The Great Thief

Chapter 1794: Dark door

There are still two left, and Xiao Mo almost wants to turn around and go.

"Ha ha ha, Xiao Mo, I am your admirer..."

This time, there was no embarrassment at all, but this hahaha made Xiaomo vomit blood.

He knows this person into ash.

Azure sea breeze!

A defensive warrior won the runner-up of their Glory Cup, and there is still a need to open this game.

Ten million real money, two legendary equipment.

The azure sea breeze almost wants to hold Xiao Mo's thigh called Dad, but fortunately, I will hold back, otherwise tomorrow will be the collective headline of the game media.

The last one is finally not the sword of the ruling.

Xiao Mo doesn't care about 30 million. As long as these 30 million are not in the hands of the ruling sword and others, instead of giving money to the ruling sword, he would rather build a hundred pet cat shelters across the country.

The champion's ID is called the ghost wing blue and white.

The professional mad warrior is different from the general mad warrior. This ghost wing blue and white looks soft and delicate. If you don’t wear professional equipment, it is obviously more like a pastor. Only those who have seen his game know how this person’s play is. Radical madness.

His last battle was targeted at the blue sea breeze.

The blue sea breeze is simply a BUG on the field. His equipment is unparalleled, and there are several intensive skills. What is the skill point is not to be ignored. The ordinary players who play it are all invisible to the naked eye. And he also has blood equipment, which can transform other people's attacks into their own blood.

Fighting with the blue sea breeze, the longer you drag, the more you lose.

Ghost Wing Blue and White is aware of this, so catching a blue sea breeze, a **** Dafa, a bloodsucking demon, finally did not let a defense war to win the championship.

In fact, most of the players can easily kill the blue sea breeze.

After all, the players in the glory cups have the strength of the racers. Even if there are a few close, they are all a blue sea breeze. The few "self-persons" sorted behind are mostly blue sea breeze. "Defeated.

"Ghost Wings are blue and white. Congratulations on winning the Glory Cup. I represent the 600,000 brothers in the Capital of Glory to invite you. Are you willing to join the Capital of Glory?" Xiao Mo asked solemnly.

"I am willing!" The ghost wing blue and white face excited.

"Actually, I am a little willing, why don't you ask me," came aside from the blue sea breeze.

Xiao Mo’s perfect face was a burst of white, almost vomiting blood on the podium.

MMP, go back and arrange for someone to chase you.

"I am also a bit willing. Lu is like a idiot. I can't move the dog food. I think the glory is better and I have given me so much money." The poet Li Dagou felt that he had to fight for a shot. .

Xiao Mo said desperately to himself, to smile, must keep smiling, many people look at it.

Fortunately, the moderator came over to transfer the topic in a timely manner, and the honours conference went to the next link.

"Hey, Xiao Mo really doesn't take money as money," Lu sighed, and compared with Xiao Mo, he might be more like a coal kid who just entered the city.

"But he is mad at you," the water elf put his little hand into the wide palm of his hand and gave him some encouragement.

"Cough, not me, it doesn't matter to me. Actually, I don't know that they are participating in the Glory Cup. These people are really a bit too much. I will deduct their salary when I turn back." Lu took advantage of the water elf's hand, and every time he would marvel. Really delicate and soft.

"They still care about your salary," the water elf grinned and didn't break away from the other hand.

This level of intimacy is really common for lovers.

"Oh, yes, people are scattered, the team is not good, I have to find a way to give their money to the pit. If there is too much money, people will easily slack off," Lu Yiyi said in his words, he firmly believes that he is They are good for the blue sea breeze.

"I believe you are strange," the water elf is actually very envious of the land.

She is a girl, and because of her personality, it is difficult to be too close to the people in the club.

Although Lu is screaming and roaring with these people, he does not spare no effort in black, but he does not seem to worry that these people on the stage will be dug away by the glory of the capital, and that he is not even wicked with the hard-earned money of the people under the pit. Dare to think.

On October 1, 2217, Shuguang officially opened 70, and large-scale expansions were launched. CG was comparable to movie blockbusters.

The name of the new map is called the Outland, on the other side of the Dark Portal, the wreck of the orc's hometown of Draenor. In the ruins of this world, the survivors after the catastrophe are trying to rebuild their homes, while in other parts of the outer world, life is still growing vigorously.

Adventurers across the Dark Portal will find new allies, new enemies, and countless new adventure opportunities in this original and vast world.

But getting into a new map is obviously not an easy task.

There are many ways to get into a new map, so many places that the rebirth can't imagine, but the estimate that the current player can use is the Dark Portal.

At this time, the location of the Dark Portal is still in ruins, and the dead is like a cemetery.

Any player who comes here and sees such a scene, unless the relevant tasks are completed, will see a huge portal, the other side of the portal is the new map, the legendary outer domain.

A few NPCs that I knew from the land, there are not many people who can give him a task.

There is no way to make the charm value too low, even if he carries a string of pioneering titles on his body, in the eyes of NPC, it is still not as good as a silly girl who can't even fight.

Fortunately, some people still don't mind his low charm.

"My friend, I think you must come to me for help, or you must not think of me," Remulus is still on the ground, the only difference is that there is a deer jumping around him and letting him The semi-god temperament is gone.

"I am very sorry, Lord Remulus, this continent is always facing threats. As a leader of an adventurer group, I must always be vigilant," said Lu, trying to defend himself.

This is not nonsense, if there is nothing wrong with the egg pain, it will find NPC 唠嗑 (small eight sauce: land away from you to die).

The instructors who have been busy recently have no time to meet.

Suddenly remembered, Lu Li felt that he had to visit his mentor from time to time. The 70th level will open a copy of Karazhan, which is Medivh’s nest, as a former person who lived there and has a relationship with Medivh. Man, Garona must be able to bring him benefits.

"You are a great leader, I see a lot of familiar shadows in your body," Remulus nodded with satisfaction.

"So, what are you looking for for me this time?"

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