The Great Thief

Chapter 1218: casualties

"You can never understand the true meaning of death, because no one of you has died!" Severni stood up from the throne of the bones, and the top of the staff in his hand was inlaid with a delicate head.

Some people say that this is the head of her husband, and that it is her son, which is obviously not important.

A strong shadow halo rises from her feet, and then violently expands out. All the players in the battle range have a damage number of more than two thousand.

This is not finished, all the monsters affected by the halo are all violent at the same time.

It’s a wild wave ss. A hand is a ruin of the earth. In comparison, her master Rather Lake is lacking in this respect. From the beginning to the end, she is attacked with a single cell and died with Lolamus. Hey, otherwise you will not dare to go to fight without the treatment.

Of course, it is also possible that Russell Lake did not leave the land at all.

"Treatment brush up!" Without shouting, the treatment of each team began to systematically treat everyone.

The ruling sword now has a total of four elite groups, two key elite groups, and the level of one group and two groups has already reached the level of the first-line club elite group under the guidance of several commanders. The three groups are slightly weaker, but It has also begun to attack the wild wave ss alone. The general guild is difficult to be a leader.

The four regiments are mainly pk regiments, which are responsible for protecting the other three regiments. The mission is the main force once the pvp battle occurs.

The blue sea breeze screamed and greeted the wave ss. His body seemed taller than Severin, but the heavy blow, the shield was like a regret on a mountain.

"Three hundred and five million blood, hehe!"

I haven't seen so many blood waves, but as a warlock, there is so much blood, it is really cold from the bottom of my heart, not to mention that it still weakens the result after 30%.

A shadow arrow hit the blue sea breeze, a damage of nearly three thousand will rise, and the night with two milk rides for mt blood, quickly replenish the lost blood.

"You don't know what it is to fear..." Swinnie raised her staff.


The voice of the land has not fallen, and the counter-terrorism totems have been inserted into the ground immediately, but there are still many people who are running around with fear.

Fortunately, the main Raiders of mt, treatment and so on have been escorted by the priests in the protection fear enchantment. Although this is added in advance, it is a 100% effective means compared with the anti-terrorism totem of a certain probability of immune fear, so the wave ss The hatred is still relatively stable.

Dark fire and rain!

A dark black flame descended from the sky, and immediately ignited a blazing flame when it hit the ground. Many players were smashed or burned, and the damage in the scorpion was higher, but the burning was continuous.

"Attention to your feet, don't step on the fire," Lu said.

The players started to move, although some people continually hang, but they are all within the scope of acceptance. In fact, as long as there are no other guilds or casual players to follow, the number of player deaths is not terrible under the correct command of the commander.

"The wind is less to the left, start to move, everyone slowly keeps up," just let go of the big move, Lu Su suspected that the wave ss may have a short pause, so began to command everyone to switch the battlefield.

The so-called switching battlefield means that the players participating in the battle move quietly, revealing the fallen players, and the treatment without the battle will come and save people.

After all, the experience of falling in the wild is terrible, and the loss will be reduced if it is saved.

This kind of wave of ss hatred is very wide, and she will not lose hatred because of the movement of the battlefield. When the battlefield moves successfully, she begins to release new tricks.

This time it is hypnosis.

Hypnosis causes the target to fall asleep, and the whole process lasts for three stages, the slow phase, and the coma phase.

In the slow phase, the skill reading time becomes longer, the coma stage, the player can't release the skill or move, the wake phase is almost the same as the slow phase, each phase lasts for three seconds, a total of nine seconds, and the players in these three stages almost lose their combat power.

In this way, this skill is not terrible.

But if you consider that Severnie is a hypnotic player in a piece, I am afraid it is not just horrible. When dozens of players are hypnotized, when dozens of players are hypnotized, the whole scene has begun to confuse. It is.

"The small head is responsible for the support of the surrounding areas that have not been hypnotized, and the treatment is safe." Lu is still very calm, and it seems that this is not difficult.

Two minutes later, the hypnosis phase was completely removed and the player had already damaged more than forty.

This stage is more than the total number of hangs in the previous ten minutes. Lu Yi had to ask the blue sea breeze to transfer to the battlefield again. He felt that this level of damage was very hurt, but everyone was not depressed.

Just this wave was enough to kill the vast majority of the team, but they only lost one-fifth of the people.

As long as the transfer of the battlefield is successful, it will certainly be able to reinvigorate. As for the loss of experience of everyone, please call the wild wave ss how it may not be dead. In fact, the calculation is a field leveling. It is common for ordinary players to die several times a day.

After hypnosis, the p1 phase comes to an end and the p2 phase comes.

At the beginning, it is almost the same as the p1 stage. Hypnosis, this spell has not happened one after another. Otherwise, the team suddenly becomes big. The game company cannot design such a strong wave ss at the current stage.

Changed to the normal wave ss Raiders battle, there is a hypnosis in the waves ss can not live, there are competitors chaos, the players do not kill the group to blame.

The new big move in the p2 phase is coming soon.

"You don't know how powerful the evil magic method is. Look, this is a gift from the twisted void," Swinnie screamed and laughed.

Accompanied by countless fire groups, these are not dark fireworks, because they did not burn after landing, but turned into a hellfire.

The core structure of Hellfire is made of dark stone. After landing, it will not only cause damage, but also cause a certain range of players around the landing to be dizzy. The closest is usually three seconds, and the periphery is gradually decreasing.

Hellfire is different from ordinary structures. They are born of pure chaotic energy. Magic can barely support their form. Once they leave the twisted void, their bodies will fall apart in a few minutes or even seconds.

Therefore, the hellfire summoned by Severnie can only exist for sixty seconds.

Either support these sixty seconds, or kill them within this range. The choice of land selection is the former. He orders each small team's mt to hold these hellfires, except for the squad treatment to watch these mt blood. Others continue to maintain the output of the wave ss, and these hellfires disappear after sixty seconds.

At this stage, the player also has no small casualties.

Fortunately, the p2 phase has finally passed.

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