The Great Thief

Chapter 1397: Arguing for the ground

Soon, eight groups that got the siege qualification during the filming process were released.

The capital of glory, the brothers and nobles, the seventh heaven, the blue guardian, the sacred temple, the free sky, in addition to these eight well-known clubs, in addition to two unknown organizations.

The highest price is 55,000 gold for the brothers and nobles. The lowest is 23,000 gold coins of the Holy Hall of the Faith. On average, it has reached 35,000 gold coins. The lowest price is much higher than the 10,000 gold that the land is expected to be. The average price has greatly exceeded his expectations. He thought that it would be good to have 15,000 gold coins.

At present, the ratio of gold price is 42, and 10,000 gold is 420,000 real money. The lowest law sacred temple is equivalent to spending one million bids for a siege qualification.

This situation is already crazy enough in the eyes of Lu Yi, especially the 55,000 yuan of the brothers and nobles. Where are they confident that they can win the fortress of the ruling sword, or that the club that has fallen out of the top ten is pure It is the sword that wants to fund the ruling.

If the sword of the ruling can hold the fortress, then the land will receive 28,000 gold coins.

Building a stronghold and attracting competitors to attack is also one of the ways in which the fortress can make money. The premise is that it can be held. If it is compromised, it will cost more than this. The previous investment is equivalent to a complete flood.

Eight groups that got the siege qualification immediately launched a siege war.

They played the defensive fortress of the system monsters, basically the same as the ruling sword, and the fastest one, the remaining seven, if they were the fortress, they could be deducted and paid to the ruling. After the sword's siege gold, I got back a sum of money. If it was even a fortress-defense fortress, I couldn't get it. Finally, I didn't have a few dollars left in my hand.

Therefore, in this sense, it is necessary to be cautious in filming the ground.

These people have a siege, and they have nothing to do with the sword of the ruling. The siege warfare is equivalent to a copy. They have nothing to do in the morning, and they will face the winners of the eight groups in the afternoon. He takes people into the copy of Molten Heart, and firmly does not It takes a minute to improve your strength.

Players who have participated in the defensive battle of the fortress and have not reached the 60th level are allowed to enter the copy to brush the mobs leveling.

The new cd means that everything is zero. The nine bosses played last week are all white, and the new cd must start from the first one, no matter the first few bosses.

Because a lot of people came in, and most of the minds of the people were hooked away by the fortress, the door gods were destroyed several times.

"A lot of your dkp is, believe it or not to see the boss can clear your dkp," until the land threatened to deduct a low-level mistake, the team's situation is slightly better.

"Hey, Lu, you said that the eight teams which team is the most promising and we fight?" asked the fat monkey.

Because it was the fire law, he was not allowed to enter the game last week. This time, in order to bring him to the 60th level, he was allowed to come in. After all, he was the club's racer, and the afternoon fortress defense was also the main force.

The experience of fat monkeys is not much, and today it will be able to rise to 60.

"Any team is possible. The key is that they are willing to spend money." Lu thought about it and said an answer that surprised everyone. Before then, no one would think that the sword of the ruling could not beat other opponents.

"Is it because of the chariot?" The drifting zero almost instantly thought of the idea.

"Yes," Lu nodded.

Everyone suddenly realized that some of them had participated in the previous siege war, and at least they heard about the scene at the time. Now think about it, it seems that everyone was wasting too much time on the wall, if there was one more chariot. Times...

"If this is the case, then we want to take the land on the Black Seashore is not a problem," Float brow furrowed.

"You shouldn't want to take the Black Sea with those few cars," Lu said, shaking his head and sighing. "There was no competition before, so I only used those cars. I played the Black Sea on Wednesday. We are the most. At least you have to put a whole row of chariots on the wall."

A chariot of fifty gold coins seems to be really good, but once you have to make a row, the amount spent is intoxicating.

If you go further, you may have to consider some chariots in the back as spare. Once the chariots in front are smashed, they will be replaced with new ones.

I have to admit that the fortress is something that rich people play.

After all, it was a copy that was played once last week, and soon came to the boss. The experience of the fat monkey was almost the same. Lu was left behind, although some people were changed, but the main ones were last week. It is easier for a mage to solve the curse, and the others are not a problem.

The old group was killed twice and the third was successfully killed.

There are two 59-level players who upgrade here, one of which is the fat monkey.

This time is still a nightmare difficulty, but it is no longer the first kill rate, only a legendary equipment, but Ning Shen shooting another one, the two hunters in the team have, this one is given to People from other teams in the guild.

Today's ruling sword has seven or eight regiments to enter the heart of Molten Fire, and more Ning Shen shooting is not too small.

The three behind the rainy pavilion are going to play Ragnaros, so they can't go down to this copy separately. They also followed in from the beginning. Lu did not propose to give the skill book to the water elves, the feelings belong to the feelings, some principled Things are not intended to change.

The second boss didn't last too long, killing it and destroying it once, the second success.

Lu is very satisfied with this progress. Knowing that playing is not meant to be able to get through the copy once and for all. Even if everyone is 60, the equipment is the best, in the heart of Molten. The copy of the degree is also often destroyed.

The second child still only lost a legend, belonging to the Master set.

The landlord gave the fat monkey, and he stayed in the team to get the equipment. The principle of giving priority to the racer can take effect at any time. Of course, it is still necessary to deduct points from the points, and it is not soft at all.

Part of the dkp of the ruling sword is a copy activity, or a boss activity in the wild, and part of the conversion of the guild points, so the fat monkey is not worthy of the hegemony, so he can still afford the equipment with a buckle of 150.

The number of times the Raiders skill points appear is also greatly reduced, and only one of the two bosses is rewarded with skill points.

Originally, I only intended to play the first two bosses, and then prepare for the opponent who attacked the fortress in the afternoon, but today the copy was so smooth, and Lu Yi decided to play the third.

The third boss lost two legends, and the little red hand turned around.

The suit is a part of the Paladin, assigned to the night, and another legend is a solid wristband.

The stable wristband is actually quite garbage. It has been rated as one of the three major garbage of Molten Heart by some players. The land is not to be taken, the water elf is not needed, and finally it is actually shot. It is also strange that there are too few thieves in this copy. I can only take it to the guild. After all, it is a legendary equipment. There are still many ordinary players I want.

I played three bosses just after noon time, but Lu Li said that I have stopped here. I will go out to relax at the 60th level and prepare for the defensive battle of the fortress.

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