The Great Thief

Chapter 1547: committed to

The debris is also on the side of the land. Others do not know what this is, and Lu has not explained the interest to tens of thousands of people.

For the ordinary players who participated in the battle, solving BOSS is equivalent to freeing Tyre's hand from the undead natural disaster, so everyone has gained a good reputation, plus a lot of land can be exchanged for DKP. Guild points, this is everyone's gain.

Almost no one wants to expect the equipment that the big BOSS will fall off.

It is the small BOSS, the quasi-BOSS and the elite equipment in front, they can use their own points to change.

This time, the harvest is very rich, and the legendary equipment is dozens of pieces. It is more powerful than the fortress that wins a victory. There are hundreds of dark gold equipment, and there is no loss in the battle of 20,000 people.

Therefore, the game of Shuguang is not a one-person game, and the current game industry is very value-oriented.

If there are no such two people without the land, the hand of Tyre may also be able to win, but the equipment that is lost is very limited. After all, the NPC killing monster is not lost.

It's a pity that these equipments are basically loose legends. They are relatively basic. They are good things for ordinary players and even elite players. They are not very eye-catching. They can now change the set components, only the suit parts. More legendary equipment.

"Thanks to the people you brought," Tirion Fordring said with great gratitude.

"You are so polite, I hope that your companions are still safe and sound," Lu told the team to clean up the battlefield, and others went around to search for the imprisoned paladins.

The knights were not found in the prisons of the town.

"Please rest assured, no one will leave the town, my people have been lurking around the town," Lu said with comfort.

"The lost comrades and loved ones will only make our anger more intense," Tirion Forddin looked at the bodies in the town all over the place. Many people were hanging on the pillars, and some were engulfed. Broken belly, they will be transformed into undead, or combined into a new sewing patch.

The adventurers are collecting these bodies, and one after another incineration pits are dug out outside the town, and the bodies are burned to prevent them from being used by the undead.

For the adventurer, these belong to the NPC, and at most they feel that these people are very miserable, and there is no difference between the kind of sympathy of watching movies, but for Tirion Fordring and the Paladins, these are all It’s their robes, the people they have vowed to protect.

"My people have found a lot of civilians," Lu said, and told Tirion Fordring.

"Where?" Tirion Furdin asked in a hurry, and he thought that the people of Tyre's hand were all killed.

Lu took him through several buildings and stopped in front of a collapsed big house. Tirion Fordring’s face was not so good, was it under the house?

However, after a few seconds, he saw Lu from going down from a side of the empty hole. After a while, he saw an underground hall. The noisy and crying people were all humans. Tirion Fordring estimated it a little. At least 3,000 people are still alive.

The population of itself is only four or five thousand of Tyre's hand. If you can survive 3,000 people, it is already very good.

Here, the original owner may have accidentally dug an underground cave when excavating the tunnel, so it is possible to accommodate so many people inside.

Originally thought that these people are hiding underneath, but after catching a person to ask, everyone knows that these people are under the cover of Sergei Lavender, and they are said to stay here waiting for the curse. The gods came over to take them for experimentation.

The curse of the gods is now undergoing a living experiment, which is said to greatly improve the quality of the undead after the transformation.

The Scourge Corps has been unable to occupy the repressive upper hand in the battle with the Allies, mainly because the quality of the low-end combat power is not good.

If an undead soldier and a human soldier fight, the undead soldiers can win. It is hard to say two or two possible wins and losses. In five to five words, the undead soldiers are determined to be finished. They have nothing to do with the cooperation of intelligent creatures. Resilience.

Therefore, raising the level of low-end combat power is the subject of current curse theology.

The existence of these three thousand people can make Tyre's hand be quickly rebuilt, and some defense facilities can be re-reinforced. The next undead will not be willing to lose the hand of Tyre.

After all, Tyre's hand is like a nail tied to the soles of Alsace and Kel'Thuzad.

However, it is unlikely that a large-scale attack will be made. The hand of Tyre is not good to attack. Otherwise, the Scarlet Crusade will not be held for a few years, and the Allied forces will be under pressure. The Scourge will not be able to extract the main force. Deal with the hand of Tyre.

