The Great Thief

Chapter 1273: Was pitted

"Follow me, since you called me a mentor, and you have completed my wish, I should probably teach you something," Garona said slowly down the stairs and asked: "Your alchemy has learned." what?"

"Some therapeutic potions..." Lu said some recipes. The fastest update

Garona is not very interested in conventional alchemy. Only when Lu is improving the poison, her footsteps will be slightly delayed, so she will focus on some recipes and attempts of poison.

"Have you ever eaten poison?" Garona suddenly turned back.

" poison?" Lu was scared. He shook his head quickly: "How can poison be eaten? Then again, the enemy will not pick the taste of poison."

He consciously told a joke, but Garona did not smile. Her eyes looked from the promenade on the side of the armrest, and her eyes became diffused. I don’t know if this person is thinking or being attracted to anything else. mind.

This time, Lu Li felt that Garona had changed.

He even suspected that this is not his mentor. The impression of Garona is not cold and rigid, but as a big thief, behind her plain, the whole person reveals a chilling edge. And sharp,

But now she is actually distracting!

"I have eaten 769 kinds of poisons. My favorite taste is a kind of one that I have. The effect is probably bloodletting. It is forbidden to heal wounds. You have a chance to taste it." Garona turned back and continued to carelessly. The stairs here are the same as those of Karazhan. If it is a projection, the missing ones are probably the monsters in Karazhan.

"How can poison be eaten," Lu said whispering.

"No one stipulates that you can't taste poison, which will help you understand the medicine more deeply, as long as you don't kill yourself," Garona said.

Then there is a silent road with things like fences on both sides. You can see the outside through the fence, but now the light is a bit dim, nothing can be seen clearly, only some outlines of the forest, no insects, no birds and beasts, Everything is like walking in a dream.

"Hello, what kind of goblin do you have here, which is very good at engineering," said the towering deadly scary, Lu Yi chose to break this silence, by the way to satisfy his curiosity: "I saw a lot of mechanical units, such as The flying bat beast, and the dog that just sizzled."

"Serma Prag... If you are referring to him," Garona said.

The gnome was immediately flashed in the mind of Lu’s mind. The gnome he saw in the backyard of the Nanhai Town Hotel was actually the gnome madman who was crowned as a murderer and traitor, and he really It is a man of the Ravenhold Manor.

Garona did not feel that there was anything wrong with exposing the identity of Thermaplug, and Lu’s apparently gained her trust.

"This can be your room, if you have time to come and live," Garona opened a broken door and it was a bit broken. The door was crumbling during the door.

The division of the land to his own residence is still very important, he went in.

This room is actually not big, it is smaller than the house in Darnassus. The wall on one side is a narrow wooden bed, and the other side is a narrow table with a shelf. There are a few books scattered in the shelf, which are also covered with dust.

“Do you think it is dirty?” Garona asked.

"Cough," Lu was picked up when he took the book. He simply nodded: "I really need to clean it before I can live."

"Then you clean it, and by the way, the other parts of the tower are also cleaned," Garona said.

The cough was even worse, but the system prompts him to withdraw any complaints, because the system said he was given a residence in the Garona Tower and gave the property of the room.

That's right, the room has properties.

The normal attribute is that fatigue recovery accelerates a certain proportion, and there is a certain amount of time to get a double experience time. If the system is in a hotel, fatigue recovery is a 10% bonus. If you sleep for one night, you will get a second day. Double the experience time of the hour.

The private property purchased from the land is slightly better, the fatigue recovery is 20% bonus, and if you sleep for one night, you can get double time for one and a half hours.

His property is very expensive and belongs to the top class. The average property has only 15% fatigue recovery bonus and double experience time. There are still a lot of players who will buy a house for the reward of this room, even if it is a little remote.

Lu’s last life was to buy a simple place in a player’s guild fortress, and the effect was only a little better than the system hotel.

If it is accumulated over a long period of time, even if it is a little bit, it will accumulate a gap.

And in the room that Garona gave him, the fatigue recovery was up to 30%. If you rest for one night, the double experience value for the next day is two hours!

Too bad!

Compared to his small villa, the double time of more than half an hour every day, 15 months a month, is equivalent to practicing a whole day more than others.

This is a rugged room that can hardly live in people's rooms. In the eyes of the land, it will be splendid in an instant. Even if you clean the tower of Garona, it doesn't matter, let alone he can hire from the system to work with the help of the system, or wait for the engineering level to be high. You can make a doll that can work.

"If you promised, let me see your lab," Garona said.

"There is no problem at all, it is on me," Lu returned.

They went on to the next level, and Garona also introduced the location of the kitchen, but there was no chef in the tower, and Garona was obviously not like a chef, the kitchen was covered with dust, obviously I haven't been in the team for a long time.

Lu Gu suspected that his mentor may not live here.

The so-called laboratory is located in the middle of the tower of the Garona Tower. It is filled with pots and pots. It is probably the only clean place in the whole tower. Some mechanical units are simply processing the medicines. A mechanical dog that leads the way.

"In the future, you will take a little time each day to practice poisoning," Garona said. "I know that you are very busy, but there is no time for you to start working slowly."

Lu Ji calculated the next game life, such as the game and the next copy, and barely nodded. The next topic is Garona telling about the drug-making. After the hearing, I suddenly discovered that the poisoning technique. There is no formula.

No formula?

"How can this be?"

"There is no formula, and from then on, you can only fight with your own poison," Garona said.

"Alchemy has recipes, and we can use other people's potions..."

"That is alchemy, and you are not an alchemist now, but you can rest assured that you can still use alchemy products. Except poisons, poisonists can't use other people's poisons. I never have to make other people in the organization. Poison, although those things are a bit of a good thing."

Lu Yi has been completely unable to listen to anything, he only feels his brain creaking.

If you can't use poison, his combat power will drop by at least 20%. What's more, some system poisons will have no effect. The more important ones are deceleration, and the poison that can make the enemy's treatment effect halved.

I thought that taking the risk of killing the sixty-five-level wave ss would make my strength increase. In fact, it really increased a lot of strength. At least the two intensive chisels lying in his backpack can make all efforts not in vain. But why did you finally make this moth?

"How can I learn?" Lu Li took a deep breath, and now is not the time to turn his face, the most important thing is that he can not beat his own mentor.

"It's very simple. If you have those herbs, you can mix them together." Garona seems to feel that this is too perfunctory. He added: "It is best to use some common herbs at the beginning, you may You need to practice more to use high-grade herbs."

"My esteemed tutor, I have another strong enemy to deal with recently. Can you advance a little poison from you? I am willing to pay a price."

"I'm afraid I can't help you. If I were you, it's best to start practicing now."

"..." (to be continued...)

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