyone believed it.

"MT should be careful to use damage reduction, and others should reserve their ultimate skills to deal with possible violence. As long as they survive the violence, this time will be considered a success." Another sweet date was thrown out, and the players had no time to question what had just happened. He said he was successful immediately, but now he has to survive the violence to succeed.

None of the three BOSSs are violent. This probability is almost unimaginable, especially the BOSS in the wild.

Defeating wild BOSS is notoriously difficult. Many people will die every time, and the most serious death is caused by the madness in the final stage.

The blood volume decreases steadily, gradually approaching the 5% level that induces berserk.

"Boss No. 1 and No. 3 stop, and No. 2 starts outputting. Don't be too hasty and let it go berserk." At this time, Lu Li started to use new tricks. He had never seen someone like him waiting for the BOSS to go berserk.

Although the players were confused by Monk Zhang Er, they still obeyed his orders.

So BOSS No. 2 entered the violent warning line in advance, and he indeed lived up to expectations and became violent.

"Pay attention to safety, heal and support the second boss, don't fight the other two, just hold on tight, and try not to kill anyone," Lu Li's voice spread throughout the scene, and smart people already understood why he did this.

Preparing for the worst, Lu Li simply assumed that the three bosses would go berserk together.

It’s hard to say whether the group will be wiped out, but I think half of those standing there will kneel down.

Violence not only increases the power of normal attacks, but also the power of ultimate moves. It is unimaginable for three big bosses to amplify their moves together.

This was the worst-case scenario, and it was unlikely to happen under normal circumstances, but it was better to be afraid of the worst than ten thousand. Lu Li didn't want to gamble with the experience and time of one or two thousand people on that tiny probability.

In this case, he designed it to make the three bosses violent in sequence.

The first to go berserk was the second BOSS, Stonejaw High Priest Elfin. He did cause casualties to the players, but they were all within controllable range.

Thirty seconds later, the rage ended, and he fell into a state of depression with 2% of his health. In fact, if he had let go before, the 2% of blood might have been emptied long ago. Lu Li kept it to prevent it from being left behind. The two were furious together.

Then there was the old Stonejaw Guardian O'Brien, who also withered after his round of rage.

The No. 3 Kazgros sculpture was more violent than the previous two. His attack almost enveloped the entire area. People kept dying, but more people managed to survive with the help of treatment.

This difficulty can be understood as, as long as the other two bosses use a big move when they are violent, they can clear a large area.

Lu Li used his observation skills and experience to save the team from possible annihilation. He even overestimated his own team, thinking that only three of them going berserk together would lead to a group annihilation. In fact, any two of them going berserk together would be enough.

"Master Feng, hold on, don't you want the experience?" Lu Li reminded him coolly.

The blue sea breeze, which was in danger, cheered up again and persisted under the crazy ravage of the big boss until the violent end.

"Attack with all your strength and capture these three bosses in the shortest possible time!" The order for a general attack was given, and the three level 55 bosses with only a trace of blood left became meat on the chopping board.

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