The Great Thief

Chapter 1823: Hunting action

"Boss, four and a half minutes," the end of the battle, the micro cloud and the moon are remembering the time.

"The treatment pulls everyone up, the thieves stay to clean the battlefield, others retreat, the eight sauces, you lead the way - forget it, or let me come, you will stay with them to clean the battlefield, things first concentrated in the eight sauces There, go back and divide," Lu Li quickly assigned everyone's work.

I hope that the eight sauces lead the way, it is better to stand here waiting for others to surround.

When teaming up, you can see the logo of the teammates. In this case, there may be a straight line in the eight sauces. If there is no way to lead the way, she is most likely to take everyone into the ambush of others.

The tribal players who heard the news can only see a tombstone.

The player who is resurrected by the skill will not have a tombstone. Only the tombstone that will be resurrected will have a tombstone, which is engraved with a certain XX death on this day, and there are one or two very chic eulogy.

The tribal players who were killed did not choose to run the body. They were worried that they would continue to ambush, so they all returned to the city to resurrect.

Since the opening of Glory Fort and Salma, players can bind the returning stone to these two places. After the death, there is no need to use the old continent - only the players who are bound to the city stone, otherwise they will not be able to resurrect the city.

"It’s the wing of the dawn," said a tribal player who was rushed back after being killed.

"This kind of ambush is a massacre. It’s too human. Everyone is looking for someone who is looking for the Wings of Dawn. Let’s take revenge." Since someone suggested, there should be a lot of people, so everyone will call friends. Go to brush the wings of dawn.

As for the people of the ruling sword, Lu Lie let Xiao Ba Sai fly in the sky as a eye, so as not to be ambushed by others, he and the thieves to find new targets.

Lu and Cain's left hand are a group of two people. If they are small, they will kill them directly. Only when there are dozens or even hundreds of them will they organize a man's siege or ambush.

Soon, the total number of kills of the ruling sword has thousands of people, most of them are ambushes.

"Let's come to help, we are surrounded," is the message sent by the stars, they did not act with the sword of the ruling, too many people are likely to form a large-scale battle, not as good as their own actions.

"Where, give me the coordinates," Lu said quickly.

He and the stars don't have a particularly deep friendship, but his wife should not be surprised by the stars, and the "we" of the stars obviously include the water elves.

"~*&..." The stars reported the coordinates and explained the situation.

They are one of the teams in Weiyuge. The number is about one hundred people. They are all girls who like PK in peacetime. The PK spirit of this club is certainly not comparable to that of male players.

At the beginning, they did not have any problems.

Later, there was a whimsical call for an activity on the tribe. The name is called "Hunting Beauty Action", which is to stare at the water elves and to surround them.

Because of the limitations of the game itself, they certainly can't do anything extraordinary, but this kind of action has gotten a lot of players' corresponding.

There are already hundreds of people over there, and the number is still increasing.

What is even more hateful is that there are clubs on the tribe's side to cooperate with them to block the reinforcements of the unparalleled city and the Weiyuge. Otherwise, if the number of people who are more than the land is more than the water elves, why bother to find the reinforcements.

"In fact, Sister Water does not let me say, I am secretly looking for you," added the star.

"Let's hold on for a while and talk to them," Lu said, he knows the situation here, and has already begun to deploy.

Need to think about it?

Of course, you don't need to be married to your own daughter-in-law. It is a man who can't stand this breath.

"Wandering, the opportunity to make a name for the world is coming, gather your people," Lu did not find too many people, although the ruling sword and the trial spear now enter the outer domain, there are thousands of people, but many of them are simply PVE players, let them go to PK is not to say that the command does not move, but can not play the ideal strength.

Killing and fighting monsters are different. In virtual reality games, the most difficult thing is the psychological level.

"Light moon, you are directing everyone to continue playing, I am going to save my wife," Lu turned into a crow, took the lead to leave here, flew to the place where they trapped the water elves.

Hundreds of people handed over to Weiyun, and Lu is still relatively reassured. If he kills him, he will not be able to hand over to the blue sea wind.

Lu was flying to the crime scene, and there were already thousands of people involved in the siege.

He also swam around, and the people in Weiyu Pavilion and the unparalleled city were indeed intercepted. Looking at the situation and the quality of the personnel, it was obviously not a common miscellaneous soldier. However, the club’s strength here did not support the past. The meaning is that they are madly chasing the stragglers of the tribe.

Of course, this does not include the **** battle flag, the blood color camp is being smashed with the people of the glory capital.

This is a man who likes to play a conspiracy, but this does not mean that he is not bloody. Otherwise, he will not sit on his position as the chief commander. The **** flag is mostly veterans. They never fear the hardships. They and the enemies are glory. Every time the wild PK is hard hit.

It is said that during this period of time, the assessment content of recruiting new members of the Scarlet Battle Flag has changed.

Players who must kill five glory capitals are eligible to join the **** battle flag PK team - Blood Camp.

"Okay, haha, please give an offensive command," the rain was like a wanderer excitedly shaking. He and his brothers waited for a long time and had been waiting for a long time. There was no chance to appear in front of the public.

"Oh... offensive!" Lu was quite awkward, and he made an offensive order.

These people who besieged the water elves are the perpetrators of the PK field. Otherwise, they will not dare to besiege the owners of the Weiyu Pavilion and the unparalleled city. Even the super club does not dare to offend a woman. The ghost knows when she will die with herself. .

Since it is a slap, it is naturally impossible to kill it directly.

Surrounded by not killing, and often arranging arrows so that girls can't go back to the city, the real offensive means is probably those disgusting smiles.

Although there are hundreds of people on the water elves, but they can't stand the power of ten times. Although they can kill several enemies occasionally, they want to suddenly but never.

The water elf is also among them. She is a thief. It is not a big problem to want to go, but how can she leave her sister to run away?

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