The Great Thief

Chapter 1199: Live broadcast

If this is the moonlight, who is the horse riding the headless knight?

The ruling sword has a total of two reins of the headless knight, one is the club's old continent, and the other is the elite core of the ruling sword.

The two well-known fire methods of the ruling sword are well recognized. The fat monkey is used to wearing a red robes or a cloak. He likes to wear a golden crown on his head, and he is very capable of doing things. Norwegian prefers to wear low-key black equipment. However, it seems that he has always been a blue-length staff, and the players are estimated to be a upgradeable equipment.

Since this person cannot be a promise, it is naturally a departure.

Moonlight, land away...

What is this concept? This is a name that only exists in the legend. It is as if you know that a certain person is a first-line star and can be seen all day in the TV, but when he appears to be with you one day, I will line up with you. When buying a dumpling, this naturally has no way to calm down.

Arthur’s live room is completely boiling.

False, it must be fake, how can Lu Yi personally go to the battlefield.

Upstairs 666, is it not to pull s and do not go to yourself, how can Lu Yi personally pull s, right?

It won't be true. Is it possible for someone else, but there is moonlight too, Arthur is developed today, I will go to other rooms to advertise for you, but you have to fight side by side with Moonlight. the man.

Pounce on, what are you waiting for, don’t hurry up and py trade!

Hold your thighs and call Dad!


Moonlight dad waiting for me, I have to go to the battlefield today!

Hey, you two of these goods, that is really a land, you see, the moonlight followed him back out, except who is still qualified to let him follow, I go, the other must be my goddess March rain, Arthur Her veil, I will give you a flying ship, Arthur’s father beg you...

The pitted goods that let others call Dad reacted quickly to Biaser. He quickly put on the equipment, shouting his father in the mouth, and chasing after him.

It is a pity that he walked on two legs and chased it out only to share the dust.

Looking back and taking a look, I was a little dumbfounded. For the eleven people who were all left, he ran to the gold mine. Even the people who left the flag of the beast bar did not.

"You don't want to come over, one team goes to logging, the rest go to the blacksmith shop, we have the gold mine to support in the past," Lu Yi served as a temporary commander on the battlefield channel, and the wild group also had a bad place, but let What happened to him was that these scattered players, including the murderous pit goods, actually did all the tricks.

In fact, he is a little underestimating his influence.

He is a landlord. The loss of the first position in the rankings did not reduce his prestige. This shows that he was admired not because of the level and equipment, but that he once killed Xiao Mo and later again and again on the court. Defeat the record of the powerful opponents.

Besides, he is still the most respected commander at the moment.

This concept is very important. It can be said that almost everyone in this battlefield has seen the video of the land. The sword of the ruling is to promote the low-level copy video that it has actively released. There are also some pvp teaching videos, so they have subconsciously The command of Lu Yi was regarded as a textbook.

Now that the textbook is talking, let me go to the dog, please rest assured that I will never go to the chicken.

Looking at a group of people whistling away, Lu is slightly relieved, and if they act collectively when they fight the battlefield, no matter how many bulls they have, they will lose.

The gold mine is a depression, and a mine hole is cut near the mountain wall, and then the house is covered. A considerable part of the resource output of this area comes from here, but the game is easy to calculate, so five points. Resource output is the same speed.

At this time, both sides are rushing to the resources of various places, and the first-timers can directly open the flag.

When they were not in the gold mine, they saw a tribal player riding on the mount, but the man had not yet reached the place and pulled the reins. At least he was still awake, knowing that he used two The person who has not yet reached the leg, or how to deal with four by himself.

Lu Yi did not chase, but let the Iraqi people tear their fingers and sway the horse to open the flag.

The Yi people teared their fingers and released a dedication before they opened the flag. The holy light burned the ground and guarded against the possible thieves coming to attack.

System: The Iraqi tears slammed into the gold mine, and if they did not act quickly, the Alliance would occupy it in a minute.

After the gold mine's flag was over, the land left to protect the flag, and the other three people immediately rushed over the horse to the next point. The few people who had retired before at least had left the surface.

The flag is in the groove of a basin. The land is selected from the lurking position next to the high ground. Here, you can pay attention to the state of refreshing at any time, and you can pay attention to whether someone will steal the flag below, and some people will probe the brain in a short time. The gold mine was observed at the top of the mountain above the gold mine basin.

This is a mage. He found that no one in the gold mine was excited immediately.

The excitement of the battlefield is reflected here. If you are lucky, you may be able to control a battle. Even if it is not so exaggerated, at least it will be a successful capture of resources. This is a sense of accomplishment for ordinary players.

