The Great Thief

Chapter 1742: Old acquaintance

The ruling sword did not rush to enter the copy, or they have always been slow to enter.

The other clubs brought in the team at the first time of the opening of the Naxxramas Cemetery. They were adjusting the team while they were playing. What kind of pharmacy is needed, what kind of career can be done later, anyway, their land reclamation group is hundreds of people, open Three or five regiments are not a problem.

The core of their departure is the three-party alliance pioneering group, although the rest has also entered the copy, but the role played is not great.

With the three faction alliances, the Weiyu Pavilion and the Wushuang City do not seem to be in a hurry.

This is not without hidden dangers. If the time is long, their land reclamation groups will become weaker and weaker.

The first BOSS in the plague area was the plague messenger North, who was a prestigious mage in Dalaran. Like Kel'Thuzad, he obeyed the call of the Lich King; it was also out of thirst for power. He Agree to serve the Scourge Corps with his accomplishments in necromantics and casting curses.

However, when North saw the countless innocent lives of the Scourge in the Third World War, he began to doubt his decision to follow Kel'Thuzad.

But Kel'Thuzad quickly sealed the heart of North with ice, preventing his growing pity.

Being the husband of Ms. Farina is the most outstanding among men. This is true at all. As the 7th husband of Ms. Farina, North Abraham, who is the president of the Rodin's Masters Association, is extremely high in the study of souls and the dialogue of souls. Arrogance.

Don't think that the psychic is the necromancer. Before the birth of the Scourge, the psychic had become an officially recognized important position. By summoning the victim's soul, let the sheriff know who is the real murderer; historians find that the psychic hopes that they can talk to the witnesses of those historical events to understand the truth that covers up the long river of time. Of course, not every soul of the deceased will be summoned, and no one can be a psychic. In the invasion of Luodan, the king’s psychic does not exceed 100, and each Individuals have a kind and peaceful heart.

North is one of the most benevolent and friendly of them. (Note: To be a psychic, the heart must be pure, and the higher the level of goodness, the greater the success rate of summoning the soul.) In his territory, The people live peacefully and sing the masters of their approachable people.

"The man who became the black widow's prey, the final ending is only ruined."

North may not know the lace message of the bottom people. When he was alone, he saw Ms. Farina, and spent five minutes. Two days later, the grand wedding was held on the manor of North. The people warmly welcomed the arrival of the beautiful hostess and found that their owner’s dazzling blond hair was completely white.

A month later, the power of the curse came to this quiet place, the cursed soul wandered in the night; the unclean undead creatures appeared in the farmland; the dark monsters attacked humans all the time; and the North and the Lady's method Ms. Linna did not step out of their villa.

The people struggled in the dark days, waiting for their owners to save them. However, they waited for the plague and death.

When the villa door opened and the plague messenger who had put on the Scourge uniform appeared again on his territory, the entire manor was only the body of the villager who died as a result of the plague.

"Get up! Be loyal to your master!" Countless cockroaches drilled out of the cemetery, walked out of the house, and stood up from the farmland.

The hero is saddened by the beauty, and North eventually became a necromancer.

There are so many people in history. Everyone is too lazy to despise each other. In fact, they are not qualified to despise others. At the very least, people are peony flowers and ghosts, and they are always more romantic than single dogs.

"Glory to my Lord!" The former psychic had completely become the running dog of the Lich King.

Its normal damage is not too high, this is not a good thing. Usually, the normal damage is not high, which means that the skill is very powerful. The player is most afraid of the powerful skills of BOSS.

Although it was only the gatekeeper BOSS in the plague area, it was not long before North played and let everyone smash it once.

He released a group curse after a few tens of seconds of fighting, and people around the 30-yard range were recruited. The curse lasted eight seconds and the damage was very low, so everyone was not in a hurry to remove the curse. The cursed people in these few explosions.

Yes, it is really fried.

Not only killed himself, but also killed people around him.

"Remote occupation pay attention to the station, try to output 30 yards away. The curse of the melee profession must be lifted. You can assign it yourself." Lu has adjusted the team and pulled two wizards to come in. The number of mages in the team has reached five. And, together with two druids that can also solve the curse, this can always get rid of the curse.

"I have a potion to solve the curse," Xiao Ba Say reached out and took a few bottles of medicine from his pocket.

What is really what I want, it’s more than a dream.

However, the amount of this medicine is limited, and it is of course not necessary to use it. The Master and the Druid can guarantee that all the curses will be lifted within eight seconds without any mistakes.

This BOSS is not the kind of standing BOSS. After about a minute of battle, BOSS retired all of his hate goals, used flash skills in the crowd, and then randomly used ordinary attacks and then group skills.

The first time I encountered such a shameless BOSS, everyone did not react, and the reaction was over.