By the end of the event, the strength of these NPCs and monsters in the Plaguelands returned to normal, and the hands of Tyre were even less stressful.

Moreover, soon after the adventurers will rush into Naxxramas, the Scourge is not free to deal with the hands of Tyre, even if Arthas realizes the threat to Tirion Fordring, Tiri O. Fording may not lose.

The land was a little relieved, and he thought he would help defend Tyre's hand.

It's not that he doesn't want to help defend. The main reason is that the nature of the players determines that they are not real soldiers. Let him defend an NPC territory every day. They will be mad, even if they are on duty.

Of course, if it is the NPC as the main body, let the players help the defense to earn reputation, it is no problem.

Asked about some survivors, Tirion Fordring found his paladin veterans in a more subtle crypt, only a dozen survived, almost all with injuries, some still coma, some Forty or fifty were killed, the bodies were displayed together, waiting for the Lich to transform them.

It can be seen from the proportion of such casualties that these paladins are difficult to be captured and they would rather die.

Tirion Forddin apparently had expected and could accept such a result. He personally healed the wounded paladins and promised to revenge for these paladins.

"Boss, our Knights stay here," the rain-like wanderers found the land and took the initiative to fight.

The rain is like a wandering man in charge of the ruling sword. He is a member of the night camp. The long-term activity is in the night town, assisting the night watchmans of the night town and the Scourge in the front line.

Very few of them now have the skills to fight right away, and they can really fight with Tirion Fordring.

"I will stay," the Iraqi tears and fingers are also the Paladins, but he is the head of the field group, specializing in combat in the wild and hostile forces. The people in his hands are PK madmen, very easy to blood. Impulsive, the hands of Tyre are very attractive to them.

They are unlikely to stay here, he needs to continue to participate in the Raiders of the Black Wings.

Although the first kill of the Black Wing's Nest has been taken by them, but when killing the Little Red Dragon, there is the roaring BUFF of the Dragon Slayer, killing the final BOSS Nefarian has a certain luck component, the second CD restarts, and If you don’t have it, you will be able to play it.

Other clubs are still stuck in the Little Red Dragon.

As for the activities of the Plaguelands, it is unlikely that I will meet the boss of the level of Sergey Lavender. Even if I have encountered it, I can’t beat it if I don’t have a helper. I’ll see if the records of other clubs are known. The loss can make them cry.

These days are the most days of the first killing notice.

One after another, the natural disaster BOSS was killed, but counted, no one has any gold content.

The pay and return are disproportionate, so the ruling sword will no longer focus on the activities of the plague, anyway, only two days.

Lu and Tirion Fording bid farewell, and promised that before Tirion Fordring’s reinforcements have arrived, there will be no less than 2,000 people to assist in defense, plus Metz Deer of the Eagle’s Nest. Lord Lakreip will also send people to assist in defense according to the promise, and the hand of Tyre has no worries.

"Thank you, my friend," Tirion Fordring and Lu came to a hug: "I really didn't look at the wrong person. You are an enthusiastic, and just person, even walking in the shadows."

"We are friends, distinguished Lord of the Lord, one day in the future, in order to fight these **** natural disasters, I may also build a fortress on this land, all for Azeroth," Lu is very serious Say, if not other players know what his virtues are, maybe they will be touched.

“Really?” Tirion Fordring’s eyes lit up.

In fact, he did not know that he would be particularly burly when he was not much time. At this time, the Alliance Army temporarily withdrew from the Holy Light Wishing Chapel, so the hands of Tyre were isolated and helpless. If you build a fortress on this land, then they can at least watch each other.

"At that time, you need the assistance of the Lord of the Lord!" Lu nodded.

"When I need assistance most, you reach out, my friend," Tirion Forddin solemnly promised: "The paladin of the silver hand will fight for your fortress!"

It became, and the efforts of the land were concealed by his own excitement, and Tirion Fordring shook hands tightly.

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