The Great Thief

Chapter 1380: Return to kill

"Do you want to leave?" Yun Tianye asked.

Although his level of operation is very high, he is strategically obeyed by the female pastor of Wendeli.

"No, we are not doing enough. There is no way to satisfy the above." Wendlyan certainly knows that Ashenvale is already in danger. The ruling sword and his allies have already arranged a large number of people. Once they encounter them, the squadron The team of more than a dozen people undoubtedly hit the stone with the egg, the player's personal strength is strong, but in the large-scale group battle can not guarantee that he will not be hanged.

"Hey and come in is not a good thing," Yun Tianye succinctly published his own opinion.

This group of people did not want to hunt down the important figures of the ruling sword as the high-level anticipation. After all, important people who ran out to dig stones and move stones, it is possible to do this from the wonderful, but unfortunately the land is not good. Grab.

"Oh..." Wendlyan swallowed the following words because she was attacked.

In the eyes of the public, he was actually attacked.

Is it Lu Lu, he actually has this kind of force to go back, Wendeli is very angry and laughs, she feels that Lu is really a bit too arrogant, just just a little abuse of their newcomers, is it really Lu Lu really feel Can he kill himself under the surround of so many people?

"Water Spirit!"

"It's a water elf!"

"Land, the land is back!"

This is where the commander is not well controlled. The dragons have no heads, and all of them will rely on their own cognition to respond. Even Yun Tianye, who has a lot of combat experience, will save Wendlyan for the first time. .

Does Winderian need to be saved?

A **** pastor, and it is a star racer level, how many thieves are needed to give her a second.

Until Yuntianye saw clearly who attacked Wendrian, he realized that something was wrong. This is not a land. This is a water elf. Is it because the land is being bullied? The water mm is so impulsive to do things, and there is no need to do this. Crazy dog ​​food.

When I heard someone shouting, the feeling of badness in Yun Tianye’s heart was even stronger.

This is not the return of the land and the return, nor is the water elf out of the air, but the two of them are acting together.

"Small t!" Wendly Ann finally found the opportunity to speak.

The torrent is indeed in crisis at this time, it should be said that he has to hang up.

At the moment before the departure of the land, the torrent's blood volume was not much. He was full of brains and the failure of this battle. Of course, he did not think about sitting down to eat bread and recover. Wendlyan did not expect that Lu will go back and return. After all, they have a large group of people here. Maybe her subconscious is still more confident. Even if she is really gone, she wants to kill someone in front of her top priest. That is the Arabian Nights.

No one expected to come is two people.

Dogs for men and women!

At this point, the location of the accident can be said to be random. Anyone did not expect that the water elf would naturally not be able to come over so quickly, but she did not need to ride a horse to go here.

That is a pair of pocket watches.

The mentor of the land, Garona, gave them, the men’s watch is called the dusk of the gods, and the women’s watch is called the dawn of life. They all have only two attributes. The first one is to speed up the recovery of fatigue by 50%. The premise is that the distance between two people wearing pocket watches cannot exceed five yards. The second special effect is to summon another person with a pocket watch. Three chances.

After leaving the land, he did not leave, but switched off a badge, equipped with the dusk of the gods, and then pulled the prepared water elf.

The two immediately turned, the water elves went to deal with the priest, and the land went to find other targets. He originally only intended to scare the export of this group of people, indicating that the sword of the ruling is concerned about the attitude of this group of people, but did not expect to find that the blood loss of the torrent has not returned.

What is this waiting for? If it is not good, it is like a dog smelling the smell of bones.

Is it possible to kill a torrent by leaving a person alone? At least the second can't be killed, so the water elf has also rushed to the torrent after swapping a few skills with Wendeli.

"Damn dog men and women!" torrent sent an angry snoring, lost the last bit of blood, no way, two thieves bursting into him, all driving things like blast, dodge, shadow cloak, etc. Other people can't save each other.

Of course, the most important thing is that his blood volume is only a little bit.

After killing people, they still don’t want to die. Lu and the water elves immediately ran. It is relatively simple for the two top thieves to leave, after all, they have prepared.

When the female local tyrant went away, she even lost two smoke bombs each with a price of more than one hundred gold coins.

However, she did not lose money. When she left, she did not forget to pick up the equipment that the torrent dropped. The things that fell on the players, even if they were not legendary, were at least dark gold, more than two smoke bombs. In fact, the torrent dropped. It's really a legend, and it's still a t1 kit.


It seems that a group of crows flew over the heads of Wendlyan and others, and they were only dreaming at this time.

The reason for going to this step is very responsible, not that they are not strong.

The first is the enemy's warfare. Today's Ashenvale is the world of the ruling sword system. For the construction of the fortress, almost 100,000 people are all paved in this map mountain, not to mention the fact that there is almost no such number of micro-rain pavilions and unparalleled cities. The person, Wendly Ann wants to complete the goal of exerting pressure on the sword of the ruling, and thinks about bringing her team back in good condition, the psychological pressure can be imagined.

Secondly, the torrent that first arrived was out of order.

He is acting poorly on the ground. If this is on the court, Wendeli will arbitrarily reprimand the torrent, with a color-changing leopard and three teammates, actually being played by thieves, and shame is not shameful. Even more ridiculous is that he not only hurt his face, but even the corps was injured and injured.

As a competitor, what is the failure, the most important thing is the next effort.

Frost hit the eggplant like a torrent to let Wen Deli have a fire in his heart, do not give him blood, maybe there are some subtle psychological factors in it, is not to see him.

In the end, it’s surprising that the return and return is too unexpected.

What ordinary people can't do, and what's more surprising is why the water elves will happen to be in the vicinity of the land and the torrent battle, the water elves should not be there, otherwise the torrent has long been combined to kill.

They don’t know until now, in what form the water elves come here and join hands.

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