In fact, random selection does not matter with ordinary attacks, its ordinary attack is not strong, and even if you are lucky enough to kill the player, it is only one death, the key is that the group curse can not stand. In addition to the group curse, there is also a group disabled.

This is a more exaggerated group of deceleration skills, the blue sea breeze rushed back to pull back the BOSS, it is because of the slowdown.

The method of coping is also very simple. Lu will let the deputy T stand in the crowd. Once the BOSS flashes out, it will be pulled back and sent back. As long as there is no chaos, there is no big problem.

In the second stage, BOSS will go up to the wall, which is literally the upper wall. At this time, the BOSS is not attackable, it will summon the mobs.

The first time on the wall, brush 4 plague warriors at a time, will be group shadow shock, about two thousand shadow damage (related to resistance), eat any control skills, frost, lock, halo, kidney shot, frozen trap, disperse Shooting, silence, counter-attacks, sanctions, ground bindings, etc., usually after the brush, the wizard immediately frost, while the pastor also locked him as soon as possible. The warrior pulls one, concentrates all firepower, and kills quickly. Then continue to kill the next one.

The second time on the wall, once brushed 4 plague warriors and 2 plague guards, the guards will be Austrian violence, about a thousand or so of arcane damage (related to resistance), can be dizzy can not lock can not be silent, blood is rare. Because the Austrian resistance can not be improved by BUFF, so before the start of the BOSS battle, drink strong anti-drug. The priest is locked with 4 plague warriors, the soldiers hold 2 plague guards, and others kill at the fastest speed.

The third time on the wall, once brushed 4 plague warriors and 2 plague guards and 2 crazy structures, the structure will be smooth, group damage, damage to the soldiers around 1400, other occupations 3000-4000 damage, do not eat halo can not lock Can't be silent, less blood. As before, four priests locked the plague warriors, and the melee quickly killed the plague guards. Two soldiers quickly pulled the structure and left the crowd. The long-range firepower killed the plague guard and then killed the structure.

After three times on the wall, I congratulated everyone on entering the third stage.

There is no new skill in the third stage. It is much simpler than the second stage. There is only one plague debuff. The person in the dying must die. There is no way to lift it. The solution is to go away and die, otherwise it will infect the plague around you, five seconds. After that, people in the plague will suffer a lot of damage and die.

This BOSS also didn't waste everyone too much time.

Stone material skills book, then equipment.

North's cold heart, deputy equipment, the best of the law, and finally was taken away by the cat and cat. Last time she took a sword, it was just together.

The light sacred deed, the paladin's exclusive sacred object, equipped with a position similar to the thief's bow, is undoubtedly the night, because it is the equipment of the milk ride.

The ring of destiny, the super best ring of the legal system, finally let Lu Li see a device that can refresh the spirit, the last BOSS clearly has two good things, but one has not come out, it is quite cool.

This BOSS is probably the first kill.

The legal system universal ring, the intensity of the competition can be imagined, especially this BOSS landed five Masters come in, who does not want such a perfect ring.

In the end, the flower base was separated by two hundred and twenty DKP and took the ring.

However, the ring that he had eliminated himself was still robbed by a group of people. The result was taken by the 1200 DKP in the micro cloud. This kind of calculation took a hundred DKP and changed it. equipment.

Weiyun is a commander, but he is not commanding all the time, so the demand for equipment is also very strong.

As a mage, no one wants to stand behind the output.

Master Fa has the pride of the Master.

The smeared band, the paladin, the hunter, the shaman, the druid exclusive, and the dreams easily defeated the opponents to get the equipment.

The tarnished belt, the priest, the mage, the warlock exclusive, the blue-green 无 of the unparalleled city got the equipment.

This BOSS did not have any fragments, but there was a mission item - the fate of Ramalanti.

Ramalanti was a warrior of the Brotherhood. He was a student of Lord Mograine before the establishment of Silver Dawn. When Mograine’s death came, hatred and anger filled his heart. He walked out of the shelter and became a natural hunter in the plague.

The strength is naturally strong, otherwise it is not a hunter but a prey.

This quest rewards an ice-resistant ring that can be done in any profession, as well as the equipment that suits you.

After Lu Shi explained the task, this item was also used as a legendary equipment to score points. The last thing to get the quest item was the deadly gold pants from the unparalleled city. He felt that he was very lack of frost resistance, so that he and the ice master PK loses more and less.

This version of the warrior can be awkward when it comes to the Fa.

Counting down there are actually six things, it should be the first kill.

The next BOSS was a dirty Hill cover. When I saw this BOSS, everyone laughed. Because of the battle of the last hand of Tyre, everyone is dealing with this BOSS. Or it can be said that the last time you deal with Hill Gai is stronger than the one in the copy. He has seen almost all his skills.

The difference is that last time everyone was a large number, this time there were only forty people.

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