The Great Thief

Chapter 1835: Lost Ikuti (recommended ticket)

The first person to eat crabs is always a bit sweet. Even if the charm is very low, Lu Li has got two ordinary tasks to clean up the nearby mobs. This kind of mission is not very rewarding, but the excellent completion speed of the Lu The NPC at the Redol camp has changed a lot.

At least he has been promoted from passerby to an object that can be enslaved.

The draenei Anhol let Lu left to find the lost of the ruins of Boham, hoping to help them, the leader of the group of lost is called Ikuti.

at last!

The person who wants to see is finally taken over. He entered the Zangarmarsh ahead of time. The most important purpose is to see this person named Ikuti. As for the purpose of seeing this person, of course, not because of the task, experience. The value is important, but the NPC that gives the experience value is more.

Don't look at the land, see people, don't love, spend time seeing flowers, but with the experience of focusing on life, he can still play these NPC groups.

The NPC of Niu Fork is also designed to be played by players.

The lost Ikuti, the broken and the lost are two types of schnauzers. They lose the noble form of the draenei, the skin becomes slack, the limbs shrink, and some sarcomas grow. Shaped growth.

Even more frightening is that they lost the protection of the Holy Light and the mind began to become less clear.

The difference is that the broken person has retained his wisdom and mind because he has found the shamanic doctrine, and the lost are the most tragic draenei. They are the broken people who completely lose their minds. They have neither the protection of the Holy Light nor the sanctuary. Study the teachings of the shaman.

They don't have the kind of nobleness and wisdom that the draenei used to, and they can't even remember their names. They are embarrassed, and they don’t know what to do.

If that day, the lost Ikuti did not go to the ruins of Boham, then a sly lost person could never have anything to do with Lu, and would not be considered as a draenei. The object of consideration by allies.

In peacetime, the draenei built many shrines in the Zangarmarsh, managed by scholars and garrison officers, but most of the temples in the melee were destroyed, and now there are only ruins and some magical relics, Boham. The ruins are such a place, and this place is dedicated to a statue of the **** of crows.

Although it has lost most of its power, it is still a real artifact.

It is said that it is the life-threatening artifact of the crow **** Ansu, and was later lost in a battle, so Ansu lost the ability to fly, he disappeared into the shadows, and then became the flightless aristocratic exiles. Guardian.

In fact, Ansu entered the Emerald Dream and tried to find his lost artifact.

This artifact is in the hands of the lost Ikuti, the artifact chooses the lost Ikuti to become its new owner, and let a lost person who had forgotten his name regain consciousness. This ability can be used, so the more The more the lost are united in the side of Ikuti, who gathered in the ruins of Boham to form a clan.

Ikuti called them this clan as the Manuma clan!

For now, their goal is to save those who are enslaved—the families here no longer include their original identity draenei, nor those who are called broken people because of the degree of degradation.

In fact, the broken people have a lot better.

Encouraged by Vincent, the broken people, Noboton and others, returned to the draenei society and participated in the action of capturing Exodar, while other broken people who survived in the swamp migrated in all directions.

Naga built water pumps in the Moguang Lake, the Dark Lake and the lagoon, and gathered the water from the swamp into the Panfang Reservoir at the bottom of the Viper Lake. Some of the broken people were enslaved by Naga, and the ruins were The construction of the construction of the Tinagar in the Panya Reservoir, their nature is not evil, but the traitors who sold their compatriots for power turned them into Naga's labor.

There are also some shattered people who have voluntarily joined the evil plan of Naga, and the dark-blooded shatterers have helped the wild animals in the Naga slavery caves in the depths of the dark swamps beneath the Serpent Lake. The dark lost tribes fully assisted Na. Ga, they will even use dark magic to enslave others to work for Naga.

These lost people can all be saved by Ikuti. After they have recovered their minds, most of them will part with Naga.

The Naga hated Ikuti and repeatedly organized the power to attack the ruins of Boham. The draenei Anhol hoped to leave to help Ikuti and his wild marsh clan – in the name of the camp of Teredore. This will win the Manuma clan as their new ally.

The abacus is slamming, and Lu Yi also has his own abacus.

If there is anything that can improve his transformation into a crow, except for the McGrady text man who is not seen at the beginning or the end, or the great mage like Jaina, there may be only Ansu or Ikuti.

The Archmage is not to see and see, and Ansu is still immersed in the Emerald Dream. Only Ikuti is the king of the mountain here. He is not guilty of sin, and if his artifact is really useful, he needs to make up for it. As a defect of the crow, he will not hesitate to wage war.

No need for help from allies, just the sword of his ruling and the spear of judgment, it is enough to level the ruins of Boham.

Players are currently at a low level, but they can also upgrade, equipment can also be collected, there are many players can use the means, and even - magical mech!

The turned-up crow is one of his greatest reliances, but unfortunately there are deadly shorts.

That is zero defense, what is the concept of zero defense, it is no exaggeration to say that a group of mosquitoes can cause a lot of damage to him, he can only rely on his own blood to top, but if it is a group, he will soon be Eat it all.

After entering the foreign domain, the official completely opened the flight riding.

These people sit on the flying mounts, how many defenses there are, how much defense there is, much better than the turned-over crows, even the Druid's transformational spells do not affect their defense, think about this land It feels uncomfortable, and his turned into a crow will obviously become the most awkward flying spell.

"External, stop your steps, or you will face the anger of the wild marsh clan," two strange lost people came out and stopped.

They were short-handed, and they were inexplicable. Even Lu Yi did not notice where they were hiding.

These lost and lost souls have not regained the favor of the Holy Light. They can't practice the shamanic way like the broken. In order to survive and fight, they begin to regain their worship of the Beast Spirit and learn from it. Druid spells, on the other hand, begin to train their physical fitness and choose to become thieves and warriors.

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