The Great Thief

Chapter 1515: Waitress

Barcelol is not only a simple resident account, he is a nobleman, and he is also a well-known scholar in the aristocratic circle.

Lu had asked him for some things in his life, but now they are meeting for the first time.

The Census Office is the coldest trick in Stormwind City. Players just look up and look at the signs of these words and they will be disappointed to leave. Almost no one tries to walk in to trigger any task. In fact, Barcelol does not. What tasks are issued.

"I hope that I will not bother you, respected elders," Lu said very politely.

"Hey, a fairy visitor, can I help you?" The old man took off his glasses slowly and looked up to give him a stiff smile.

"You are a profound elder. I want to know Emma, ​​Emma Felstone. She should come from the Fairstone Farm, which is now a paradise for natural disasters," Lu said as he left the door.

"Fellstone Farm, I know that place, I used to go there when I was young..." It seems to be caught in a young and frivolous memory. After a while, Bartholol slowly pointed to the huge bookshelf: "The third volume of the third row, take it over to me."

Lu Li looked for it and took the book and handed it to Barcelol.

The old scholar opened the book and flipped a few pages. His face showed a strange look: "It is also a bitter child. Emma Firestone came to Stormwind with her sister and the people who fled, and it didn't take long. Her sister drowned, oh, her sister is Jenny Fairstone. After her sister died, she often wandered around the canal where her sister drowned. Later, a good man helped. She took her away from this sad place..."

and many more……

This is not right, Lu is a bit aggressive, he has done this task in his life, so he is familiar with the process and rewards of this task.

According to the normal script, it should be after the death of Jenny Firestone, Emma Firestone is crazy, and then in one of the causes, someone in Stormwind found her body by the river, the owner of a fruit shop After accepting her, the player only needs to find the boss's mother to get Emma's half amulet.

Is it because the plague is now the cause of the activity map, so the content of the mission has changed.

But Emma Fairstone should have died in theory. This has a half-dollar relationship with the mission map. The official may change the content of the mission because of the activity, but there is no need to change a person's life and death for the task.

“What's wrong?” Bartholome clearly couldn't understand what it meant to be from the present.

"No, nothing, I would like to ask who is a good-hearted person, where can I find Emma, ​​I have something to give to her," Lu was calm down and decided to follow the task process.

Perhaps it is because of the activities of the Plaguelands, perhaps because he entered the game a year earlier than his last life...

In short, it is only a task.

No matter how the process changes, it's okay to give the rewards as much as you can.

"Kerry, it should be called this name, but they are no longer in Stormwind, you may find them in Nanhai Town," Barthol said.

Carey? Nanhai Town?

That is not the name of the owner of the Nanhai town hotel, the uncle of the Mediterranean, often leaving his pub, so I will not remember this name, the entire Nanhai town is estimated to have no second person named Kaili.

As for Emma...

Lu Yi thought about who in the hotel is more in line with this identity.

First of all, her age should be small, then she is Kerry to take the past, the relationship should be good, and finally, if I work in a hotel, there seem to be few people who can be suspected.


Emma Fairstone!

Jenny Firestone!

Is it a combination of my sister and her own name.

Lu Li finally wants to understand why the task process he is doing is different from others.

Because he and Nima are very familiar, they trigger the hidden points in the task. Normal people will be so familiar with a pub hostess, and the familiarity of the land is related to the more secretive Ravenhold Manor.

Emma Firestone not only survived, but also became an assassin at Ravenhold Manor.

Now, one of her identities is the hotel hostess in Nanhai Town, the foster daughter of the owner, Kaili, and one of the liaisons of the Ravenhold Manor in Nanhai Town.

It’s really a surprise.

Landed with a parcel directly went to Nanhai Town.

The owner, Kaili, was sitting in the back of the counter. When he came in, he just glanced at it. Perhaps it was because the land was too frequent. They were already familiar with the point of not even calling.

The waitress soon came over and greeted him. There were several hostesses in the pub, but she was always alone in the reception.

"I have some tasks here. If you are interested, you can pick two and do it," the waitress said, lowering the voice and saying that the two were not so complicated, but the rewards were quite good. This is the benefit of acquaintances. Those who have just joined the Ravenhold Manor are estimated to be thinking about how to trigger the task.

Lu is not only a small camp mission to take the initiative, he even has the power to choose.

"Actually, the purpose of my coming over this time is not this." After considering it, Lu decided to say it straightforwardly: "I went to the plague today to do the task, passing a place called Fairstone Farm, where... ..."

The waitress’s original smiley face suddenly changed.

Sure enough, she is the Emma.

"This parcel should have been sent out a long time ago. Now I don't know where to go," Lu will take out the quest items.

"You know it," Nima, or Emma Fairstone took over the parcel, and said something awkwardly: "I thought it would be completely abandoned, and I didn't expect to hear these familiar ones." The name, the Firestone family, has become history."

"I heard that in the distant Undercity, there is a forgotten person who sells cockroaches. His name is Jeremiah. He also seems to be named Firestone. However, he generally calls himself Jeremy Payson. ," Lu said.

It's no secret. The two camps of Firestone Farm can be connected. It is natural for tribal players to find Emma in Stormwind. Their mission partners are the merchants of Undercity.

Emma’s eyes burst into a strange look.

Jeremiah, how can he forget him, their younger brother, the younger brother who studied in the capital of Lordaeron.

But she soon realized what Lu Lu said. The former capital of Lordaeron seems to have become a dead city. The forgotten people lived in the underground of this ruin. There is no longer a living person here. .

Her brother... It turns out that there is only one person left in this world.

"Perhaps, we can think that he is living in a new life form, Emma, ​​because of you, he has not been completely forgotten," Lu can only be so comforted.

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