The Great Thief

Chapter 1227: Set a set (guarantee a monthly pass)

The water elf also followed.

The girl said that she would like to go with it. If there is no objection, other people will naturally not say anything, and it seems normal to them.

The group went directly to a cliff on the back of the mountain. The red soil mountain seemed to be melted into a big hole, and there was a faint scream in it.

Lu was the last time to come here to solve the servant of Russell, belonging to the tribe's dead soul quest.

Then I went to steal Orista's talisman and needed to go through this cave to the Master's Tower. This is the only passage to the Master's Tower before flying skills and mounts.

Perhaps because of his confidence in his strength, Ollista did not set a magic trap in the cave.

Therefore, the land has entered the cave with a few unscathed, and only needs to solve the monsters all the way. When the monsters on the road are solved, they enter the Panhu Valley.

Of course there are snakes in the Pangu Valley!

When I was alone, I didn’t think that when I came here, there were a lot of girls in the room. When I saw these snake creatures that were coiled together, I suddenly became white.

The snake here is not the same as the snake elsewhere. Everywhere else is a single crawl on the ground.

And here is a group of people in the group together, do not have to look at it to know that this group of snakes is exactly five, made up a small team, they wriggle in the grass, not only looks disgusting, but also can not prevent, one If you accidentally, you can lead to two or even three regiments, that is, fifteen screaming fiercely.

What makes the girls less calm is the taste of the valley. The game company is really simulating the quirky smell of cold-blooded reptiles.

In the deepest part of the Mage Tower Valley, it is very difficult to count Olista. As long as he is in the Master Tower, he can know that someone has entered the valley because these snakes are his eyeliner. It’s easy to touch in, it’s because Ollista is not at home.

Lu Shi said that the sesame stuffed dumplings began to work, and a summoning door began to pull people over.

The people who come over don't have to delay. It is enough to clean up the snakes all over the valley. The antidote can be found by specific people. Since the sesame stuffed dumplings brought the apprentice, he rarely used this conventional medicine.

Only a relatively rare formula, he did not learn anything that he did not learn.

The Water Elves also participated in the Daguai all the time. When other girls were scared and eclipsed, she became one of the most calm people, and the ruling sword player was amazed.

Some people say that such a girl, there will be someone who can get her.

Suddenly, the snakes in Panhu Valley suddenly rioted. They no longer huddled together and concealed in the grass. Instead, they began to climb out of the grass and collectively launched an attack on the players.

Lu Li looked up, just to see the tower on the high platform that the Master Tower stretched out, a white robe mage was blown up by the mountain wind.

Ollista is at home!

The wave ss did not go out, this news is really sad and happy, the headache is under the control of the wave ss, the number of these snakes is too much, the momentum is too strong.

In fact, the wave ss war has begun.

It is of course impossible to use the talisman at this time. He can only command the mts to move forward, and the treatment profession keeps up. Fortunately, when he pulls people, he is the first to pull the treatment and mt.

With the mt block in front, the player can output safely, and with the treatment, mt can block these tumultuous snake mobs, the legal professional damage in this environment to the extreme, after all, all A group of monsters are densely laid on the ground, just the target of crowding together.

The players involved in the Raiders were pulled into the Viper Valley during extreme times.

It was only then that they knew that the real purpose of the guild was to deal with the third wave of ss. This is the third sixty-level field wave ss today, and the most worrying things of other guilds have happened.

All of a sudden, four or five hundred people know that this secret is naturally not a secret.

The players of other guilds soon knew the scepter's sword. They finally panicked. No one wants to ruling the sword to stand up in this position. This includes not only the glory of the department.

Take the **** battle flag, they most hope that the glory is unlucky.

However, they absolutely did not want the sword of ruling to easily bring the capital of glory down. If the capital of glory is so easy to be destroyed, then what are the clubs that have been suppressed for so long by glory?

If you don't suffer from unequalness, we can't do it. We can't do it. What we can't do, how can you decide the sword?

You didn't even work hard!

Lu Yi had already expected this moment. He did not let the fire masters participate in the output, but arranged them to stay in the hole. Once someone came in, the first thing they suffered was the baptism of the fire group.

It is impossible for any thief to touch the cave without being discovered. After all, the fire magic is continuously burning.

There are also some other professions involved in the defense, mainly the four groups of pvp players, in this kind of cave, the landscape of the cave, even if it is to 100,000 people should be able to keep it.

The water elf looked at the layout of the land with the light, and began to mourn for those unwilling guilds.

She is more and more convinced that she is not as straightforward as her usual performance. He is not only black, it is sinister. This third wave of ss is said to be equipment, but it is better for him to find trouble for those who want to find trouble. The guild prepared a big gift.

First of all, following the coordinates, a guild of the Jiangnan nobility was found.

The burden they were given to explore the road was actually cannon fodder. The group walked for about two minutes in the dark and hot cave, and found light in a sharp turn.

I thought it was the end of the day, who would like to turn a corner is a flame from the sky.

No, it’s not a group, it’s a lot of groups, because the gunner’s cousin who stalked the road hangs without a bang, and then ran out without exception. After hanging a few, these people finally realized that something was wrong. At this time, if these people have not found out, then they may not even be qualified to be sent out as cannon fodder.

The two defenses were better pushed out, they were promised to subsidize certain gold coins, and they could be compensated for equipment losses.

The two death squads finally saw what was on the other side of the corner.

After the resurrection of the dead, they have a lingering remark that they have seen the things they have seen. It is a whole fire method where they are arranged into a fire group to attack the magic.

In addition, there seem to be two hunters. They not only pull bows and archery, but also release the flares alternately at the intersection. No wonder that a thief has just hanged in the past.

The cannon fodders are at a loss, so what is the point of sending them to death in the past?

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