The Great Thief

Chapter 1748: Grasse's collar

There was a game in the afternoon, but the pressure was not too big, so I did not mention the rest of the situation and continued to take the team to attack the next BOSS.

The undead plague dog Grasse obediently crouched in Naxxramas, waiting for the orders of his master.

He is a mutated suture monster, known as the two dogs. This undead dog guards the only way to the last gate of the abomination zone. His appetite is not only satisfied with any pet biscuits, just like his huge body shape. Grasse's appetite is also unusual. It is rumored that Grasse can easily swallow an entire undead army every day, so that he can gradually rot the body weight of newborn bleeding.

In the battle with him, the adventurers will experience the never-ending "appetite" of the two dogs.

The Cursed Church is the spokesperson of the Scourge in the living world. The slaves of these natural disasters still retain the appearance of their living beings, and the heart has completely corrupted into a real undead, if not because Kel'Thuzad ordered them to lurk in the living. In the world, these fanatical guys will definitely commit suicide in exchange for eternal immortality.

Also, don't think that the curse of the church exists only in the human kingdom. In Orgrimmar, in Darnassus, in Ironforge, there is a shadow of the cursed church. They are scattered in merchants, officials, army, mercenaries, etc., quietly. Waiting for the arrival of the Lich King Arthas.

The Lich King Arthas absorbed all the memories of Ner'zhul. He clearly knew the past of Azeroth. The power of Ragnaros, the king of fire, was one of his goals. To gain the power of elements, he must To understand them, Kel'Thuzad instructed the cursed men who were lurking in the mercenaries, and as much as possible to steal the knowledge of the elements when the mercenary group entered the heart of Molten, and these servants were perfected. Mission, they even invaded the nest of Nefarian, stealing the secrets of Clomagus and Les Ryle.

When Kel'Thuzad looked at the Molly Dog's cub and Nefarian's gene fusion technology, a brilliant idea appeared in his evil skull.

The new plague virus was made by the natural synthesizer Grobrus, injected into the poor melted dog, and the variability continued every day. A week later, an incomparably huge and fierce, undead giant dog and two dogs were born. .

However, this new creature has a fatal weakness, because the mutation causes its bones and muscles to be quite fragile, and can not be used as a weapon on the battlefield, so Kel'Thuzad has given it a new ability, "Grass who never eats enough" It became the fortress of Kel'Thuzad, the gatekeeper of Naxxramas, and was known as the Scourge.

The difficulty of the two dogs is not small, the general attack is not low, the skills are also abnormal.

The most commonly used is a DEBUFF that reduces the healing effect by 10%, which can be superimposed, similar to the old ruins of Ahn'Qiraj. Because of this, Lu has arranged two MTs, and it is enough to take this debuff in turn. If it is a single T, it will be destroyed here.

If violent is the killer of most BOSS, the second dog Grasse will tell you what is naive.

Every ninth of the violent, I ask you not afraid.

Fortunately, this violent madness will be released by the hunter's Ning Shen shooting. As long as there are hunters in the team, there will be no major problems. Lu is a group of three hunters, a dream, a beard, and a mosquito in the city.

The mosquitoes that have eaten are waiting outside for a long time, and finally have the opportunity to enter the copy.

It’s really impossible for people to stay on standby, even if the PVE output is a little bit worse. Even if they are not eating fasting mosquitoes, those strange faces who are on standby on weekdays will have the opportunity to enter the game, mainly to give them a chance to get equipment.

The third skill is summoning, and the two dogs will summon zombies in three areas.

The zombie releases a debuff that lasts for 1 minute on the person he hits, increasing your Physical Attack damage by 100.

The land has been destroyed several times, because these small zombies, do not look at a layer of debuff will only increase 100 damage, if it is superimposed, it will soon be superimposed on dozens of layers.

"Don't think about killing these little zombies, mosquitoes, you pull them kites, can you get them?" Lu asked.

At this time, the role of the PVP hunter is reflected. Whether it is a residual dream or a beard, it is not comparable to a racer in terms of kite monsters. The mosquitoes who eat fast are nodded confidently, but he also has concerns.

"If the kites attack them during the process, I guess I can't hold them."

"There are hateful pharmacies here. You can drink it." Lu Li took out a new pharmacy. This is not what he bought from the trading house, but the new work of Liang Bing, mainly to strengthen the hatred of MT. Avoid being OT by other professions.

With the pharmacy, it is easier to eat a mosquito kite.

However, these mobs are not always pulled, no matter what, or the mobs will be more and more, the mosquitoes who eat fast have always made mistakes.

The second skill of the second dog is called killing, and it is launched once every two minutes. Anyone in the room and the mobs will have blood of 5%, and the hatred will be cleared, including those who eat the mosquitoes, and the mobs. They must kill quickly, otherwise they will run to the second dog and be swallowed by the two dogs, and each time they swallow one, they will restore 5% of their health.

This is another skill of the two dogs. It is not impossible to eat mobs and blood.

The last skill is group fear, once every 20 seconds, the range is about 20 yards, the shaman's trembling totem, and the priest drive can solve the problem.

These skills seem to have countermeasures, but when they actually played, they found that they were not so good to deal with. It was just that they died and died until the noon dog was killed.

"Hurry up to divide things, take a break and go to play," Lu was relieved.

"Can you go to the game together?" asked the blue sea breeze. The reason why he didn't play PVP was not that he didn't like it. He didn't have that talent at all, so he still liked watching the game.

"Look at what game, nothing to look at, you continue to copy the copy, Xiaoyue month to command, I hope that when we finish the game, you can get the next BOSS," he did not hesitate to grab the first kill, actually thought to see game.

There is nothing to look at in the competitions beyond the top 100.

"Lu Yupi," the blue sea breeze muttered, and did not say anything.

The dream is fast and the equipment is touched. There are two good stones. One is the stone that attacks the double attribute of the blood. The moonlight is taken away. There is also a stone with legal shadow damage. The sesame stuffed dumplings and the cats love meat. After discussing it, I took the stone.

Equipped with the equipment, the first legendary equipment is the collar of Grasse, the best defense necklace, the strength of the blue sea breeze added another point.

In fact, this necklace can also be used to play the game, which reduces the injury called a calf.

The less blood of the Berserker, the higher the attack. With this necklace, you can stick to it for a long time, and it is very likely to turn around in the game.

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