The Great Thief

Chapter 1265: When doing dead

Lu Yi must thank Shantis, the future amnesty has always been known as daring, and it is impossible for any other commander to give such a lot of help to the land. Even if it is a blind man, it can be seen that Sandis plays in this mutation. What role?

The pressure of the coalition forces forced Baygrave to continue to increase its troops.

This was nothing. The main point was that she sent out hundreds of people to help the land, and all of them were the best in the soldiers. They were almost fighting the orc soldiers.

Otherwise, it is not easy to kill a sixty-five bosses. Even if he is standing there, he will kill at least half an hour, and at least half an hour is enough for many things. .

Landing with people around killing Grave, of course, it is impossible to pass the wind.

Xiao Mo knew this thing almost the first time.

"You must stop them. Once they are allowed to succeed, the reputation will rise to the next level," said veteran Master Huang.

The name Huang Master is not only his name, but also his real name. The specific reason is not very clear, but from the moment he left the road, he took the name and took advantage of others.

If someone else calls his name, he will be called a master. Whether you are a leader of the Grand Council or a top star player, everyone will only say that person when he mentions him. However, as time goes by, the name Huang Master has already It has become a respectable title.

He is a warrior profession, gazing earlier than the moonlight, earlier than Xiaomo, even earlier than Mo Forgot.

However, he did not retire, so the glory capital has this name in the list of reports every time, but he rarely plays on the stage, but stands as a spiritual leader behind the scenes.

Now he is still called Master Huang.

By the way, there is also an identity youth camp instructor!

"But the instructor," Xiao Mo also called his instructor, because Xiao Mo also studied in the youth training camp. Although he was not an instructor when he was studying, he did indeed teach him a lot of things. He and Huang Master had After the half-teacher's friendship, Xiao Morton paused and said: "Stop them from being interesting, stop them from stopping, and life seems to be boring."

"It's not like you said, Captain," Huang's tone was a little bit aggravated.

He began to wonder if Xiao Mo entered the rebellious period and was much later than the normal people's rebellious period. It was too far away from the forty years old. It could not be menopause. Does the man have menopause?

"Instructor, Master Huang, I am going to kill the commander of the alliance, instead of obstructing the land, I am Xiao Mo, and should not be influenced by anyone," Xiao Mo said openly: "Now, the elite of glory thirteen The group stayed on the battlefield to the twenty-sixth regiment, and blocked me from the idiots of the league. One to twelve regiments withdrew from the battlefield and went to fight with me!"

In fact, this camp battle was originally the official platform to let the two camps vent.

So Xiao Mo will choose to be willful. If it is the stage, he will be calm and make people think he is a robot.

With the silence of Xiao Mo, the twelve hundred people and some glory masters all began to press on the military command of the alliance commander. The battle place and the land are the same as them, but it does not happen in Nanhai Town or Tarren Mill. But at the center of the battle map.

Therefore, Lu was soon informed of this news.

However, his expression at the time was very strange, and people could not understand why.

When someone asks if it is necessary to destroy it, the smile of Lu is more obvious, but he can't explain it, so he can only squat.

"Let's leave, do we need to discuss what to do?" It is not the person who judges the sword, but the flower jade from the front line, which is the command of the **** battle flag of the Alliance Grand Council. official.

"Hey, I don't know what we have to count, do I offend you? If there is, I can't apologize yet?"

"Let's not go around the circle," said the eleven and whispered. "You can't let the sword of your ruling go to the boss, and these people are in front of you as cannon fodder to stop you. How can such a profitable sale be made under the sun?" ”

"Oh, all for the alliance, long live the league!" Lu Li knew that these monks could not let the sword of the ruling swallow the boss. There was no movement at the beginning of the battle. They felt that the sword of the ruling could not be played sixty-five. The commanders at the level, they all waited to see jokes, and the sword of the ruling suffered heavy losses.

I didn't expect the commander of the 65th level to have such a dish. The specific situation on the spot is not clear, but the sword of the ruling has not given up enough to explain the problem.

The ducks are all cooked quickly, so everyone smells the scent and comes over to eat.

"Long live the league's fart," Ma said. He said: "We have something to do, or we will retreat. Anyway, Xiao Mo goes to our commander. We all go to the rescue. I have nothing to say."

"This is not good for everyone," Lu is also very speechless.

"Hey, watching you bad luck, I feel very happy, it doesn't matter if there is any benefit," eleven sneer laughed.

"I thought that you would hate the capital of glory more," Lu said with a sigh of relief, and put the tone in a more indifferent way: "The next game, do you want the glory capital to win the championship again? This is the league title several times. Three or four times, oh, no, if this time the champion is still theirs, then it is not a five-time championship."

"Shut up, shut up!" Eleven and Ma Maqiu can't say any more.

They were indeed bullied by the land, especially the eleven. He is almost hanged once when he meets the land. He already has a feeling of heart, but compared with the damage that Xiao Mo brought to him, this point is not What is it, after all, Xiao Mo has been bullying him for several years, and Lu has just played for half a year.

"Let's do it. If I get out of the equipment, can I give it out and give it to you?" Lu Li made a gesture of concession.

"You shouldn't fool us with a piece of gold equipment," thought flower jade thinking has always been very meticulous.

"Absolutely not," Lu sighed at the bottom of the centrifuge: "If two legends, I will give you one. If there is only one, I will take out all the dark gold equipment and let you pick it. It’s okay, as for you. How to divide, this is regardless of my business."

There may be discussions there, and after a while I gave Lu’s affirmative reply.

"What to do on Xiaomo's side, let's not pick someone up," Mo Forgot didn't want the ruling sword to knock the boss down, but he didn't even look like Xiaomo beat the league's commander.

"Don't care," Lu said with a grin, "I think they will regret it soon."

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