The Great Thief

Chapter 1267: Begrave kills

Collecting information about a recidivist is very simple. As long as you pay, there are many intelligence agencies.

The bright red young moon just sent the reward to the guild. I didn’t expect someone to complete the task immediately. What’s even more gratifying is that I lost a total of three pieces of equipment. I got two pieces when I left the other side. Now I’m all back. He quickly told this result to Lu.

Lu is playing with Baygrave at this time, and the blood of this old orc is 20%.

After learning the news, Lu’s mood was naturally very comfortable.

The guild's reward is the dark gold equipment, he naturally will not renege on the words, deliberately let the root number pick two, the two players involved in the kill each got one, are the best of the fifty-five.

Among them, the hunter’s piece is still eliminated from the dream. This is the first red hand in the dawn, and the equipment attributes that can be eliminated by her can be imagined.

In fact, most of the rewards of the Grand Council are so.

There are not many external rewards, so that people can use the rules to brush money. After all, there is not much loss in death. The experience of such people is not worth much.

However, the internal rewards are very rich. The dynamics are dark gold equipment, or how many points. For the players inside the guild, it is simply welfare. Once the water is not flowing, the second is also disguised for the guild players to participate. The guild cohesion.

The battle has been going on for half an hour, and the victory is in sight. The land is more cautious.

A large number of ruling sword thieves are densely packed in this area, beware of the fact that there are more scavengers coming in. It’s still good to be taken away by three pieces of dark gold. If you lose the legend, it will be terrible. Now the elite group is next Blackstone. The tower is not necessarily able to harvest a legend, and it is entirely because of the nightmare killing.

In terms of reinforcements, nearly six hundred people were ready to go, and the ruling sword was three. The Weiyu Pavilion also had three regiments.

Begrave is a Berserker and a second-time murderer. So there are not many people who can participate in the battle. One hundred league soldiers plus two hundred remotes are already the limit. After helping to solve the tribal soldiers, everyone will I had to squat on the side of the seeds while watching the battle between them.

From the beginning, I was unbelievable, and now everyone has accepted the setting of the Super Saiyan.

Of course, they will not try to report the use of bugs like the scavengers who have been off the ground. In fact, they hope that the stronger the better, the stronger the land, the more ruling the sword can go, their The benefits will also expand.

Moreover, they are more eye-catching than the scavengers and have seen better things.

There are too many adventures in the dawn, and there are stories of people getting rich overnight or getting stronger overnight. Normal people will only envy to find, and only incompetent people will not hesitate to choose.

"Attention to be violent, all the people are saving their lives, the treatment profession gives me and the water elf to add blood, the three teams go out, change the treatment of the 22nd team, give me a non-stop brush, the treatment of the twenty-three team Stand by, "Land quickly issued a command, and by the way also reminded the red-eyed juvenile responsible for the alert, this time can not be taken lightly.

As long as there is an opportunity, there are a lot of people in the twilight who are willing to take risks in order to steal a piece of the 65th oss.

For example, before the rebirth, he also tried to find an opportunity to grab a piece of equipment, but unfortunately any big guild is not a fool, the average person wants to mix in and steal equipment is undoubtedly dreaming, he has never found a suitable opportunity, but in the process of approaching I sent a few lives in the middle.

"Damn elf, one day I will kill all the elves," Baygrave was very depressed, and he felt that he should not be so easy.

However, the state of the land and the water elf is too much against the sky, and Beggrave can be seen. There must be a strong person who wants him to die. This state is not something that ordinary people can bless.

Who is it?

Who made such a large amount of money, since it is possible to bless such a state, it is estimated that one hand can pinch itself, and why it is necessary to kill himself in the name of an adventurer.

Staring nervously at Baygrave's blood, I finally waited for the moment of Baygrave's violent moment.

Not all bosses will be violent before dying, but the bosses of the Berserkers will definitely be violent at the end.

Finally, Baygrave was violent, and the two players who were slightly closer to him were slightly wiped by his smoothness. After the violent attack, the range of attacks suddenly increased. These two players simply had no time to dodge, they directly Just hang up.

The main attack is still off.

