The Great Thief

Chapter 1512: Plague test

"Oops, I was surrounded," the bright red moon called for help in the team channel.

After a few touches, I discovered that, unconsciously, the bright red juvenile has entered the encirclement of several kangaroo dogs. To break through the encirclement, one of the corpora dogs will be alarmed.

"It seems that you are surrounded by unconsciousness, and your luck is really declining." Observed, Cain's left hand ridiculed.

"The density of the corpse dog here is a bit high, indicating that it is near here," Lu said but saw something else. He took a piece of lizard meat from his backpack and threw it into the broken house next to it. This lizard Widely distributed around the frozen seal, soldiers will hunt them to improve their food. The frozen charcoal grilled lizard meat is a speciality here.

The corpse dog has no resistance to this kind of **** meat. They don't just eat the body, they don't have so much strength to let them eat.

Cursed believers will hunt some meat to maintain the strength of these kangaroo dogs.

Several corpse dogs stupidly rushed into the broken house, and they slammed into the past, shutting down the already faltering broken door. Although it seems to be rotten at any time, at least it can be short-lived. Block these corpora dogs out.

"Perfect, it seems that you and the NPC pull friendship is not in vain," Tong Yan Wuji praised.

Although it is a virtual game, most people still regard the game as a game. It is very rare to be like Lu Lu. Normal people will not let the other party take out some medicines and put so much money.

"There is not much time, this kind of broken door can't live for too long," Lu Li commanded everyone to move some things like stone and wood to block the door.

Other people also have this kind of fresh meat in their backpacks. Everyone finds a place to seduce these corpse dogs. These cursed god-governed dogs are quickly locked into several houses.

The process is a little thrilling and a bit of a hassle, but it's much simpler than a little bit of clearing.

They also discovered the camp of the cursed gods. It was supposed to be the church of this town. At this time, it became the place where the curse of the gods was held. From the outside, only a small number of cursed cultists were seen, but No one knows what is going on inside.

Therefore, Lu decided to wait for others to wait, he first went to explore.

If you are alone, you don't have to be so cautious. After all, he belongs to the amphibious scouts of the sea, land and air. He only needs to be transformed into a crow to fly into the sky. You can see the scene inside through the middle of the church.

He landed on the roof and saw a large pot in the center of the church through the gap. The inside was boiling green liquid, which was very pungent.

There is a human being suspended above the pot, and it is constantly struggling.

There are still some undead souls around them. Their flesh and blood are basically still in a complete state. The face is not much different from ordinary people. It is obviously just becoming a dead soul.

Several cursed believers wearing robes are adding things to them. One of them is still taking notes on a piece of parchment with a pen. This is probably their ritual or experiment.

Although in the game, the scalp still looks numb.

This is clearly a test of the plague with a living person, and the big pot in the middle is not something delicious.

After a moment of observation, I quickly figured out what kind of enemies a group of people need to face, and what cursed believers need to solve them outside. Otherwise, they will rush in to help in the church, so they must be solved first.

There are a total of eight cursed believers in the house to face, three in the big pot to put materials, one to record experimental data, and the other four are holding the staff to guide the spell to the cauldron.

If you are lucky, these eight cursed believers can be divided into two groups, hoping that the four guiding spells will concentrate on doing their own things.

In addition to those dozens of undead, according to the results of the initial temptation, these undead are not enough to pose a deadly threat, but they are troublesome regardless of whether they ask. As for the guy who was hung on the pot - Lu is suspected that he should still stand on the human side now, after all, he seems to be sober and awake.

"Be prepared to come in and blame, first solve the curse of the four free movements," Lu Yi described the situation inside the church and began to call everyone to start fighting.

There is no need to wait, there will be no better chances, and the man who is being steamed on the cauldron will suddenly have a very good idea.

It’s impossible to let people pull the blame and then others to export. They are all thieves, the masters of the king of control. The four thieves are just slinky four cursed believers, and then they rush to stop the spell. The four cursed believers.

Lu gave his target a blinding, and then did not continue to output.

He jumped up and rushed to the man on the cauldron, the man who was still struggling. He first cut off the rope that lifted the man, then pulled the man to drag him to a safe position, and finally took out a bottle of potion. I poured it on.

This is a few bottles of medicine given by Ashram Wallofist, which is said to be able to treat the plague.

There is no time to pay attention to the effect of the pharmacy, because the little friends there are already at risk.

These cursed believers are not low in level, thick in blood and high in resistance. The effect of both sap and blinding is greatly reduced. Every other thief on the scene has to deal with more than two cursed believers. A dozen undead on the side are slowly coming around.

If it's not that their transfer speed is slower, the situation may be even worse.

The curse of the curse is so high that you can kill at least a quarter of the blood, and once again, I am glad that he brought the treatment, otherwise the blood bottle will be undoubtedly a drop in the bucket.

Lu Yi stopped a cursed believer and said while he was playing: "Everyone pays attention to the position. Keke looks at everyone's blood. You take care of yourself. If you can't hold it, you can save your life. If you don't want to escape, let's escape." Worried about the reduction of staff here, so many undead are around, he and the children have no chance to use the warfare skills.

The rain of chaos!

This is the AOE skill of the curse of the gods. It seems to be similar to the Master's blizzard and can cause group damage to everyone.

The damage is not too high. On average, each person may not be as good as a single skill. But the pitfall is that this skill will add blood to the monster, and also Nima is a group to add blood. The difficulty has doubled.

If you want to be so pitted, the first task is so difficult, and how to play happily in the future.

"If you don't withdraw first, you shouldn't be so hard." Children's words have no need to add blood to everyone, and they have to go around from time to time to dodge the dead monsters.

Lu is somewhat reluctant, but he does not know that he must be strategically transferred.

Just as he was about to order the retreat, there was a huge change on the field.

The man lying on the ground suddenly jumped up.

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