The Great Thief

Chapter 1740: Regret

This means that if you want to play this BOSS, let the pastor's mind control the worshipper become the most effective way, and become the only way.

Lu is not aware of what kind of brain circuit the first crab is, and he is very entangled now.

"Or, let's try to control the two mobs. Angela Auntie said that Farina's follow-up has no independent consciousness and can be controlled by the pastor's mind." The group was killed twice, just in the meantime. When I didn't know what to do, Xiao Ba Sai spoke out.

Aunt Angela in her mouth probably refers to the Archmage Angela Dustos, the NPC of the Light Hope Chapel.

Lu was stunned, and he struggled for such a long time. It was solved in such a simple way. Then he couldn't help but start pantothenic acid. Although he had already told himself, don't be more lucky than the dream, and don't be more attractive than the eight sauces. He failed both of them.

But in contrast, this is too hurtful.

Here is the land of plague, the most open place he has eaten, he and the old Fordinga are a life of friendship, the NPC of the entire plague is grateful to him.

Unfortunately, it is still not comparable to other people's systems.

"Well, wait for the pastor to control the mobs and try to see what the mobs can use." Lu was very happy to agree with the advice of Xiao Ba Sauce, and also intends to reward several DKP for Xiao Ba Sauce. This girl is sleeping and giving a pillow.

Controlling the mobs is of course less than the three main treatments of March rain and star ,, and both the brother and the weiweika can do the job.

Both the brother and the child are not called Ji Ge, but because the brother is two years old, it is called the big brother, and the child is too young to be humiliated. .

The pastor soon discovered that followers can't be controlled, only worshippers can.

The followers kill first, and the four worshippers pull apart. After the followers die, the MT pulls the BOSS to the center of the room. Everyone follows the station like the Black Dragon Princess or the Vichys, scattered in the room, and the fire rain kills. Intensive crowds.

The four worshippers do not need to be all controlled, only one or two can be qualified to lift the boss's violent mission. After a monster is controlled, a debuff will appear, which can not be controlled again in a short time. Change to other worshippers to control.

In fact, after being proficient, a pastor can perfectly remove the violent BOSS. A pastor who specializes in mind control of worshippers wears high natural resistance. Another priest in the same group is responsible for shielding him after he controls the worshipper to prevent the poison arrow from interrupting control.

As long as BOSS is not violent, it is easy to be killed.

Lu and others because of the detoxification agent to force, the difficulty of killing this BOSS is even less than the first BOSS, not long before they won the battle.

There is nothing particularly good in the equipment, far less than the first BOSS.

However, Etières's fragments and T3 parts are out, and it is considered to be a normal fall. After all, not every BOSS will drop the skill book. It can even be said that most of the BOSS will not give you the skill book even if it is the first kill. .

Next is the last BOSS Maxner in the spider area.

Maxner is a terrible spider with a huge body. It guards the last line of defense in the spider area, and feeds its innumerable sons on the large spider web.

If you think that the natural disasters are just those ugly ghouls, unconscious shackles, and stinking screaming monsters, then wait for the nightmare to come. Although the plague of the Lich King Ner'zhul to Kel'Thuzad only turned humans into undead creatures, this terrible plague affected other non-human creatures.

In the plague land, animals and plants that are mutated by the plague are everywhere, and the native spiders have the largest variation.

Kel'Thuzad, the true master of the plague, still retains the curiosity of scientists after his death. When he heard that there was a huge pattern of tarantula in the plague, he immediately set out to take this behemoth with magic and bring it back to Naxxramas for research.

"The strange mutation, the plague brings a lot of interesting phenomena, the hugeness is only one aspect, the more corrosive venom, the high-speed metabolism, the tough and sticky spider web, everything is so wonderful!"

"Unfortunately, it died, but it actually left a lot of eggs! It seems that I can study how they mutate in the plague environment."

“It’s fun! Only 70% of the eggs have been successfully hatched, and these cute creatures kill each other when they are born. It took only 20 minutes to use them to decide who is the last king, and this one The last victor was only three days older than his mother, but also strong and greedy! The ordinary plague-infected corpse could not satisfy its appetite, only the plague-specific rot You can fill your stomach.

I decided to name it Meikena, the legendary **** of the spider kingdom! ”

It is said that this monster - a big guy with a length of 5 meters and a height of 3 meters, is bigger than its mother.

Before the two, the first one is a spider. Although it is terrible, at least it looks like a spider. The second one is not to mention. It’s not only a terrible thing, but a valuable value. woman.

This is not the same in front of the eyes, and the legendary five meters long and three meters high is a little bit different, but at least two meters high, everyone in the team does not have Yao Ming's height, so all need to look up.

The most disgusting thing is that the goods are actually drooling.

The blue sea breeze is blue, and if he goes up and pulls the blame, the spider's saliva will help him wash his face. Fortunately, this is a game, otherwise the poisonous saliva is not as simple as washing your face, and the disfigurement will be more direct.

"Go on, the wind is less, what are you waiting for, is it true that this BOSS is not as beautiful as the above?" Lu Yi's tone is somewhat gloating.

"Repent should not ... ah ... ah ..." Azure sea breeze does not know where to learn, actually will sing Peking Opera.

I knew that I wouldn't choose what MT, and he found that MT was abused. Every time I opened BOSS, it was a battered figure. He didn't shake M. Now he regrets that he has invited him.

However, if he is not allowed to be MT, he is not willing.

He likes the feeling of being very eye-catching. In a team, the commander is the most important, followed by MT. In the PVE team of the ruling sword, the outside world knows them, except for the land is his blue sea breeze.

He is more affected than the star.

The two evils are taken lightly. The same is true for the two benefits. Think about the greatness of this MT. The blue sea breeze holds the sword of the Brotherhood in one hand, and holds the shield in one hand, rushing toward the mouth of the big spider. The past.

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