The Great Thief

Chapter 1785: Three wars

"Xiao Mo, Xiao Mo, you are not here, as long as the equipment is returned to me, I will help you fight the sword of ruling," Mo forgets the anger of Feng.

"Oh," Lu is not a bird at all.

Xiao Mo is not a bird, and the person who commands the capital of glory rushes into the fortress. He is more naive to believe the words of Mo.

The battle was completely pulled into the fortress, and the two sides were completely desperate to fight.

"Put them out," Lu looked at the time and felt that he had to fight for it. The players with glory capitals attacked the cornerstone of the fortress, so that the fortress could not last until the last moment.

Of course, people in the capital of glory do not want to be crushed out, but they have knowledge of ancient trees. Once they start, you can't go out if you don't want to go out.

Clean up the people of the glory capital, and they will have a chance to equip them.

The equipment of a place, everyone is flying fast.

Say it in advance, as long as it is not the one on your own, it is all your own, so the foreign aids grab the equipment and directly mad.

"Don't be embarrassed, ready to meet the enemy, block the gap," Lu said while screaming at the equipment.

"Yes, yes, everyone is going to block the gap," Mo Forgot was also yelling at the side of the equipment. Although the two said so, the body was already very honest.

Don't look at such a large piece of equipment, in fact, most of them are rubbish, but the two people are embarrassed, and they fear that the other party is more than one.

It’s shameless to be home to be the leader to do this.

Fortunately, the foreign aid that comes in is not only robbing the equipment is more powerful, but their defense is also very hard. After all, the defensive failure is not good for them. Once the fortress is lost, the discounted shops promised by the land are all estimated to be in ruins.

Although they will lose some equipment when they are so hard, if the party to the fortress wars has an advantage, the equipment they have picked up will be enough to save their losses.

If you are lucky, you will earn some money. For example, if you lose your clothes, you can forget the maple. The legendary weapon that he picked up can buy several kinds of clothes that he lost.

Of course, Xiao Mo is not willing to fail like this. In the later period, their attack will be more fierce.

If it is not possible to use the knowledge tree every once in a while, the cornerstone of the fortress may have been smashed. In other words, if it is not for the foreign aid, the defensive power of the ruling sword itself is true. Can't live.

Xiao Mo has overestimated the power of the ruling sword, but who can ask him to ask for foreign aid, and also invited more than 20 professional players.

In the end, the glory capital is still not able to hit the fortress.

The glory capital came in eighty people, and half of them were selected from two hundred people, which greatly affected their offensive strength.

The fortress here is over, and the other fortress battles have naturally arrived.

Lu was the first time to pay attention to the results of the new fortress in Ashenvale. As for the Fortress on the Black Sea Coast, he did not worry at all. There was a defensive lineup, and there was a strong defensive lineup.

The new master of the gray ancient fortress, he wrote the words of the grand plan.

it is good!

Lu Yi couldn't help but applaud. The new fortress is in his hands on the Hongtu hegemony, so that the entire Ashen Valley is his sphere of influence.

As for the loyalty of Hongtu's hegemony, he is not too obsessed with his own personality charm. However, as long as Lu and his ruling sword stand still, he is not afraid of betrayal. Besides, even if Hongtu is abandoning the covenant, Luli has the strength to teach at any time. How do they behave.

The Yu Yuge and the unmatched city's coalition forces defeated the squadron and won the Stoneclaw Mountains of the Windward Legion.

Fortunately, the squadrons kept their other fortress in a desolate place, or they lost both of them, and the loss was too great.

The Stranglethorn Valley of the Capital of Glory, the Wilderness of the West of the Rainy Pavilion, the Tanaris of the Seventh Heaven, the Hillsbrad Foothills of the Scarlet Battle Flag, and the Thousand Needles of the Wing of the Dawn, have not changed. The change is the Angolo crater of the Jiangnan nobles. The strength is not enough, that is, the strength is not enough. This fortress was won by the **** battle flag.

In this case, the Scarlet Flag has also successfully become a club with two fortresses.

However, the new fortress of the Hillsbrad Foothills, the **** battle flag has not captured the capital of glory, its new owner is the capital of glory.

At the same time, I started to get two new fortresses and got one of them. It is not too bad, but it is far from the strategic deployment of Xiaomo. According to his deployment, they should get all the ashes and get half of them. Hillsbrad hills, and then add their original three fortresses, so there are six fortresses, nowadays, they took a new fortress, the wind army lost a fortress, became a profit Do not lose the sale.

This is the case with the fortress war. Several families are happy and worried, and they are not destined to be happy endings.

Two weeks later, it was a new round of fortress wars. This time there were no new fortresses. However, the official war on the fortress war was revised.

It is mainly reflected in the fact that the attacking party has turned from the original two hundred people to forty people, and has become a hundred inside, and the offensive power is more concentrated. On the other hand, the fortress and the map are completely divided, and the fortress can be put together as a prop. Even if the qualification to place a fortress on the map is lost, the fortress of the club still exists. As long as the new fortress is laid, this castle-like thing can be put on.

This kind of change is good news for both offensive and defensive sides. The siege party feels that they are more confident to attack the fortress they want, and the defending party, even if the fortress fails to defend, can save the fortress itself and not lose too much. .

This week's Fortress War, Lu Yi contracted his fist to defend.

They defended very easily, because the energy of the glory capital has not been placed on the sword of the ruling. The attacking object they chose is the blue guardian.

Before the blue guards took the Stranglethorn Fortress from their hands, then Xiao Mo was busy with the land and died, and could not even take care of them, or in a sense, Xiao Mo did not put them in the eye. I feel that I can get the fortress back at any time.

This is also true. The blue guardian does not have such a powerful defensive ability as the sword of the ruling. Although they also asked for foreign aid, they were defeated under the powerful attack of the capital of glory.

There have been no major changes in other fortresses.

If there is one, then there is a private exchange between the Scarlet Battle Flag and the Seventh Heaven. The exchange targets are the Angolo Crater and the Tanaris Fortress.

Two weeks later, the last fortress war before the opening of the 70th level began. In addition to the opening of the new maps of Newtland and Arathi Highlands, the official was on the map of two existing fortresses in the Wild West and Tanaris. , added a second fortress.

The four fortresses were opened at one time, and the official is obviously afraid that everyone will not be busy.

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