The mage jumped down and used the feathering technique, which is similar to the priest's floating technique. The difference is that the feathering technique requires casting materials and can only be released on one's own body.

Lu did not immediately go up to attack the Master.

However, the Master is very vigilant. He first released a few magic blasts around the flag. This skill belongs to the group injury skill. The damage is not too high, but at least it is an instant skill, and relatively less blue consumption, so the Masters I like to use this skill to burst out the thieves hidden behind me.

Lu Lijun looked at him in a high place and looked at him in vain.

Perhaps I feel that the surrounding area is safe. I did have a cheap price. The Master opened the flag in the past. He was almost sure that he could hear the name of the entire battlefield and raided the gold mine.

There is a process of reading the flag for a total of thirty seconds, which is not long.

However, these thirty seconds for the Master, but it is as difficult as a year, this empty gold mine feels a bit strange.

When the reading reached twenty-five seconds, he finally realized that his instincts were correct, because his reading was interrupted, and a thief knocked a sap on his head.

Abominable thieves!

The Tibetan head of the Tibetan head does not dare to come out to see people. Presumably, the strength is also general. Even if you solve it, you will not be the same when you turn back to open the flag.

The mage was about to turn confidently and solve this odious sneak attacker, only to find himself being stunned again.

This time it was not a sap, but a sneak attack. The person hiding in the dark actually started to be strong. The mage sneered and decided to give the other party a chance to perform. A rookie with a hidden head, even if he got the first hand, how can he ?

Wait, why did he beat himself so much, I went, this is still a shadow attack, why did I get away from my own four or five hundred blood.

The mage hangs very quickly. In this one-on-one battle with the first move, if you still need to waste your hands and feet, then he really does not need to continue to mix. After killing the mage, the land is once again retracted to where he just stayed. The people who keep the flag are so boring and wretched.

The flag also reached a minute, and the system announced that the alliance had occupied the gold mine.

Coupled with the previous animal bar, and the subsequent blacksmith shop, the Alliance has three resources, which is a step ahead of the Horde.

However, Lu was in trouble. He saw the mage who had just hanged. This time, the other party was not alone. There was a paladin and a druid with him. They were all difficult careers, even if they were away. How can cattle only call support?

"There is a person here to help the gold mine. Is anyone nearby?"

"Yes, I am here, I will come over immediately, you must hold on," said Arthur, the battlefield anchor that has been abused countless times.

His chat room is very much at the beginning of the scene.

It should have been like this for a long time. So thick thighs don’t hurry up. Arthur, you go to the heat, the number of people watching the live broadcast will soon break 50,000.

Five hundred to five thousand, Arthur, you are on fire!

Hey, think about it, Arthur, you are the first person to go to the rescue game...

Arthur had no intention to pay attention to the barrage. He had already turned off the barrage interface in the game. Now he is desperately slamming his legs and running away from the land.

He is a paladin, a paladin who takes a balanced route.

The so-called balanced route Paladin, that is to say he can resist, can add blood, can output, seems to be very comprehensive, in fact, everything will be nothing but proficient, but his brain is still sober, when he saw Lu Yi controlled a mage, was fighting with a druid, and occasionally able to free his hand to interrupt the flag-raising paladin, Arthur directly chose to add blood to Lu.

The land was originally destroyed by a lot of blood, and then he was also milk, so that the brush without cost would always fill the blood of the land.

A kick from the ground interrupted the druid's blood-adding skills, the dagger was held down, and it was stretched under the other's neck.

Wipe the throat!

Druid slammed into the ground and actually crited out. It was only that the cargo was too bad. It was estimated that there were also elements of the enemy. I felt that three of them had one, so they only went to the blood and waited until the blood was released. I felt that I couldn’t hold on, but I was interrupted by the addition of blood skills.

The paladin who wanted to open the flag did not expect the teammates to fight so.

In fact, after the Druid becomes a bear, the blood will indeed become thicker, but if there is no equipment and skill support, the extra blood will be empty.

In addition, none of these treatments is the key to killing people. Otherwise, unless they are treated first, he will not kill a **** druid in the case of treatment plus blood.

After killing the druid, he immediately rushed to the mage who was still blinded by him.

The gold mines were quickly cleared up, and the gold mine crisis was over. At this time, the system began to remind the moonlight to capture the logging field. The battle space of the Horde players was further compressed, and the battle quickly came to an end. .

As for the request of Arthur to ask the team, Lu was ignored.

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