The Great Thief

Chapter 1754: Strengthen Frostbolt

The high-profile innocent Rasuvios was dragged onto the gallows, and the people deceived by the cursed believers spit at the body of Rasuvius and threw stones. The cursed believers also happily sneaked the body of Rasuvius to Naxxramas.

"Do as I teach!"

"The practice time is here! Come up with the real thing!"

"You let me down, waste wood!"

After that day, Rasuvius worked hard to train a group of death knights with the anger of the living, and he also looked forward to one day he could be as glorious as a warrior.

As a teacher, Rasuvios is certainly not lacking students.

There are eight death knights in the BOSS room, or quasi-death knights. Only after reaching the standard of Rasuvius can you fight for the Lich King.

The first is to open the blame, too many students, the blue sea breeze to open the blame, and then everyone will be destroyed.

I tried it a few times and I came to the conclusion that the anti-war can't go up and open the blame. It can only be handed over to other people. Generally speaking, there are several kinds of careers that can open strange things. One is that the priest controls the undead mobs to open the blame. One is that the Master opens the blame and then the refrigerator, and the hunter misleads the suspended animation. The thief can actually pull the BOSS over.

After pulling over, it was not all that good. The blue sea breeze was frustrated and found that he could not hold back.

Ordinary attacks can give him a spike, a normal attack hits five thousand, a triple strike hits fifteen thousand, which Nima is BOSS, this is the uncle, is the father.

Other professions are not good, almost all of them are a knife.

This damage is estimated to be a tempo of nine-99, which has nothing to do with the profession. It has nothing to do with factors such as equipment skills. Lu Li soon led everyone to the idea of ​​hitting the eight trainees. These students are already dead. Can be controlled by the pastor's mind, which means they can be controlled to fight against BOSS.

In fact, this is indeed the right way and the only way.

Many people can't think of it. They can only give up the death zone. If you know this method, Rasuvios is a dish - certainly not impossible, but it is not impossible to defeat him.

"The mobs actually have skills!" March rain tried to control a student, and she was surprised to find that she could control the college's skills.

Not only skills, starting defense skills, shield wall plus ridicule, properly is a simplified version of the defensive warrior, more importantly, a student has a blood volume of 320,000, eight students are enough for everyone to kill BOSS .

This way it is too simple to play.

Open the strange here, pull the BOSS to the designated position, where a T pulls the mobs, the priest controls one of them, and directs him to the tank BOSS.

Everyone outputs BOSS, the mobs have been pulling and not playing.

Of course, this BOSS difficulty is still very high, after all, the mobs are not anti-war, its skills are very few, the shield wall one minute CD, often lose the hatred of BOSS because of the player OT.

At this time, OT players are required to take measures. Generally, OTs are masters or thieves, mages refrigerators, thieves dodge, priests who are controlling mobs must notify the priest of the second substitute, and the substitute priest immediately controls the new mobs. Taunting BOSS.

This kind of cooperation is even more difficult than the general running position. After all, there are no regular things.

After all, the priest is not a professional defensive profession. Most of the pastors are arrogant about how to use the warrior to pull the blame. It is this adaptation process that makes the blue sea breeze crazy. This BOSS is the most depressed. If it is not necessary, he will command the priest to pull. Blame, it is estimated that there is no use at all.

People who have no value can only go out as substitutes.

This day did not win the undead knight instructor, the next day was barely strong and strong, and the third day finally saw the second stage of BOSS, this stage has one more skill than the first stage.

BOSS will scream at the audience when the blood volume drops to 30%.

Daxie: The mana of the boss's field of vision within a range of about 35 yards takes time and causes a certain number of damage.

This certain multiple is related to the combat time. The earlier the entry into this state, the lower the multiple. The longer the battle drags, the more exaggerated this multiple is, so everyone would rather take the risk of OT crazy output, and do not want to put BOSS blood a little bit. Grinding to this stage.

One of the characteristics of this skill is that it is within the scope of “field of vision”.

As long as the BOSS can't see it, there is no problem that is affected by the big cockroaches. There are many places in the BOSS room to avoid the sight of the BOSS.

However, other people can run, but the priest who controls the mob can't run away, so the priest who controls the mob can't keep too much magic value, otherwise the same damage will be fixed to the street, and wearing high physical strength and low blue equipment is also a way.

This BOSS played for a whole week before it was completed.

There is no doubt that this is the first kill, even if the instructor Rasuvius is only the gatekeeper BOSS in the death zone, his strength is too strong, even if other clubs can think of the pastor control, they will die and die.

The first kill skill points were rewarded by three, and Lu Yi finally got one.

Surprise has been unable to describe his mood. Every time he can only watch others take skills, this time he finally raised his eyebrows for a while.

However, he is still relatively reserved, and his teeth are not exposed when he laughs.

"Don't smirk, in the end, do you want to put these stones away, you don't want me to put them in my bag," the little hunter despised, and the tall image of the land fell by three percentage points.

"Cough, these are placed in the guild warehouse, if you can not use it," Lu Li does not think that the three synthetic stones are bad **** properties, anyway, the source of synthetic stone is extensive and will not be because of BOSS value High is a good attribute.

"Wow, strengthen the skill book!" It is not a BOSS that took a week to kill, but actually a skill book.

The mind of Lu Lu immediately withdrew from the skill point and took the intensive skill book, but found that the Master strengthened the Frostbolt and had no relationship with his thief.

Frostbolt is the basic skill of the Master, and it is also the most used skill. With the enhanced skill book, the output will definitely go up to the next level.

"Mage is out!"

There are not a few people in the ice method, but the highest score is not the bottom of the flower, but the micro cloud that has been boring and not often shot.

This guy is also a boring singer. He occasionally has command points, and he does not lack DKP as often as he spends the first list of output. If it is not the legal equipment price is too high, it should be divided.

At the end of the flower, there was a hundred and seventy-seven, and Weiyun spent a hundred and eighty thousand to get the skill book.

After he got it, he still had more than ten points left, and he almost missed the flower.

Lu Li is also very happy to see Wei Yun Xiaoyue get this intensive skill book, the same is the ice method, the output of the micro cloud and the moon is far worse than the flower bottom.

This intensive Frostbolt skill book can make Weiyun's output of the moon a little violent, and if it is given to the bottom of the flower, it will only make him go further and further on the road of OT, and the blue sea breeze can't pull him back.

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