The Great Thief

Chapter 1166: kill

The capital of glory has been practicing in the ruins of Solança for a week, and the 30 most elite elite groups have averaged more than one and a half times each, which is twice as fast as the outside, especially the club’s players. All the energy of the game is on the leveling level.

"Boss, just a person almost came in," after Lu left, the person felt uneasy, and reported the situation to Xiao Mo.

Xiao Mo is facing a group of naga to release the blizzard skills, one by one from the monsters' heads, many of them are crit damage, constantly falling monsters, and constantly monsters are led to join in .

He is still inferior to the 57th level and has already entered the top five of the list.

The people responsible for blaming and resisting blame didn't even join the team of their five wizards, in order to maximize his experience.

“Who is this?” Xiao Mo asked.

"A thief, it seems to be leveling, blindfolded, did not say anything, once we heard that we are going to level up here immediately, I feel that the impact is not big," said the analyst.

"Do you think?" Xiao Mo did not stop, but snorted and said: "Then you think, he is consciously coming here, or beating and hitting, you think again, one person comes this way. Map leveling, what level and equipment basis does he need? What do you think, send people to expand the warning circle, and come over and report immediately if there is any problem."

The person who came to report saw Xiao Mo's look serious, and he did not dare to smile at the hippie. After a call, he greeted a group of people out of the valley.

On the other hand, the little thief is leading the dragon dust, the flower jade, and a warlock of the **** battle flag slowly touched the island of Sardo. They did not go to the Yuyue Fortress, nor did they go straight to Solanza. The ruins, but along the coastline, passed to the back of the ruins of Solansal.

"Let's go in from here, beat them by surprise, and then send someone to block the front door," the little thief said to the mountain in front.

Looking at the flowers and jade and dragon dust, you can only see the steep mountain range, which can be called a cliff. It used to be the fortress of Naga. The location of the selection is absolutely easy to defend. It is impossible to see where to go. Beating someone is caught off guard.

In fact, according to their thoughts, some thieves can be sent to sneak in, and then they will be attacked from the entrance position after the chaos.

"Hey, there is a road that can go straight into the ruins of Soranza, which we found," the little thief smiled and added: "In order not to disturb the people inside, we have spent a lot of time and energy on thousands of thieves. ”

"There are shortcuts!" The spirit of the jade flower is shocked: "Well, if we can enter the ruins unconsciously, we will not let your organization be busy."

He has already decided to bleed, not only to block the main members of the glory capital, so an intelligence team has more burdocks than their glory capital, and must be entangled, and maybe there will be More important information.

Of course, it would be better if it could be used for its own purposes.

"Just pull people outside," the little thief looked slightly, and said something.

"No problem, the warlock starts," the warlocks who show the flowers and jade can start. The game has been open for half a year. Most club guilds have warlocks who can use the summoning gate. The **** battle flag is not lacking. Talents.

"The people in front should be careful. Their warning lines are very high. The arranged thieves can go on the hillside." The little thief temporarily played the role of commander.

In fact, he was just a megaphone. He flew high in the sky and flew high in the sky. Everything under the scene was covered, including a group of thieves out of the valley and hidden in his body. These thieves did not deliberate at the beginning. Keep it hidden.

The Scarlet Battle Flag is also prepared for this moment. At the very least, the players who are pulled over have at least 80 elites.

These people don’t know what they are going to do from start to finish. Naturally, they can’t sell information out. If the **** battle flag is pulled out like the glory capital, 30 percent of the elite group will not miss the news. They are really Not necessarily able to do it.

More and more people, fortunately here is behind the valley where the ruins are located, no one can find them.

Eighty elites were in place, and the little thieves took everyone on the move. He quickly found a passage in the position of the mountain wall. It was about five or six people in parallel. It was very flat and soon let the big troops walk past. .

From the last time, I knew that there is a passage here. According to the architecture and monster distribution inside the Soranza ruins, it is difficult to be seen in the valley as long as it is attached to the hillside, so these 80 elites can be quietly heard. The completion of the encirclement, and there are several summoning gates outside, the elite group of **** battle flags slightly outside is also being summoned, they will enter the battlefield behind.

It can be said that for the 3,000 people who ambushed the capital of glory, the **** battle flag has invested tens of thousands of troops.

They have repeatedly defeated each other in the confrontation with the Capital of Glory. They don’t have to leave the reminder to know how many people need to use them to achieve their goals.

The first thing to start is a group of thieves who sneaked in and made up the chaos after the battle started. They dragged the players in the glory of the scene as much as possible, forcing them to enter the battle, so that they would not use the hearth to escape. Big, after all, the players in the glory capital are fighting, they are in a state of combat.

After these thieves entered, the **** flagged people began to split into several waves of people in the middle of the impact.

The land is watching the battle in the sky, just like the cold water and the boiling oil contact and the endless fire, the heart of glory has suffered huge losses from the beginning.

The **** battle flag is almost three times as powerful as the capital of glory, but they are in a state of being surrounded from the outside, so the two sides are not one-sided, and the glory of the capital will soon be back. Their people will gather together to resist. , greatly slowed down the speed of their entire army.

Lu is staring at one place, where Xiao Mo is in the position, he can see the iconic blood red staff in Xiao Mo's hand.

This staff does not know what it is, only know that Xiao Mo has been from the very beginning, and it is estimated that it is something that can be upgraded like his supreme ring, otherwise he will not change equipment.

Xiao Mo was entangled. Although he killed the person who attacked him, he also lost the opportunity to use the hearth to escape.

"How to do?"

"What can I do, to get the wave ss out, the racers and the level of 55 or more are ready to leave, and then find them to settle accounts," Xiao Mo is very calm, waiting for the battle to escape from the battle under the guard of a group of people. As long as you don't fight and keep a certain distance from the enemy, you can quickly get out of the battle. You can use Hearthstone after the battle, and you can leave after reading for 30 seconds. (To be continued.)

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