The Great Thief

Chapter 1564: Ancient egg (third)

Looking for a few angles, Lu Li found that he could not sneak into the cave.

This place is almost for the battlefield, the skills are flying everywhere, and his sneak level is higher as long as he will show up.

As long as they are outcropping, the two guilds present will treat him as an enemy. Maybe they will join hands to kill him first. After all, no one is sure that this person is going to grab the BOSS. When the equipment is dead, the land will cry. That's too late.

And if BOSS discovers his intentions, BOSS will also use him as the target of attack for the first time.

Don't look at the BOSS for more than forty levels. Under the bonus of the BOSS template, the seconds of the thief will be attacked.

"Sister Feng is not there, not there," Lu said with private chat.

"Why, fight," Mo Forgot turned on the communication, and while chatting, flashed over the other soldier who was coming from the charge, and set aside the other person with a skill.

"See," Lu said.

"I saw you still yelling, wait, you said you saw it?" Mo forgets Feng.

"Yeah, I will be in the left and right of you about twenty-five yards..." Lu said with a cold smile: "This is the way you treat you?"

"Oh," Mo Forgot Feng's retracting staff, as if the blizzard was not released by him in the twenty-fifth yard range on the left: "I just want to see you too. Who knows that you are so dishonest, the sword of your ruling I won't want to grab this BOSS anymore."

"Without this plan, I will come alone today," Lu said, and it seems that he did not care much about the other side rushing to kill him.

"What are you doing, passing by?" Mo Forgot asked without a good air.

"Be a task, you help me move the battlefield to the center point, I remember you one person," Lu is helpless.

"You want to enter the cave behind the BOSS?" Mo Forgot casually observed, and found the destination of Lu, he casually said: "I have been in the cave several times, there is nothing in it, you are triggered What a special task."

"There is no special task. I am helping the little girl in the guild to do the task. You know that there is a little girl in my team who likes to do the task."

"I do not believe."

"If you don't help, if you don't help, I will pull people to join the war." Lu Liming threatened the other party, but it was not alarmist. As long as the Holy Hall and the Star Club did not give up this hole, he would rather pull people to come together. Stir this water more.

"Today's system update, you don't go to the Black Wings Nest, don't try to unlock new copies, and don't even stare at the club newcomers who are playing, but run here to help a little girl do the task. Are you stupid? ?"

"What do you want?"

The game circle is like this. Everyone is a very good friend. They can eat chicken together. They can introduce friends into each other's clubs. But when they are interested, they are all good people.

"Share this task, or at least wait for you to finish this task and tell me how to trigger this task. My sixth sense tells me that this task is very important," Mo Forgot is not a good lord, the boss of his sacred temple. Although the club is as strong as the three leagues behind the land, it will not fall immediately.

What's more, the Holy Hall of the Fa is also a very old guild, and it also has its own allies.

"Only a woman has a sixth sense," Lu couldn't help but spit out. She knew that she would find a star guild to make a deal. Moving a rock to lick your own feet, old and not dead is a thief, and the old foxes in these game circles cannot be underestimated.

"You have called my sister Feng, I have a sixth sense of what happened," Mo forgets the face of Feng, which is also famous for its thickness.

"Let's go, I will tell you back," Lu said that he would come down. Anyway, this task will be discovered sooner or later, and he will not have a deadline for death. When they take Zul'Gurub's first kill, it is also turning back, anyway. He is not afraid of anyone who is shameless.

"Just waiting for you, I am now letting MT take the blame away, you see the opportunity to act on your own," Mo forgets the purpose of the maple, and the triumph is also very refreshing.

In fact, he is not aware of the traps in the words.

It’s just that everyone has a B number in their own heart. If he is in a hurry, he may not be able to get any benefit. He is so refreshing now, and it’s not likely that he is really not at all human.

MT pulled the evil priestess to move up, BOSS moved, other people will naturally follow, the battlefield gradually deviated from the location of the cave, and the land left no one noticed that this side directly sneaked into the cave.

This cave he had been here before, there was nothing in it.

Now revisiting the place, perhaps because he took over the task, the original empty center of the cave has a huge egg-like body.

This is probably the ancient egg.

Is this the egg under the **** Hakka?

The game settings are really very nonsense, and the descendants of the semi-god are actually relying on the eggs, but think about the shape of the Hakka wind snake, it seems that there is nothing wrong with the snake creatures laying eggs.

The land picked up the giant egg and successfully took the giant egg into the parcel.

"Let, your uncle, what have you done, BOSS is going to run away, you can escape, remember to share the task," Mo forgets the yelling in the communicator, he is busy commanding the man to intercept and want to return The original location of the BOSS, while giving a letter to the land.

"Thank you, go back and send you a copy of the Raiders," Lu did not dare to scorn, use the skills in the cave to become a crow, fly out of the hole and fly into the sky.

The evil priest Hex underneath completely ran away, more exaggerated than the violent.

On the above, you can see that one player after another has been turned into a corpse by BOSS, and the scope of this violent movement is still expanding to the outside. The common evil troll mobs are also violently going away. Some low-level players are like this. Was taken away by the mobs.

Guilt is only a matter of an instant, and Lu is rushing back to hand in the task, and can't manage the following things.

Moreover, he believes that this kind of chaos is a matter of a meeting. As long as the sacred temple and the two guilds of the celestial ceremonies do not focus on mutual enthusiasm, they should put more energy into the BOSS. Even if it is violent, the evil priestess will eventually be one. Only forty levels of BOSS, can't afford to spray.

"In order to get this ancient egg, we died a lot of brothers," Lu was standing in front of the troll archaeologist Ye Keya.

"..." Ye Keya wants to vomit blood. If it is so difficult, do you need to come so fast? It takes only ten minutes for you to run back and forth, and to kill the evil priest Hex. You told me that many brothers died, and I am desperate.

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