There is a bright red figure on his body, which is the effect of crit, and the tens of thousands of injuries are lost under this shackle.

"Add blood, add blood!" Lu shouted loudly.

Don't look at his full 80,000 blood volume, he can withstand eight attacks of the boss. The account is not so calculated. It is necessary to know that although Lu is able to survive eight times, it is impossible to treat him with eight treatments. Eighty thousand blood, even if he has arranged twenty treatments to brush his blood together.

Treating crazy add blood, the mana cost is fast, and the team changes to the next team after the treatment is not blue.

Others are screaming at the crazy output of the boss because of the violent defense and the chance to reduce the victory. The victory is already in sight. As long as the land is not falling, it is only a matter of time.

This time the battle is actually suspense, Lu Lu and the water elves have blessed such a perverted Luna prayer, and Baegrave is a boss who honestly follows the law of hate, these two as long as they are met, the rest Just see if there is a chance.

"Who is it?" After the violent storm, Beggrave, who had begun to be weak, kneeled on the ground, and life was slowly drawing a full stop in front of him.

"My mentor, Garona, asked me to say hello to you," Lu said, and said softly in his ear.

"It turned out to be the half-orc, she betrayed her vows, and you betrayed the covenant of the tribe and the alliance, the great chief will not let any of you," Beggrave gnashed his teeth and said: "Death in my hands. The souls of the dead will entangle you forever, and you will taste all the tortures of the world..."

"If there is a soul, you will have many friends waiting for you in hell," Lu's dagger pressed against the neck of Begrave, and pulled the old orc's head with a force.

System: Congratulations to Lu Li, Water Elf... I won the first kill of the tribal commander, Beggrave!

This is the world broadcast, and the tribes and league players who are fighting in the hills of Hillsbrad naturally hear this message. Everyone is surprised that the dog and men can kill the tribal commander, but what is the tribal commander’s existence and some even think that The tribal commander is a civil servant who will die at a glance.

Ordinary players still do what they want to do, and the battle of Hillsbrad will not end because of the lack of commanders.

In fact, without the commander's player, the player can be more open to grab the point. The player has a reward for pushing the base, but the occupation base has continuous rewards, and will always increase the experience.

The high-end player is a little surprised, this is more realistic, the boss strength of the 65-level boss is actually the same speculation, Xiao Mo is killing the generals of the future, the future night elf According to the game's set level is also sixty-five, both blood and defensive attacks are similar to Baygrave.

In the absence of the moon **** prayer, Xiao Mo can beat Sandis's blood to less than half, which really shows the powerful strength of the glory capital guild.

The same elite group, also the master of the guild, they are stronger than the sword of the ruling, and Xiao Mo is also unique in commanding the war, at least the number of people who died is not many, mainly hanging several Mt, after all, they can't resist this metamorphosis.

After hearing the first killing of the system, Xiao Mo was not only angry, but full of confidence.

The night elf girl (Santis) looked arrogant and indifferent, and looked at Xiaomo’s heart. She always felt that she had any big moves to gain momentum. Now she knows that they have already defeated the tribal commander. Xiao Mo and so on, has already determined that the two commanders of the event are used to kill the explosive equipment.

As a boss, you should figure out your position.

"There is a dream to touch the equipment. Others will surround this place with me. If the equipment is stolen, all points will be deducted." Lu took the person to turn around and left, and did not have time to see what equipment.

It is not that he is not interested, or does not look at these equipments, but must be on his body, the state of prayer of the gods has not disappeared and hurry to level.

The Hillsbrad Foothills still have a lot of monsters distributed, and some have more than 55 levels, but they won’t look at them. The fastest way to upgrade is to capture the strongholds of the enemy camp and kill the enemy. Guard np refreshed out of the camp.

As for the glory capital, Lu is not worried about Sandis at all.

I am afraid that the Horde players will know the power of the Sandis group attack in advance. Her signature skill Luna Wrath comes out in advance. This is a full-screen skill that is more perverted than the Tyrande stars. There is almost no d, almost Three hundred and sixty degrees without dead ends.

Lu is here with a few hundred people to attack the tribal stronghold, and does not delay his listening to the dream of moving over the equipment. (To be continued...)

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