The Great Thief

Chapter 1744: Abolish treatment

After playing this BOSS a few times, Lu Li knew that today is not necessarily solved.

He began to try to adjust the team, leaving only the blue sea breeze, all other defensive occupations were replaced, because this BOSS does not need so many defensive occupations, and if it is replaced by a thief or a mage, it can improve the overall output of the team.

As for why not a lot of treatments come in.

It is not that the treatment pressure is not big. In fact, the biggest difficulty of this BOSS is that the blood line cannot be lifted. The reason why the treatment is not treated is because the treatment profession is useless.

Luo Oseb has one of the most commonly used skills called the corrupted mind. After a few seconds of opening, the debuff is added to all treatments. All healing spells and detox spells become 1 minute CD time, which means that in this minute. Treatment can only use one healing spell or detoxification or disease-breaking spells.

The treatment profession is almost abolished, and they can only be shot at the most critical time.

At this time, I look at the club's equipment and potions, props and the like, radish, bandages, healing stones, magic blood potions, powerful troll potions, zg's Zanzas, Titans, super energy and so on.

Anyway, as long as it is a means of adding blood, everyone should use it as much as possible.

On the contrary, it is not possible to use the therapeutic agent at this time, so this BOSS is very wonderful, the means are unheard of, and the team playing for the first time is very aggressive.

Some people say that this BOSS is actually not too high, and the skill damage is also quite satisfactory. This is true, but once someone has abolished your treatment, the skills that are not so powerful are also full of lethality.

The second skill is the summoning skill.

Under normal circumstances, the summoning BOSS must have other defensive occupations to be a deputy T, but Loo Seb is not necessary here.

At the start of 20 seconds, the start of summoning the spores of the disease will come out of the four wells. Generally, the two wellheads that are backed by the boss will brush the spores. The spore blood is very small, about 700, and will be given to the nearby Player a buff, melee professional critical strike increased by 50%, spell critical strike increased by 60%, no skill and damage at this stage without hatred, lasting 1 minute 30 seconds.

This spore can easily be killed, and there is no need to pull it.

After the death, the player can get the benefit, so this skill is also classified as the dead skill of BOSS.

Eating spores will increase the crit, and there is no hate value - this is equivalent to letting the player unscrupulously export himself, it is a small expert in the dead.

Eat this is generally a mage and thieves, Berserker can also eat, but no thieves and mages broke out so thoroughly.

Without these spores, Looseb was a BOSS with no solution.

Of course, things can't be that simple. Looseb has a "necessary bad luck" skill, that is, the day it was born, the entire shadow damage of the entire test site, it will give all players within 100 yards Debuff, after 10 seconds, suffered 2,500 points of Shadow damage, then every 30 seconds, when the boss battled for 15 minutes, the doom's curse trigger time was adjusted to 5 seconds.

Inevitably bad luck is very horrible, but the first fifteen minutes is actually good, only 30 seconds to launch once, how can everyone fill the blood.

Once more than fifteen minutes, it must be the result of the group's death. After the treatment is abolished, the five-second half-blood damage is not affordable.

The three faction alliances have been eliminated again and again, and they have also mobilized a lot of materials, pharmacies, and props. Loose Sauber must burn money, and dark resistance equipment and blood-sucking equipment are also taken seriously by everyone. It is said that if the dark resistance is high, the damage will be less. Once the melee blood reaches a certain value, the melee can continuously return blood in the battle, thus reducing the pressure of treatment.

Lu from the club warehouse took a few pieces of blood-sucking equipment to wear, although the output suddenly fell a lot, but the blood sucking came up.

He can recover 300 or so of his own life for ordinary attacks. As long as he is not attacked by BOSS, he basically does not have to worry about the damage caused by "inevitable doom."

If you want to stabilize this BOSS, in fact, many groups of thieves can be, everyone wears some blood-sucking equipment, take turns to eat spores, the output must not worry. But you can't wear too much blood-sucking equipment, or the output can't keep up, the advantage of thieves doesn't exist.

"My blood, my blood," the blue sea breeze shouted.

"What is it, I haven't died yet," the rain was quiet in March, and he couldn't help but swear at him.

"It’s too late to die, sister, my life can be handed over to you," the blue sea breeze was crying, his usual anti-BOSS, the blood line is generally stable at more than 50%, this time I lost up to 30% and didn't give myself up. I was panicked.

"Which girl is it, is it your sister?" The flower bottom is unhappy, this is his sister, and he is determined not to allow anyone to call his sister.

"Oh, flowers, I tell you one thing, your sister will marry sooner or later, hahaha~" The blue sea breeze is not afraid of death.

"Roll, kill you two things in the morning and evening," the flower bottom is not calm.

"German orthopedics welcomes you, animals and animals," Azure Sea Breeze likes to look at this kind of expression that others want to kill him but take him no way. The most hateful flower face is this little white face all day cold.

"Don't bother, night, add blood," March rain was very hot.

The night raises a hand and directly increases the blood volume of the azure sea breeze, and then continues to enter the cooling time of one minute. The March rain is responsible for coordinating the blood-increasing time of several treatment professions. Some of them are already big, not at all. I am in the mood to hear the quarrel between the two big men.

Because the healing skills have become a minute of cooling time, so the increase in blood can not be as unscrupulous as before.

You must wait until the blood volume of the MT drops to a certain extent, and then the treatment profession gives him a powerful healing skill, and raises the blood volume as much as possible, so that you don't waste a minute.

"I hope this time will not be violent," he said, and he will enter the last moment. Everyone starts to pray.

Luo Oseb is still probable violent, at least two violent violent groups have been destroyed before, and after a while, the game company will cancel the violent mechanism of this BOSS. After all, it has not allowed the treatment to stabilize the blood, and then Rage is purely a life-free way.

Perhaps because of the more piousness of this prayer, Looseb was really not violent.

"Stabilized," Lu was relieved.

Luo Oseb fell, and two people got the skill points - of course, not including the land, he is not jealous - only to blame, I hope that the goddess of fortune always has a nap.

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