The Great Thief

Chapter 1108: 傀儡 帅 handsome (seeking a monthly pass)

Xiao Mo’s shield cooled for an hour and could only withstand three seconds of attack. Naturally, it could not be used again. In fact, everyone does not expect to use this way to tide over the difficulties. With Agmanchi’s urine, he is very There may be a third time, a fourth time, I don’t know how many times the big move is waiting for the player.

After the group was destroyed twice, Lu Clap clap and decided to stand up and act as the "savior."

“There are no winds to see the four pillars in this hall,” Lu said, pointing to the four pillars in the room. “Put the wave ss to the middle. When he zooms in, let’s hide behind the pillars. Going, maybe you can support the past and maybe."

"Not very likely, this is lightning damage," Wendlyan was very suspicious.

As everyone knows, the matter of electric shock is not to say that the wave ss can't see you, it's okay. Everyone just saw it clearly. The electric mans that spread the whole house will never leave any breathing room for the players.

"Do not try to know," Lu stayed.

Other than that, there seems to be no better way. Others naturally do not object, anyway, the group is destroyed, no matter how it is destroyed.

The azure sea breeze pulled Amaganche and two stone scorpions reopened. Everything was restarted slowly and moved to the set position. Then the others stood in the triangle position and repeated numerous steps before starting the repetition.

The opening was not very smooth. I started hanging up 11 times at the beginning. Why do I have to hang it every time? This puzzle has not been solved yet, but the land is still not stopped.

Qingqi Liquor can replace him as a task against the scorpion.

After the difficult period of p1, I was relieved to the p2 stage, and then came to the p3 stage where people were struggling.


Lu Yiyi shouted and prepared, and everyone else stopped to stop the attack. When he shouted, all of them spread their feet and ran to the back of the pillar. Even the blue sea breeze responsible for the anti-blame ran away. He actually had a land. Without the skipping skills he used, he was very profity when he ran away.

Fortunately, the wave ss has been stiff there when guiding the big move, otherwise his hateful object ran away.

The lightning was scattered, and the entire hall was under the cover of lightning...

Just as the lightning touched on themselves, everyone was desperate. Even when they were too lazy to open the injury, they suddenly found that the lightning net that could have been off their second did not play its due role.

"I understand," Xiao Mo first found a reasonable explanation: "This lightning net has the highest damage in the thicker places. We are hiding behind the small lightning bolts that are extended by the big lightning. The damage will be much weaker. The strategy is indeed correct."

Some people from Lu Lele help explain, just look for a method.

If you think that Agmanqi’s wave ss only has this level, it’s really naive. As a commander, how could he only have the two scorpions in the beginning?

Then, one after another was summoned.

When I get here, there is a scene that everyone likes very much. These cockroaches can actually be manipulated. If you smash the blood of the cockroach, you can choose to control this cockroach, and then the player enters the sly body. Form and skill to fight.

Like a bumper car, many players like this stage.

The output is weak, or because the defense is too low, there are dangerous occupations outside, you can choose to fight other shackles in the form of squats, as well as wave ss.

Of course, mt and the treatment profession can't choose to do this, they have to hang around with the waves ss.

The damage that you receive will not be spread to the player until the endurance of a total of 100 points is completely disabled, and the damage is very high, so most players will kill one and then play a game of mech monsters. .

傀儡 Continuation of about three minutes to five minutes, the key to the speed of damage caused by the wave ss.

The summoning of this trick has no effect, and it seems to have fueled the limelight of the players. So the commander of the squad, Agmanchi, came up with new tricks. He seems to be studying a kind of dark magic that can separate the soul from the flesh.

So, forgetting that Feng was taken away by his finger, the rest of the body became awkward.

This shameful mage became the ss of the wave ss, and various skills rushed toward the teammates, and others were too busy to avoid.

In fact, if you simply forget the maple, it will not affect anything. Everyone has handed over the game. If someone deliberately wants to delay the time, who will kill who will die for a while?

The key is that the wave ss is not satisfied with only one new younger brother, and then one after another, the player is clicked.

This stage is actually very dangerous. After all, the number of players is decreasing, and the number of cockroaches is increasing. If you have a treatment or mt, then it will be completely destroyed.

Agmanchi’s blood volume is less than 10%. At this time, the group will really depress the dead.

"There are control skills thrown to the controlled person, others are fully output wave ss," Lu Li quickly yelled and want to play the players who are controlled by the teammates, have come to this time, not a bang.

During the speech, he threw a blindness to the side of the Mo-Yun Feng, and then rushed to the wave ss.

Five controlled players, including two treatment professions, fortunately there is a March rain in the blood, others struggled to output waves ss, simply in the race against time and wave ss grab time.

After that, even if someone is named, there will be other players who will wake up, and the number of people being controlled will be stable to five.

The worst luck was that the blue sea breeze was controlled. The smashing army was in danger and the scalp was going to resist the ss. The injury was really a thrilling, and it was estimated that he couldn’t even hold it twice. It was totally three treatments. I don’t care about the mana value, I’m trying to brush his blood.

"I am coming, I am coming," the blue sea breeze sorted out and quickly replaced the smashing army.

The magic value of the three healing professions is almost empty in just a few ten seconds. The blue sea breeze is a pain for the treatment profession, and the star player of the fart is mt.

With the blue sea breeze accepting the wave ss, the situation immediately improved, and other players themselves signed up by means of the means, finally let the treatment profession have a chance to take a break.

Fortunately, this time, the commander of the squad, Agmanchi, was not violent. Lu Yi let the children’s words have no basis to recover the poor eleven battles. This time, all the members passed the test of this ss, in which the blue The sea breeze and the flower jade are rewarded with skill points.

The commander-in-chief Agmanchi is a very simple wave ss.

Even if the normal team knows the Raiders, it may be necessary to kill them for a few hours. Even some small guild cards can't be beaten here.

Therefore, his fall is not cold.

The legendary equipment that Lu is known about, the commander of the squad, Agemanqi, may be the ring of Amaganche and the wind of recovery.

In particular, the wind of recovery can be said to be the badge of the super-goods of the legal system. With its legal profession, it is a perpetual motion machine, because it can recover a lot of magic for the legal profession in the battle.

The ring of Amaganche has the same good attributes. His user is mt. One of the most famous special effects is that he has a certain probability to stack a layer of rock shield when he is hit. A total of five layers can be superimposed. The ring made some mt dare to sway around a large group of siblings.

Of course, although the wave ss is not useless, but the effect is not so obvious, after all, the wave ss attack is too high, the five-layer rock shield is not enough for ordinary attacks.

Lu is a bit entangled now, I don't know what equipment I hope to produce.

In terms of value, of course, the wind of recovery is more valuable, but the wind of recovery is only eligible for roll in March, and his competitors are as many as seven or eight, but if it falls, it is the ring of Amaganche. With the performance of the blue sea breeze and the revolutionary friendship he and the smashing army established, he is likely to directly acquire this legendary ring.

Even if the smashing army is cheeky and roll together, the blue sea breeze may not lose him. (To be continued.)

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