The Great Thief

Chapter 1249: Erqi

The Icefield Snow Bear did something that made the torrent very speechless, and it rushed toward the grass.

Lu Yi is all looking at it, the route of this pet charge is almost from the north!

It must be a funny ratio sent by the monkey!

The torrent vomits blood. He ignores the loyalty of the pet. It must be the second-level loyalty. Although it is not rebellious, it is possible to make things that are inconsistent with the owner's orders.

Not as good as direct rebellion, the torrent can directly summon other pets.

Summoning a pet is an instant skill, but recalling a pet requires reading a note. The hunter summons the pet to recall the released pet first to recruit a new pet. The torrent is not going to be used, but not the pet is a helper. The power of the nine cows and two tigers is only a third of the blood of the land.

Lu Yi took out his own dagger, watching the torrent's body turned into white light, together with the white light and the seemingly very hard to use the claws to scratch the grass roots, in fact, a little bit of power did not come out of the strange pets.

It’s still relatively easy to get rid of one.

It is mainly the credit of the map. If it is a map of the frontal **** like the big round table, his thief can play a very limited role, and it is impossible to kill a hunter independently.

Of course, the pet is also the reason for the oolong.

Drilled into the grass to rest for a while, until the blood volume returned to full value, Lu Li became a small leopard to the destination.

Don't be slack because you just won, especially in this complex terrain, who knows who is going to meet at the next intersection.

The torrent was killed and there was of course a reaction on the panel of the stadium. At least his avatar was grayed out, but no one knew where the battle took place. It was a few people and who killed him.

The main style of the rainforest map is that the reality is very serious and everything is unknown.

After several confirmed directions, Lu Li quickly approached the location of the waterfall. During this period, he never encountered an enemy... or teammates, bad things happened one after another, fat monkeys and Mu Qiu hanged successively, so the opposite side of the guess At least some people are concentrated together, but I don’t know how many people are gathered together.

Mu Qiu is a paladin. If you meet a single player, at least you can protect yourself.

The fat monkey's words are mainly environmental problems. The fire magic is really dead in this environment. It is not only how much the so-called fire spell damage reduced by the system is so simple. The wet jungle may also hinder the release of magic, and the movement is also greatly affected. influences.

Others have concluded that fire masters will also be affected in such environmental conditions.

He will not be able to understand the situation for a while, and he will only be able to change his mind.

Originally, the teammates said that it is good to gather under the waterfall, but the land is actually moving toward the waterfall. Maybe the person who can meet the opposite is also uncertain. After all, the waterfall is one of the few clear landmarks on the game map. The squadron may also use this as a meeting point.

Above the waterfall is a flat land. The stream divides the landmark into a river ditch. The water flows over the heights and grows into a huge waterfall.

The land has quietly turned into a seal and swam in the water.

He can see the situation on the ground from the water, for example, he sees a wolf dog happily squatting by the water.

In exchange for the average person may regard this goods as a monster, but with the brain to know how this place may refresh the monster of the wolf dog, but also designed so humanized.

I really thought that becoming a star of Wang Xing would not know you!

An angry city!

The Ghost Wolf, instant, becomes a ghost wolf, the movement speed is increased by 30%, and the movement speed will not be reduced to below 100%.

Although selling is far less than druid, the shaman can transform into a nearly transparent big tail wolf.

Lu Yi did not rush to start to fight, after all, the enemy is unclear, the ghost knows why this goods are here, see him cheerful, maybe it is a bait.

A wolf jumped up and down the shore, a small seal quietly lurking under the water. This state lasted for two minutes, and the two people did not change until a pair of dead leaves were not far away. So far, it is clear that the temper is not so calm.

"I can't do it, it's been so long, let's go and join the cloud boss," said the windy impatiently.

"It seems that this is not the point where they meet." An angry city sighed: "They envy the boss and the gazing boss. They have already taken two people. It is a bit shameful for us to have such a good past."

"Those who lost your sister, you are jumping and jumping there. I am buried in the stinking grass. I almost said, even if it is a meeting point, they should also gather under the waterfall. For a while, it’s too much trouble.” The wind has come over and I haven’t seen the little seals lurking in the water.

"The following is not possible. I have been observing it for a long time," said a raging city.

"Then let's go... ..............." The wind didn't know why it suddenly stuttered.

"I am going, my son, are you finally confessing to me?" He laughed at the city, but he also knew that it was not a joke. He also saw the standing below the waterfall in the direction of the wind. Berserker in the water stream in the distance.

Far from seeing the color and style of the armor, it is obviously not the gaze of his teammates, it is naturally the moonlight of the ruling sword.

"Will it be a bait, why don't he run?" The wind can't take care of his teammates' own cheapness, and he is excited. Fortunately, he has not completely lost his senses. He also knows to seek the opinions of his teammates.

"It should not be a bait. If it is really a bait, it will not let the moonlight. Do you say that we can play the moonlight?" asked the city.

"No matter, I will go down first, you will wait to hurry up, let us output a treatment, and consume it," he said. "I heard that it was not a trap, and immediately jumped from the waterfall."

This level of height jumps, not half a life without killing, but whoever makes the wind more means, his cloak has a slow down effect, at this time open like a double wing, extreme wind pull down He can't wait to compete with the **** of the moonlight level.

Wait until he kills the moonlight, then go and stare at the cow.

Your life and death enemies are actually vulnerable under my hand. As for his helper, he is too angry to ignore it.

"Don't ah...ah..." When I saw that a figure jumped out of the water, I knew it was going to be bad, but his yell was a bit late and was interrupted in the attack. And the wind that has already jumped out can no longer fly back.

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