The Great Thief

Chapter 1196: Harvest

The flower bottom has never felt so cool!

As a mage, isn't a mage who doesn't like pk normal?

For the average person, it should be normal, each has its own gameplay, but the flower of the ruling sword is a little bit normal. There is no such thing as a normal one. It is the top three in the twilight ranks. For a long time, he was pressed on Xiaomo’s head, and even Xiao Mo paid attention to him from time to time.

Moreover, he is still the main force of the ruling sword pioneering team. As long as there is a master, good equipment is preferred to him.

Many people think that his equipment is better than Xiaomo. Of course, it is impossible for Xiaomo to know how much money he has spent. It reflects the overall strength and courage of a super-old big guild.

But this goods will not pk!

In fact, high-end pve players in the pk even if the difference is not bad to go anywhere, after all, no matter what the game is to test the ability and operation, you can not beat people.

But the fact that the flower is at the end of the day is an exception. The **** man of social phobia is flustered.

Now, he is standing next to his sister, his hands open, his arms lifted slightly, and a cold blizzard continually scoured the cemetery of the Horde players under the guidance of his spells. As long as the players resurrected to meet them, it was the baptism of the blizzard. .

This level of equipment is smashed, and the damage is of course horrifying.

At least the land can't be inserted at all. He can only watch these poor casual players hang up, hang up and get up.

There is honor in killing, not only the murderer, but also the accomplice, so everyone is not in a hurry to grab the head, watching a few guys use the group attack skills to rag here.

The battle didn't last long, after all, the Horde players lost all their resources.

The system prompts that they have won the victory, and then they are sent out of the battlefield. If there is no delay, the land will be discharged. It will be quick to play. After all, it will take a little time to fight the battlefield, not every second. (I have been wondering why the league will be in the second row, but the Horde has to wait).

The second game still appeared in the old place.

But this time the opposite is not a distraction, but a team, the professional mix is ​​more reasonable, at first glance is for the battlefield.

The battlefield control panel can't see the name of the person, but you can see the occupational composition. After the battle starts, it will count the number of kills and kills of the player, the number of assisted kills, the total amount of damage, and the battle. The honor value obtained in .

"How come this time is not a loose person?" The flower bottom is not good, he likes the feeling of harvesting the head like a mowing.

Killing the list, he is high, and the second moonlight is several times. His sister March rain sees his eyes full of worship. At least he understands this. In fact, March rain is very surprised why his brother is so perverted. Bloodthirsty.

"It is normal, the system will be intelligently distributed," the Iraqi tears and fingers have been soaking in the battlefield recently, so I know more.

The so-called intelligent allocation only exists for teams of five or more people. The record of the battles they participate in will be used as a reference data. In the next game, the system is likely to just match the strength close to them. Team.

I used a lot of time when I left the second game, it is estimated that it is because the match is difficult.

It is really difficult to find a team whose strength is close to them.

This game is at least 55-level players. It seems that it should be a group of elite members of a guild. When they are out of the gate, they ride on the mount and rush to the gold mine, the lumberyard and the blacksmith shop.

There is no difference between the strategy and the previous one. Lu is still pointing to the blacksmith shop with the main soldier bee. The blacksmith shop is located in the center of the map. If you take this place, you can go to another 4 bases at any time, so it is very strategic. Generally, the battle of the blacksmith shop is also The most intense, land-based main attack here can easily control the overall situation.

When Lu came to the blacksmith shop, it was too late to open the flag and saw a mage rushing on an ostrich.

The ostrich is a race mount of the blood elf. It is quite funny to run wild, and the speed of the movement is not good. The current mount speed is almost the same, so he and the land are almost at the same time to the blacksmith shop.

Lu Lu certainly didn't work in vain to open the flag. He jumped from the mount and went straight to the mage who had smashed it.

The mage is obviously not a fuel-efficient lamp. While retreating, he summoned the water element. The dagger of the land has just poked on him. His ice shield has been covered. He harassed his teammates and rescued his teammates. The combat experience shows that these people are often on the battlefield.

The battlefield is different from the arena, and the battle inside is more scattered.

For example, now, several of them have attacked the leather thief together, and Lu has to retreat to retreat to his own camp.

"The wandering entangles them, and they help them to heal!" Of course, he can't idle, while letting other more resistant players such as the rainy wanderer, the paladin go to charge, and in conjunction with the other words, the other party's treatment. Druid.

The most feared thing about fighting the battlefield is that they don’t listen to the command, but they only want to kill and not treat.

Fortunately, there are people who are ruling swords here. There is no such thing as not listening to the command, so this poor druid treatment hangs almost without a few, and the treatment is dead, and the rest are naturally It’s hard to do anything, let’s say, also on the blacksmith’s side, there are more than two ruling swords.

"The logging farm crisis, the logging field crisis, the request for support, I am embarrassed," Fat Monkey's voice yelled in the chat channel.

Listening to the last tone, it is estimated that it is hanging, but I don’t know what to hang.

"Mu Qiu, memories, promises, you are here to guard the blacksmith shop, others go with me to the lumberyard, how about the gold mine?" Lu Li summoned the mount to ride up and asked while running.

Flying mounts or similar means cannot be used in the battlefield, so it is impossible for the land to become the high ground where the crows fly to the lumberyard. They can only run all the way with the mount. He is still good, and there is no money to buy the mount. You can only move forward with a little bit of two short legs.

"If the gold mine is properly, they will come over two people," replied back to zero.

It seems that the opposite of these people is the main force in the logging field, and then the blacksmith shop, the gold mine is estimated to be abandoned from the beginning.

"There is a thief in the animal bar, what should I do?" Bai Renyou asked.

"Don't let him open the flag, the light goes!" Lu looked at the position of the teammates on the map, so that the moonlight was supported by the past. If there were two defenses, Moonlight and Bairenyou, it would be no good to go to the two thieves. Moreover, it is unrealistic to think that the other party sent people to the animal bar to take a chance, and that the middle stage has not yet dominated the case.

"Day, I don't want to keep the flag," the moonlight protested.

"If you can kill the thieves in the farmland, go to the blacksmith shop or the gold mine. I guess they will go there after the resurrection. Hey, Master, why are you still not dead?" The strange thing is that the fat monkey did not hang.

"Cut, I will not die if you die. I just got a second item and almost pushed me down." The fat monkey pointed to a shaman in the opposite camp.

It’s estimated that it’s a shaman’s thunderstorm, which can summon a bolt of lightning, inflicting damage to all nearby enemies within 10 yards, pushing them away from the shaman and reducing their movement speed by 5%. Forty, this skill is not too common, it is a task skill, only players who have affinity for the element say that the element shaman can accept it.

"Then why haven't you been pushed down, such a deep cliff, it is estimated that you are not dead or disabled."

"Wool, brother flashed in the first time, the action is cool and has no friends at all," the fat monkey is very proud.

A player at the race level relies on this to bully the ordinary elite players. What is so good, Lu is really too lazy to vomit him, and solves the opponent in three, five and two. He summons the mount and walks away directly.

A few points have not received a crisis call, so his head is also planning to play some stimulating, directly to attack the other side of the farmland.

The Arathi Basin is a valley where the mountains are ups and downs, but some of them are the most suitable farmland in the Eastern Kingdoms. The farmland is the closest to the tribal base camp, so it is generally the default for the tribes.

Staying behind is certain, just don't know how many people are left behind. (To be continued.)

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