The Great Thief

Chapter 1260: Escaped BOSS

Seeing this damage value, Lu Lu has calmed down.

In normal times, if you are hit by a thousand or so damages at a time, he may be embarrassed a few times, but now it is different. He also has a prayer of the moon god. The total value of life is from the previous three or four thousand. The child rushed to 80,000, and the damage was simply drizzling.

In fact, these troll guards are really strong.

Luna Prayer adds more than just the value of life. It is added to almost everything that players can think of. Defense is also an extremely important aspect. Without this prayer of the gods, Lu lost at least three thousand blood just now. Normal players are absolutely killing.

Only the mt profession can barely stand the attack of such monsters.

Another troll guard was caught by the water elves. One person may have won two troll guards, but he may not be able to live. He does not have any skills and equipment to increase hatred.

"Boss, you are a light-hearted friend," the fat monkey did not dare to speak at the scene, he was a private chat.

"What is messy, how can I be light and light," Lu is still quite awesome, but the fat monkey is not afraid of him. The relationship between the two is also very good, so he complains that he does not feel anything wrong with the fat monkey. It’s just curious to know where I’m going to make this guy hug.

"Why let npc give water mm plus state, don't give me, this state is too fierce," fat monkey is very wronged.

He is good at attacking. If you have this state bonus, you will definitely stop the gods and the Buddha will stop the Buddha.

Land attacking troll guards, ordinary attacks are thousands of injuries, with skills, if the degree of completion is high, plus crit, a few thousand is not a problem at all, if you are lucky, you may be able to see tens of thousands of damage.

"We are definitely not the same game, you are a private service, I am going to report you," the fat monkey looked proud of himself before, but now it is very poorly hurt, almost wow, crying, never Such annoying self-owners.

More irritating is not only the boss himself, but even the water elves.

"Don't make it like a blame, it looks like a good person," Lu said with a dislike: "The reason why the attack is so high is because we have smeared things on our dagger, only thieves can use it, who makes you a mage It."

"Who made me not a sister," said the fat monkey, and the resentment filled the entire tower.

"Retreat, all push to the corner, the Master stood in front, listened to my order to open the refrigerator," Lu was too late to restore the fat monkey, and saw the Troll Defender immediately issued a new order after reading the article.

The two troll guards started to rotate together. Please don't investigate why the scout can use the big whirlwind's signature skills to rotate the attacker's signature skills. The remote occupation is not safe, and the hatred is almost reset. Can't pull it.

Fortunately, everyone is very obedient, the order of the land is executed perfectly.

The two troll guards quickly became poor, and the whole battle lasted only four minutes. The damage caused by the land and the water elves was too high.

When the dream comes up to touch things like this, even if no one is taken, it is necessary to bring a small hunter. I really want to make the little hunter into a pendant and wear it on the body. You need to touch the equipment and release it directly. When some novel fans in the guild discussed the crossing of the golden finger, they agreed that the most reliable thing with the ruined dreams is that they are the best.

Two pieces of dark gold equipment, two rare materials, plus a thief skill book.

The equipment is divided, the material is also separated, and the thief's skill book is already there. He will close it up and wait for the battle to end and the water elf to be roughly divided.

The two forces that are dispatched this time are almost the same. The equipment is basically one of my family's homes, and even if it is a little uneven, I believe that everyone will not have any opinions. In the words of the fat monkey, it is that the fertilizer does not flow anyway. Into the field.

The second level is similar. In addition to the two troll guards, there is an extra treasure chest.

Or it is a material box, after killing the troll, the land is separated to open a lot of cloth and food, in addition to a legendary long-handled weapon, a hunter on the water elf is fortunate enough to get the equipment.

The third layer is not a troll guard, but a troll hunter, a combination of orc warriors, which adds a little more difficulty.

It’s hard to beat the two bugs, the land and the water elves, and the battle time is similar.

The sentry tower has four floors. After going up, there will be a commander who belongs to a higher level. If these npcs are almost impossible to break the legend, then the commander will almost burst.

The first three layers of six strange, the above one commander with two followers, plus a hurricane who will not actively attack.

This is a bit embarrassing. The level of their departure is only enough to hold two monsters. The three are slightly more difficult. After all, the treatment cannot always add blood to the land. Once the blood is added, the one is not attacked by land but is attacking. The monster will go to the treatment of adding blood.

Now think about it, it is really necessary to add a prayer to the blue sea breeze. Anyway, he has poison, and the output is not a problem.

It is a pity that there is no place to sell regrets. Lu is obviously not a **** that will not be mistaken.

"The intruder is coming, I have to let the people of Begrave know, the soldiers, cover me!" The commander saw that the two hundred people from Lu and others were rushing, and there was almost no space on the tower. Fortunately, It is convenient for players to fight. This kind of sentry tower is not really the kind that can only stand a few people.

The two followers screamed and took out two big axes from behind.

