The Great Thief

Chapter 1089: Hard resistance (recommended ticket)

After all, the game is for most people to play.

It is a pity that Lu Yi wants to understand this truth and does not help the situation at hand.

"I think the last stage is hard to resist," Xiao Mosi said after a moment. "This big move, even if you jump into the water, will not help, fill the blood before the wave ss enlarge the move, then everyone Keep the strongest damage reduction at that time."

"Okay, give it a try," Lu said there is no other better way, only according to what Xiao Mo said.

Others also agree with Xiao Mo's words. In fact, many game content does not have a so-called strategy. It relies on equipment and technology to pile up. If conditions are not met, it will be impossible to pass customs. Things are so simple.

Once again, everyone is more cautious and strives for no one to hang. After all, there are still more challenges waiting for them.

The p1 stage is still good, the p2 stage is generally like, the mobs hang three people on the top, Lu Lu simply announced that he is coming back, other people naturally have no opinion, but the faces of several people who hang up are not very good-looking.

Once again, I gathered in front of the wave ss, and this time I announced that everyone would rest for a quarter of an hour.

The next copy is a very physical and spiritual thing, especially when they open a copy of the wasteland, what is the first experience, always be careful to ss enlarge the move. Coupled with the elimination of the group will kill morale, it is not appropriate to open the blame is too urgent.

Looking at the time, Lu left the mouth and said: "Everyone is careful this time, don't kill it again, fight for one time."

Then he arranged a few people to help attract the fire element mobs. Once someone was surrounded by mobs, let the group attack professional skills to take the mobs away, as far as possible to ensure that no one hangs before the final p3 stage.

"Do not worry, everyone will pay attention," the ear stunned the wrist, because the bow and arrow attack faster, so he is a small expert.

"If you have a trick, don't hide it, let it come out," Mo forgets Feng Xiao.

"Xiao Mo has a group shield, Feng sister, you don't pay attention to the point, do you mean?" Eleven immediately went up to dismantle his desk.

I forgot that Feng didn’t talk at the moment. Everyone who showed it out had no pressure at all, and there is no need to hide it. But what is really reserved for the card, no one wants to show it easily. This has nothing to do with the character.

"I can help a person to open invincible," the smashing army seems to feel that he is a little dragged and said.

"Is the group invincible?" Others looked at him with a weak feeling. If you met someone who could open a group to reduce injuries during the game, you really don't have to continue playing.

"How could it be that the group is invincible, does Twilight have that thing? I am strengthening the aid. The effect is to take 90% of the damage for my teammates." The smashing army quickly explained that he is a good person, but this is not On behalf of his fish lips, if others really think that he will be invincible, there will be countless people chasing him.

"That line, I will help you to appreciate the jade," according to Lu, Li Wenlian also has a 70% reduction in injuries, and his own teammates in March rain, naturally know her strength.

After the blue sea breeze was confirmed by the land, the shield rushed to the wave ss.

The p1 stage is easy to pass. Even if everyone works hard, but in the end, some people will hang up. The eleven and one plate armor warriors are more fire-resistant, and he is not willing to open the calf reduction skills. A mob touched him twice and hugged him.

"Oh, let me go," Mo Forgot stepped on the eleven dead bodies.

"Get out of the way," eleven less actually climbed up. At this time, I forgot to think of Feng. This guy has a dark moon card, but this copy is too hard. After all, the copy can’t be lost. Do not forget that Feng’s cards are all hanging outside.

"A few brothers cheered, I used the means of pressing the bottom of the box."

Knowing that the Darkmoon Card is okay, I don’t know if there is such a thing. This is a big jump from the eleventh. This kind of means that I can climb up after the hang is blasted.

The p2 stage is going to usher in the p3 stage. At this time, the busiest one is actually a therapeutic occupation. The three treatments must ensure that everyone's blood line is as full as possible. Otherwise, even if it is open or reduced, it is useless. There are no more than 10,000 injuries in the big move, and players at this stage generally have only about 3,000 blood.

At this time, it is simply a special show of shaman's flower jade. At this stage, the shaman is the king of the group brush.

The priest is very versatile in this treatment. Both the monomer and the group brush are strong. The Paladin treatment can hardly be treated in groups, but the single treatment is invincible. The shaman is more focused on group therapy. The druid has uniqueness in continuous recovery. Where.

But the shaman treatment on the court is very weak, because their survivability is almost the worst of all treatments.

"Three, two, one, reduce injury," Lu is carefully observing the fire circle, decisively countdown when it is about to erupt, so that the fire ring appears almost out of thin air and almost ubiquitous, it is difficult to let some resistance The occupation blocks the damage for other teammates.

All the people have opened their most savage injuries.

The land and the water elves are simple, and they can go straight to the wind. As long as they have a good time, they will be unscathed; the green flag and alcohol can open the invincible reading of the hearthstone. This kind of small scene is drizzling for him; The injury reduction that was just intentionally left has finally come in handy. The children’s words have become a giant bear. The blood volume has actually left a small amount of blood. The two priests simply opened the injury reduction. In the past, this time the pastor was never crispy; the two mages were equally simple, and the refrigerator was safe and sound; the shaman’s appreciation of the jade was also under the protection of the smashing army...

Not to mention the blue sea breeze, his total blood volume is more than 5,000, as long as there is defense, such a big move can not hang him twice.

The rest of the people, the two warlocks horse honeycomb and the phantom glazed are not quite past, the smashing army alone bears the damage suffered by two people, after all, unable to return to the sky, the hunter's ear stunned and hung.

So there are eleven people left on the field!

"Well, the treatment will fill everyone's blood, everyone will increase the output, and there are any means to make it out," Lu Yi's body became a giant wolf to the wave ss.

Don't look at the hanging of so many people, the blood volume of the wave ss is not much, even if the wave ss will eventually be violent, everyone has a certain degree of control to get rid of the wave ss, now need to do as soon as possible to get rid of the wave ss, lest he come again This kind of big move that can make people die.

(To be continued.)

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