The Great Thief

Chapter 1569: Reason for deduction

Not the same as many previous copies - this copy can ride a mount!

Therefore, when twenty people summoned a strange mount, the blue sea breeze suggested that everyone take a picture first.

"After many years, we are all old, or AFK, this scene will be a good memory for us. I will point to your photos to tell my son and grandson, who are these people, what are they? Legendary story..."

Very sad, I can't think of this kind of literary talent that can be transformed.

"Son, grandson?" The poisonous tongue youth, who always only has the shape of a young artist, sneered and sneered: "First of all, you must be able to find a girlfriend, or where are your sons, grandchildren?"

"Liu Jinzhu, my grandfather!" The blue sea breeze was almost planted from his mount.

"Okay, OK, take a group photo, and then work," Lu was impatiently interrupting the two goods that had been torn all day, and they could continue to be friends, instead of hacking another. One, I have been used to it for a long time, maybe this is the real love and kill.

Not far from the entrance, it is a mob.

The mobs here are very good, but after experiencing the copy of the Black Wings Nest, the mobs can only be "little".

And Lu Lu directly let everyone drink Ye Keya's pharmacy. Anyway, this time brought two groups of pharmacy, two bottles per person, one bottle can last for 30 minutes, after one hour, someone will send a new pharmacy. .

He also counted the blood.

It is not that he does not feel bad about the rare materials that make medicines, but time is not to be wasted.

Zul'Gurub is simpler than the Black Wing's Nest. It can block other clubs, that is, they are not familiar with the copy mechanism. Once other clubs slowly explore the Raiders, the first kill is not necessarily the ruling sword. .

A group of people swept past the bandits and quickly entered the real copy area.

Whether it is to resurrect Hakkar or to suppress him, the various troll tribes united and sent a small team of high-ranking priests to penetrate this ancient city.

These tribes are very familiar to us: evil branches, skulls, blood tops, dead woods, and sand anger. Each priest in the team is the strongest ambassador of an ancient god, representing the power of bats, cheetahs, tigers, spiders, and vipers.

So what the players need to face is these sacrifices, and the totem monsters they have raised.

The first area is the bat area, and the high-ranking priest Yerkick took his tribe to the first level. The strange group in this area is basically a combination of two bat knights and four to six bats. It's more difficult, but Lu Li quickly tested the abilities and characteristics of these monsters, and then adopted the correct strategy.

"Dream dream, beard, you two are actually misleading to MT, others kill the bat first, the bat cleans up and then kill the knight, when the blood volume is 30%, all other melee personnel back, only the tank, no Seeing that the monster will blew itself, and still resisting it there, is it necessary to exhaust the treatment..."

In fact, if you don't hide, you won't be killed. After all, everyone's equipment is very good.

But casualties are naturally inevitable. Lu Yi does not want to waste time here. After all, if someone hangs, they need to stop and resurrect. After the resurrection, they must re-add the state.

"Hilick, give me the wings of revenge!"

The female troll screamed and turned into a huge bat.

Chirik is the **** of bats, the patron saint of the evil trolls, and the high-ranking priest Yerik will pray directly to Chirik.

During this period, her attack power is very high. Others are silence and fear spells. Once MT is feared and treatment is silenced, it is easy to cause casualties.

Because I didn't know about these situations at the beginning, the team fell two or three people, two of which were melee occupations, including the water elves, and the land was silently fighting the water elves.

"Boss, I am still lying?" Fat monkey could not help but say.

"You, let's continue to lie down, we don't have much battle," Lu was only wearing a Druid with a small sauce. This is a rare battle skill and can't be used easily.

"Why save the water MM," the fat monkey almost shed.

"Who makes you not a beauty," Lu was a rare humor, but the fat monkey obviously could not appreciate his humor.

In addition to these skills, the high-ranking priest Yerkick will also use summoning, a large group of overwhelming bats rushing straight, so that the team will be destroyed without any help.

"Why not control?" After the resurrection, Lu asked.

"The strange flying in the sky, how to control it," Huadi feels very innocent.

"This is a game. Who can say that they can fly and can't control it? Didn't watch them fly so low?" Lu Li suddenly felt a little powerless. He knew that this BOSS might be a little bit out, but never expected to destroy it. As long as an AOE can solve the small bat in hand.

The second time I hit a small bat, the two ice methods finally knew that I was using the Frost Nova.

These low-flying bats are directly and frozen in place, and then the group of attackers and other groups attack the professional round, and finally there is only one bat body.

It is really very simple.

"Liu Jinzhu, ridicule!" Lu screamed in a hurry.

This time, finally, BOSS is not going to play other people. When one MT is feared, another MT must play a role.

"Lu, I always thought that you are a serious person," drifting is very angry.

"Look at me, why don't you call your name? Everyone else shouted like this. Then I said, I was too eager to pay attention." Lu said, the voice is getting smaller and smaller: "Okay, okay, I am going to the next stage, everyone is ready."

"You have to promise me one thing," will not be transferred to the topic.

"what's up?"

"Whoever wants to call my real name in the future, we will deduct his DKP from our own guild. The outside guild will let Xiaoru take people to kill them, otherwise I will strike." I feel that I must take measures, my own world name, I hope there is still a chance to save it.

"Oh, BOSS has changed, everyone is watching, it’s amazing," the blue sea breeze yelled.

That is to say, he shouted a lot. This is the only way he can find a face in the process of tearing away from the drifting, and he can make it drift.

Deduct DKP, you really want it!

Luminous sweat, ignoring the sorrowful eyes, direct others to play BOSS.

At this time, the high-ranking priest Yerkick has changed back to the human form.

She raised her hands and the green energy began to condense. This is a process of reading.

The land is kicked off and kicked off. It can be seen from the skill name. It is a healing skill. Generally speaking, the longer the reading time, the greater the skill power. In fact, if you let BOSS give yourself a milk. It will restore 20% of the blood at once, and the long-term efforts have been in vain.

Fortunately, you can interrupt, many of the players in the field are PVP masters, interrupting a skill to close your eyes will not be a problem.

At this time, the high-ranking priest Yerkick will also use fireball.

Her fireball technique is a bit special, more like a bursting fireball. Not only does it hit the target, it will cause damage, but it will also cause a splashing effect. Someone next to it will be burned by Mars splashing on the body, and Mars will fall to the ground. Burns up to form a piece of flame.

This area causes a greater amount of damage to the burning player, basically hanging on it for two or three seconds.

"I have been hiding, if anyone is burned to death, I will deduct his DKP," Lu was decisively took out the DKP.

"If you don't promise me, I will burn myself," said the drifting.

"Well, let's go. If anyone wants to scream for Liu Jinzhu in the future, every time you deduct a little DKP, don't you say it, otherwise this DKP will not be deducted." Lu was not able to be wrapped up by him.

"Then you first deduct yourself two points, plus the previous sentence, you have said twice today, there are less winds, he also shouted when he just entered the copy today," drifting thought, just buckle On the line, it's better than not deducting it. Sometimes a DKP can also determine the ownership of a piece of equipment.

"I am embarrassed, you actually want to deduct me, believe it or not, I will deduct you first," Lu was angry.

"That is less than the wind, you are even," drifting zero and seeing the wind to the rudder.

"Well, just buckle him a little DKP," Lu Li endured the pain of the heart, deducted a blue sea breeze DKP.

"You two animals!" The blue sea breeze was crying, and while being hammered by BOSS, he was also pitted by his own little friend.

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