The Great Thief

Chapter 1240: Leave to stay

Lu Li and Genhao saw that everyone was coming, stood up and said hello, and then they were seated.

The land, the roots, and the zeros are the three giants of the guild and belong to the true management.

With the expansion of the size of the guild, a root 叁 is obviously too busy. Later, the white bread was added as a helper. The white bread seems to be uncomfortable recently. Today, there is no attendance. As for the drifting, it is completely deserted. The ducks are on the shelves and forced to come up.

This person is very capable, except a little lazy, a little narcissistic, a bit poisonous, is simply the perfect club manager.

With such a talent, the most important thing is that the talents that can be trusted are not used. This is not in line with the style of the land. After several times of persuasion, I finally persuaded the drifting. After measuring the advantages and disadvantages of leaving home and taking the post. The name of the ruling sword club manager has been settled.

Of course, this is only a verbal statement for the time being.

Even the root number has no formal contract appointments, saying that he is the president of the Swords Guild.

"Everyone can sit down, their own people, no need to be restrained," Lu said that the chair around him said that except for the cat dad, the rest are all racers, moonlight, March rain, falling cherry memories, Mu Qiu, cat love Eat meat, fat monkeys, just ten people sit at a table.

These are basically racers, and it is no exaggeration to say that they are a family.

Because today's topic may be surrounded by racers, so the people of the small eight sauce did not call, to avoid getting more trouble.

"We are not restrained, but why are you so polite today," said the cat dad.

The cat loves to eat her meat and glances at her dad, pouting and not wanting to talk, anyway, it is very angry, even her dull people have already noticed that the atmosphere is a bit strange today.

"That's the case, then I will only say it, otherwise the meal will not be too happy." Lu is not going to bend around.

This is the case with his character. Although there is no lack of temperament, and occasionally even the upper abdomen black, these mental and abdominal blacks are the targets of the object, and they are generally not used by friends.

"Recently, it is the transfer season. I must have received invitations from all parties. I want to hear from everyone. If you want to leave, I will not stay in trouble. No penalty is required. You can choose what you want. Going to the place," Lu said quietly.

The face of the root number is immediately stretched.

What is the penalty for breach of contract, I am going, my boss can not be so two, you think this is a family, liquidated damages is one of the most important forces to restrain the players, any club wants to dig people to measure Although the buyer is paying the money, but the wool is on the sheep, the racer should also consider whether he can make the money back to the new owner.

For example, the sword of ruling, no matter how thick the club is, the default amount of the players is not a small amount.

For example, the fat monkey, he signed the annual salary is one million, the liquidated damages are three million, the buyer needs to pay the full amount of money, and the fat monkey can not give up the signature fee after digging the past, this It is also a huge expense, the signing fee is taken, and the annual salary is also given.

It’s really a monkey year to earn back the cost!

But if the liquidated damages are not needed, the cost of the job-hopping is too low.

The annual salary of two million people who want to invite fat monkeys, even if it is three million should also have local tyrants to consider, and the status is determined to be higher than his sword in the ruling.

Fat monkeys are like this, others are not.

"Three brothers, I don't have to say more, I can't say what I say. Everyone doesn't have to think who is sorry. The sword of ruling can go to today. No one here is impossible. It's just a pity that I can't walk with you again." Combat, "Fat monkeys interrupted the roots and wanted to say."

He is not an empathy. These words are real and hard. Anyone who walks will not stay in trouble.

"I can't go anyway, Dad, if you want to go, let's go," the cat snorted and snorted, turning her head away from her dad.

"Hey, your child, when did I say go, not all for you," said the cat's father, who vomited blood, and raised her daughter. She turned her face and turned her face. Who is her father? Cat Dad also wants to take advantage of her to get some benefits. At the very least, to ensure the appearance rate of each game, and the salary can also be used to double or triple the transfer season.

Under normal circumstances, everyone is doing this, even if the club is too upset, you can only recognize it.

After all, the transfer season is coming, the club must hurry up with its own players. If you don't add it, the racer will run out. At that time, even if the club won't get rid of it, at least it will not last for several years.

"No, I have to rely on my own strength to become the first warlock of Twilight." Cats love to eat meat and feel that there is no way to communicate with this old man.

Her father had lost money all the time, took her to see the headhunter, and then planned to use this to find the land to be welfare, the cat loves to eat meat and can't bear it, and now it has finally erupted.


It turned out that the fat monkey took the table: "The cat is very good about you. You have to be the first in the profession. What Xiaomo, Mo forgets the maple, and the Yuntianye, brothers will step on their feet sooner or later. I am still young, I will be the first in my career sooner or later."

"Hey, why are you going to meet with the headhunter, I have met you again," the good guy, did not use the land to start, directly revealed.

The red light of the fat monkey's face turned green and instantly turned around. He couldn't help but breathe. He scratched his head: "It's all the troubles of this mouth. The land they are looking for is really clever. I want to eat." The result was that I used to eat and drink, but I didn’t agree with anything."

"Then you go to ktv," cats and cats love to eat meat now seems to be completely standing on the side.

"I am going, sister, you know this, you should not go," Fat Monkey is not willing to be embarrassed, and counterattack in due course.

"I didn't go there. I know a player from our elite group. I said that you have recently taken people to ktv. Some of them are famous headhunters in the circle," said the cat.

"His uncle, brother, this is for who, is it Shen Dongge that slut, that ktv is his family opened, ruined, always complaining to me no one to go, I bring people to his business He actually smeared me," the fat monkey took a picture of his fat chest, and it was very likely that he would go directly to the buddy.

"It’s all shut up," Lu said, rubbing his temples, and the fat monkey was speechless.

In fact, the most likely way to leave is the fat monkey, because the treatment of the fat monkey is in the hands of the ruling swords and the cats love to eat the meat together, but he is very strong, and his value is far more than one million a year, and He also has the most contacts.

I did not expect that the reason for this product to contact the headhunter is to eat rice, and to bring people to sing is to bring business to the buddy.

If those headhunters know the truth, I don’t know if they will put fat monkeys on the blacklist that never goes.

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