The Great Thief

Chapter 1722: Star soul

In stark contrast to the player is the worried Marellis, who walks in the forefront and almost rushes to the place where his wife is.

Lu Yi followed him, worried that Natalia would kill him directly.

The copy was solved, and the main role of Marlis was completed. However, although Lu Li did not hold the idea that the world has a lover, he is a brother and sister - cough, not a genus, but at least he does not want to see the tragedy. Occurs in front of yourself.

Besides, once Marlis recovered his wife, the mission reward is definitely a very rich income.

"Ready to fight," Lu said to remind everyone.

He didn't have the innocence to think that there would be no need to fight in the next place. The scene where the husband and wife met and cried and cried completely did not count. Natalya is now a high priest of the ancient gods, and Lu Li and others including her husband just hit Killed the kesuen in the copy.

So it’s no surprise that Natalya will be on hand when she meets.

Only Marlis’s heart was like a knife, and even he did not know how to fight back. If there was no such thing as Lu Li and others, the commander of the Cenarion Circle is likely to end.

"The wind is small, blocking it," Lu shouted.

"Do not worry, I am not dead, this NPC teammate will be able to live," a blue sea breeze loaded on Natalya's petite body, almost bombed, Natalya's staff swept a wave A player.

Isn't it a good sacrifice? I thought it was a profession like a pastor. Whoever wanted to marry was a melee class legal profession.

"Lord Marlis, we must subdue her in order to use the spirit fragments of Kesuen. You only have one chance. If you feel that you are in a daze, then we may have to retreat," Lu was rushing to Marellis. Ramp.

I can't let Marlis continue to be decadent. You can't beat Natalia, but you can't guarantee the life of Marlis under the protection of Natalya.

Marlis is the NPC. The reason why he can fight to this moment is because his Druid career, the four series of full repair, as long as he does not want to die, Natalya will not kill him if he is tired, but He stood there so stupidly, absolutely no more than five minutes.

When he heard the shouts from the land, Marlis finally came back.

Yes, this woman must not be her own wife. She must surrender her and dispel the evil obsession before she can become Natalia in her own impression.

Marlis quickly settled and he also participated in the ranks of his wife.

His wife is so beautiful, there must be a lot of friends who want to be friends with him, but these adventurers who help him to beat his wife.

The poor couple will not know that their setting is a task that can be repeated countless times. At the very least, before Kesuen is weakened to a certain extent, everyone should do this task as a shortcut.

Natalya is a good BOSS.

Only her strength is no better than Kesuen in the copy, and her husband who knows her well is beating her for her good posture.

Natalia fell into Kesuen, no longer blessed by the moon **** Elune, lost most of her skills, and gained the power of the ancient **** of the ancient **** Ksuen, but in terms of fighting style, she There is not much change, at most it is the change of the power attribute.

Marris, who has been fighting side by side with her for many years, closed her eyes and knew what skills she would release.

Under his reminder, Lu Li and others were able to push Natalia into the violent phase with almost no pressure. At this time, the problem came.

Is it killing, or not killing.

Marlis certainly didn't want his wife to be killed. His wife wouldn't listen to it and kill him. If he killed him, he would become a single dog.

"Stop, the wind is less resistant, the treatment pays attention to the blood," Lu Yisheng solved everyone's entanglement.

This is really not to kill, killing is really dead, but Marleys may become BOSS to kill everyone, the player is most afraid of not BOSS attack high or defense thick, but BOSS can play Resistance can also be added.

In general, the Druid professional BOSS in the copy is a severely weakened version.

Marleys is not a copy of BOSS, but no one can weaken him. Don't watch him play alone, but he will never face Kesun. However, he would rather face Kesun and not want to face such a person. The solution to the Druid NPC, Marlis is very strong, a good druid.

After everyone stopped, only Natalia’s unilateral attackers were left.

Fortunately, her strength is relatively general, at least after the violent, there is no way to give everyone a group.

After the violent stage, Natalia began to enter a state of weakness.

This time, instead of pointing out, Marlis knew what to do. He went up to hug his wife and placed the shards of Kesuen in his hand directly on Natalya's head.

It was like throwing into the hot charcoal in the water, and the spiritual fragments of Kesuen burned all the spiritual energy.

Marlis is not doing anything to let his life be resigned. His hands are filled with the healing energy of the Druid, and he is a powerful healer.

A two-pronged approach, the weak Natalya natural festival retreats.

However, she struggled a lot, and she shouted something in her mouth, which made people feel quite reasonable.

For example, the damage caused by the Titan creations to the mainland, such as the wake of Aitras, the Titan, will greet the catastrophe, and she also said some secrets about other continents. What people don't know, even the Stormwind City Library has no relevant discussions and records.

The Raiders in this area have not mentioned it. It is likely that the official will delete these things soon.

The background setting of Twilight is very complicated. For now, there are some people who think that Elune is the star soul of Azeroth. She is the only true God on this continent.

In other words, Elune is the subconscious of Azeroth's soul, because the star soul is still growing up in sleep, and has not really woken up.

Her existence is good or bad for all kinds of people living on the mainland. No one can understand it, but at least Elune is positive in the eyes of the night elves, human races, etc., and she has not gone straight to destroy all Orcs or undead, so other tribal races also maintain a certain respect and fear for her.

As for what to say after the star soul wakes up, it is generally believed that Azeroth will still exist after the star soul wakes up.

The appearance of the Titans is not seen before. No one will think that Azeroth is the star soul. At most, it is the cradle of the star soul, homeland. In the future, the soul of the star may leave, and everyone will still breed in this land. live.

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