The Great Thief

Chapter 1778: Are beginning to entangle

Lu is at the end of the strong bow at this time, his second opponent is the same **** as the eight thieves. Bloody is undoubtedly a super thief master. He is in a state of fullness and he can win with almost no effort.

And his blood volume is perfectly preserved by 90%.

The new sword of the ruling sword is moonlight, professional restraint, plus technology is not too much to let, the moonlight to beat the **** is a matter of course. It’s just that at the end of the game, there is not much blood left.

The warlock of the glory capital, Shura, completed the final end of the moonlight.

Of course, the warlocks such as Mu Qiu are even more foolproof, and Mu Qiu’s unpopularity has become the final winner of the competition.

The final score of the match is 3:2, and the ruling sword is slightly ahead of the score. This small gap is difficult to determine the ownership of the championship, and ultimately depends on the results of the team competition.

There is more than one hour of space between the competition and the team competition. It can also be called an intermission.

Both clubs have used this time to revise strategic plans that have been developed in advance.

The land is far from their side, and the program has been studied repeatedly and countless times.

What needs to be adjusted is on the side of the capital of glory, because they find that the sword of ruling is too familiar to them.

The information is not equal, and it will definitely cause the results of the game to be beyond their expectations.

"From the set of equipment on the ground, you can see how thoroughly they have studied the boss," Xishanbai sighed.

"I suspect that we have traitors here!" said **** and sinister, he preferred to think about things on the dark side.

"What nonsense!" Xiao Mo yelled. At this time, no matter whether there are traitors or not, you can’t be self-defeating.

"Boss, you shouldn't use those methods too early," Xishanbai is no longer low-key. Xiaomo is the highest speaker in the capital of glory. He rarely doubts Xiaomo's decision, but it is here. At this time, he said it would make other people in his heart more acceptable.

Because of the night girl, Xiao Mo did not perform normally during this time.

"It's my fault, I am sorry everyone." Xiao Mo Shunpo squatted, no sincerity to apologize, everyone did not know that he had planned to take the Huaying Cup champion to trade with the glory capital.

"However, even if the boss used these means, it is not enough to make the land ready so well. Maybe he has other sources. It is better to trace the people and forces that sell our equipment. Is it clear?" Not all of them are stupid.

"It’s too late, and then find them afterwards. The key is what should I do now?" said Xishan Bai.

"Would you like to change to our previous equipment," hesitated.

"I think it's a bit horrifying now," Xiao Mo is still full of self-confidence: "We don't show all of it. The equipment we collect from outside is only a part of it. I don't believe that the so-called advance preparation can make us have no chance of winning. We have prepared so much, it can't be so in vain. Have you thought about it? If we exchanged the previous equipment, our strength will drop a lot, and the people of the ruling sword will not win."

Xiao Mo, who has always been proud, can say such words, and thus it can be seen that the equipment of the ruling sword is at the level of the game.

If it is not a simple comparison of several racers, but to compare the overall strength of their elite group, then the ruling sword is not as tired as the glory of the capital, because the elite group of glory capital is too much, repeatedly The copy of the complex brush, the legendary equipment is at least a dozen, dozens, or even hundreds of times the ruling sword.

Unfortunately, the competition is not a comprehensive strength, just a few people.

In this way, the tactical equipment of the ruling sword is very important. If it weren't for the glory of the first killing of some wild bosses, they would not have any qualifications to challenge the sword of the ruling. Other clubs are almost the same.

It's hard to imagine that you can get a first kill every time you rely on the sword of the ruling.

This becomes a vicious circle. Take the first to kill the equipment, then take the first kill, and then get the equipment.

Therefore, although the development of the ruling sword does not have the rapid momentum of expanding hundreds of elite groups overnight, but the discerning person can see that this is a trend that is long-lasting but unstoppable.

The first kill, the game, as long as they grasp these two points, no one can suppress the sword of the ruling, and the sword of ruling only needs to develop slowly according to the department, and one day it can become a behemoth that no force can stop.

of course. This behemoth can not be formed overnight.

Throughout the history of the game, the game forces that dominated any period of time have experienced a long process of accumulation, and some even spanned several games.

It is not a sword of derogation, he wants to catch up and surpass the capital of glory. It really does have a long distance.

Even if he has two more championships!

Lu Yi did not think that he would surpass the capital of glory for a while, and all he had to do was to take every step.

The glory capital is urgently formulating new strategies, and the ruling sword has its own differences. It is not a disagreement between some people, but a difference between the two strategies.

Dawning this game team competition is basically five dozen.

If one side is dead, or if it loses, it will be considered the end of the battle.

So which one to play first, it becomes the key to every battle. Under normal circumstances, it is the first to kill the crispy skin treatment, as long as the opponent's treatment is killed first, then the battle is basically successful.

Sometimes it will kill high-output Master or Warlock occupations. Cloth is relatively good to kill. The opponent's attrition will give the party a greater chance.

According to the original strategy, they will choose Xiaomo or Xishanbai to set fire, depending on the situation.

However, through this period of analysis of the past battles of the glory capital, as well as the information on the equipment collected, Lu Yi increasingly feels that this strategy is not reliable.

The hammer in Xishan Bai’s hand is a legendary hammer. This hammer has a special effect called Jinshou Blessing, which can give a designated target, and also owns a shield that protects the body. It is hardly during eight seconds. Will suffer any harm.

This is a very powerful special effect, it is more powerful than filling the blood in an instant.

Therefore, they have also developed a strategy.

It is the ruling to abandon their previous double treatment lineup, changed into three kitchen knives, plus a strong legal system output, treatment choices more flexible children's words without a base, let March rain to the bench.

This increases the output capacity, the treatment is not easy to be killed, there is more room for toss. However, there will be more variables in this case. Once a ring breaks, there is almost no chance of reversal, and the risk is even greater.

These two strategies are not perfect strategies, so everyone is very entangled.

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