Actually they are all attacking sharp mad warriors!

Wait, what the commander said just now, cover him...

"Call, give me the hurricane," Lu said with a loud voice. As for the hurricane, he became fighting with the four monsters. As a result, he did not want to consider it.

After the coverman said that he had covered me, he immediately rushed to the hurricane. Then he took control of the hurricane who had become angry because of the attack and took off. The skill of the player was unceremoniously hit by the hurricane. And the messenger's body, unfortunately, except for a trivial injury, it does not affect the hurricane and the commander escape.

Actually... ran away!

Lu is very speechless, and he can't breathe in the eyes of the blind man, but what can he do? A boss wants to run, and the kind that can fly can't be stopped by him. He can only continue to swallow. Daguai.

The two followers of the commander did not follow the escape, which naturally became the object of the player's anger.

One of them still used the dark gold equipment to perfuse things, but the other one gave the legendary equipment.

The legendary equipment of the soldiers, the land was taken to the water elves.

The property is very good for the average player, but it is completely impossible to use it for the moonlight, so the land will simply give the equipment to the water elf, and if the stalwart sword player can use something, he can be confident. Take it away directly.

System: You destroy the Lycra Tower, gain experience points, earn honor points, and gain reputation.

Killing or driving away all the tribes in the sentry tower is equivalent to occupying the sentry tower. Then there will be an alliance npc to take over, and then there will be an experience value, reputation value, and glory point.

Compared with killing in the wild, the advantage of attacking the occupied point is that there is a reputation value, and the experience value will be very much, but the honor point is more general. After all, it is more than two hundred people who divide this honor point and share it on the individual's head. More limited.

The overall combat time of this post is only one or twenty minutes, and the harvest is huge.

It’s a normal player, even if it’s not a group, it will take at least half an hour to get it. Now it’s not the same. There are land and water elves, both output and defense are bugs. Two hundred people are the elite of the output violent.

"This time we don't choose the tower," Lu Yi ate a loss, naturally will not repeat the same mistakes.

After observing it, he decided to raid the empty barracks.

There is a problem here. The empty barracks do not represent the abandoned barracks. Therefore, there are still soldiers in the army, but the number is very small. As for whether it is an empty barracks, it cannot be seen from the outside, so someone must go in. Explored.

In front of the 60th-level soldiers, any stealth is a joke.

Fortunately, after the Lu and the Water Elves added the prayers of the Luna, the state was incomparable. After the selection of the two targets, the two men swayed and swayed. After a circle, no soldiers were aware.

This feeling is not too good.

To be honest, if you choose to assassinate Xiao Mo at this time, there is no such problem as difficulty.

It is a pity that Lu Yi gave up this tempting idea after thinking about it.

The ruling sword and the land, no matter who is no longer need to use a way to assassinate a celebrity to build momentum, and next week the ruling sword will compete with the glory capital, and now use this bug to kill Xiao Mo, no matter how successful Negative people will go out for gossip.

Even if he kills Xiao Mo, he will not lose a little bit of experience, and he will not be able to randomly drop a piece of equipment.

Back to the club of the glory capital, this degree of loss does not affect the strength of Xiao Mo, but will push the public opinion to the other side.

Still taking advantage of the current opportunity to push a few more points to earn experience, Lu Yi and water elves as the most hurting players, the experience gained is really rich and unimaginable, Lu Lu feels that he has no pressure to rise to the 59th level today.

When Lu was exploring the barracks, he almost scared a person into cold sweat.

There seems to be no one in this barracks. In fact, all of them are gathered in a tent to drink, and there is also a wounded barracks in the barracks. Once they come in with people coming in, they may face dozens of boss-level soldiers. The siege, there is also an officer.

Fortunately, the careful observation of the land has not let go of the subtle clues.

This kind of wounded barracks is actually a kind of trap. Once the player feels that the barracks are empty and chooses to advance, it will naturally be unlucky.

There is nothing wrong with the barracks explored by the Water Elf. It is said that the entire barracks are empty. Only eight guards are scattered to patrol the camp. If they still abide by the law of hatred imposed by the system, then it should be a piece of cake.

Since there is a goal, nature will not continue to delay, and time is precious.

The barracks explored by the water elves should belong to the undead, or they can be called "forgotten", the undead race with self-awareness and wisdom led by the king of the banshee, Sylvanas.

The tribal camp at the other end of the Hillsbrad hills, Tarren Mill, was occupied by the Forsakens of Her Majesty Queen Sylvanas, where a military fortress was established. This time the camp battle, the npc army on the tribe side Except that the orc is the undead, the second is the troll.

The dead souls in the camp seem to be almost the same, their positions are very scattered, but the location of the movement is relatively random.

After analyzing the land, I found out that it was not ruled that another soldier would just patrol here to participate in the battle, so he gave up the possibility of pulling two monsters together and decided to solve the soldiers one by one.

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