The Great Thief

Chapter 1423: Forward momentum

At this point, the game is satisfied with all the requirements of the land and water elves.

All the information needed by the land and water elves will be sent to the two people's mailboxes by email, but not in the game, but in the name of the supervisor in the name of the individual to send to the e-mail address.

The supervisor was almost a wolverine escape.

In this corner of the pub, there are only two people left and the water elves.

Lonely man and daughter!

At this time, the big screen is still playing the movie. The current technology is enough to complete the volume adjustment for everyone, so the movie does not affect the players in the pub.

Now, the cockroaches that have been evaded must face it.

To form the first couple in the game, and it is likely to shoulder the burden of the official endorsement couple system, originally only the relationship between everyone in the gossip, and now the two parties can no longer give a smile.

This is a game, a game!

Perhaps they have convinced themselves this way. When they first appeared about their two scandals, they felt that this was just a game. The Qing Dynasty was self-clearing, so they didn’t care, but later they had the name of the dog and the man. It seemed to be overnight. As a household name, the difficulty of interpretation has further increased, and the two remain silent.

Over time, the names of dog men and women have become ingrained in the minds of players, even surpassing the real dog men and women of the Scarlet Monastery.

This kind of title, which was originally a monk, did not know when it began to become a vending machine for dog food.

Anyone who has any interaction, sometimes just say hello, or practice a level together, or even fight one, the players who are full of gossip can make up an eight-point file. Love drama.

Later, the reason for not explaining it seems to slowly begin to deteriorate.

No longer is the Qing Dynasty self-clearing, nor is it too lazy to explain it. In the depths of this boring man, he must admit that he enjoys the fact that others put him and the water elves together.

As for why...

According to Lu Xin, the intimate little sister, he may have had a good impression on the water elf.

However, as the black powder said, there is naturally nothing to do with the pursuit of the water elves. Some people even attribute the rise of the ruling sword to the long legs of the water elves.

Lu is not the kind of person who wants to die.

However, he still has difficulty avoiding some common problems of human nature, or a bit machismo.

He doesn't feel that he is worse than the water elf. The water elf is so good, he has a very rich capital. After running for a few years, he has the situation of today's Weiyuge system, and he has only used this step. For more than half a year, he didn't even have the money to buy a helmet when he first started.

It takes no long time for him to have a more brilliant game empire.

The short silence of the land did not bother the water elves. She still sipped the fruit tea quietly and elegantly, and watched the movie on the big screen. The above was showing a little warmth in the desperate situation, then the hero and the hero were both The monster got rid of it.

"Thank you for giving me three opportunities. Unfortunately, my task chain can't be shared, I can only do it myself," said the Water Elves.

"Nothing, my harvest is actually very big," Lu said, it is really important that the Supreme Ring finds the next upgrade. The next upgrade will at least become a legendary equipment.

"If you become a couple in the game, then you can't pick up a girl in the game. I have so many supporters. If you are derailed, you will be killed." I don't know if the tone in this statement is concerned. Or gloating, in short, the water elf looks good.

"I am not such a person," Lu said a word.

After leaving the pub, Lu was soon seen in the email box about the badge synthesis, as well as the detailed trigger conditions for the upgrade of the Extreme Ring.

The badge synthesis is a task that can be started immediately. The trigger condition is a bit more complicated, but it is not a problem to know. As for the difficulty of the task, there is no need to worry. The land and water elves themselves are top-notch, and there are two behind them. The club guild, as long as the task does not require it to be completed by itself, is no longer a problem.

As for the Extreme Ring, I can only sigh after reading the information.

Before the supervisor, I only reminded the throne of the element. After all, the transaction has not really been reached. After getting the so-called strategy, Lu is only admired for this complicated and abnormal trigger. If he wants to try his own way, it is estimated that this life will be Not necessarily able to rise to the fifth level.

Because the throne of the element is in Nagrand in the outer domain, it will take another time to leave.

The water elf's transformation into the phoenix is ​​similar. The last step of the mission is to kill the Prince of Kelsas, the storm fortress, and wait until the new map.

Lu Li took a look at his fingers and estimated that he would have to wait another year.

It’s really the daylily is cold!

This year, someone else might wear a legendary ring, and he can only wear a legendary ring, although the ring's attributes are particularly good.

The shortcomings of the Supreme Ring are the first to show off here.

He has a deeper understanding of the bitterness of the blue sea breeze in the memory of his life. He clearly has something in his hand, but under the influence of various factors, it drags down the owner's footsteps.

It is necessary to upgrade the overall equipment.

Lu Li found that his recent game center of gravity is a little off the main line. As a self-made poor man, he and Xiao Mo are different. He must maintain an absolute advantage in order to receive the 100,000 players of the ruling sword, so that everyone can be convinced, and only this An advantage can deter his enemies.

Lu Li glanced at his own equipment, there are many fifty-five levels of existence.

After the next week's declining level effect, his strength will definitely drop a lot.

I thought I could take a break, but in order to open the gap with other players, he had to prepare the next copy, and it must be a new copy. The old copy can be brushed over and over again, once a week, the key There are fewer good things in the case of non-first kill.

For example, the sword of the ruling is considered to be the heart of two melted fires. The first time, except for the nine bosses in front of the final boss, all killed. Waiting until the second week to re-enter the copy, the first nine are no longer the first kill, the things are really unsatisfactory.

Anyway, land is not satisfied with luck again and again.

His expertise is the next copy, even if there is no Raiders, he is also a master in this respect. In this case, his best choice is to make this good to the extreme, in the copy of the Raiders can not match.

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