The Great Thief

Chapter 803: Debt status

The land commander filled the two **** mt milk, and then sent a small battle to recover the fallen land.

Fortunately, this shadow shock finally has some cooldown time. It will not be like a frog. It will not be like a frog. I wouldn’t dare to bring this group of 40-year-old guys to play the 50th-level wild wave ss.

The level difference between the seven or eight levels is purely based on the number of people who are accumulating damage. Once there is a problem, it may be a chain-like group.

By hitting the blood volume of the wave ss below 50%, the rhythm will be faster. At this stage, the evil priest Hex will not only have a shadow impact, but also a trick called a chaotic hit.

People who are hit by chaos are caught in a state of chaos and have five avatars.

In other words, when you are selected by the evil priest Hex, you become her younger brother, and one you will become six.

The body plus five avatars have a skill. If it is dps, the wizard is a Frostbolt, and the Warlock is a Shadow Bolt. Anyway, it is a signature skill. These "blame" will select a certain group of people. If there is no treatment, add blood to him. It is difficult to support a few times.

The player killed by them is like a plague. Not only will the body climb from the ground, but it will also have five avatars.

If the treatment is in the point, it is necessary to quickly clear it. These six blame do not select the former teammates as the target. They choose the wave ss and add blood to the wave ss.

Once you command yourself to panic, you can't send someone to deal with it in time. This stage is a matter of minutes.

It can be said that the p2 phase is the most frequent killing of the entire wave ss. Most of the Raiders of the evil priest Hex is at this stage.

In order to get through the p2 stage as soon as possible, Lu Yi chose to start using a lot of resentful heads at this stage.

Although the previous stage is also difficult, as long as the scene is well controlled, at least it will only be dead and not destroyed, so he has not proposed to use this killer.

Don't feel that there are a lot of heads full of resentment, and the whole of Xinsal has indeed touched out a lot, but this thing is so scary that the negative state success rate is low, ten are not necessarily effective, and it is good to be able to complete the p2 stage. The land must also be kept to guard against the evil priest Hex in the final stage will be violent.

Under one command, five players who specialize in throwing "heads full of resentment" came out of the team and smashed their heads full of resentment to the evil priest Hex.

Once these heads touched the evil priest Hex, they immediately turned into a group of gray smoke and got into her body.

The wave ss suddenly screamed.

Fortunately, the first wave of the past has been successful, and the evil priest Hex has a destructive state of the armor on his head.

"Continue, don't stop, keep five negative states," Lu shouted.

Sunder Armor is a very good negative state, the damage suffered by the wave ss has changed significantly, but this state can only last for five seconds. If you count it, everyone will have two skills.

Fortunately, you can stack five, and the second one is fixed.

The effect of the body is to make the wave ss unable to move, but the wave ss can still freely release the skill. The evil priest Hex is a crazy legal remote monster, so this negative state is purely funny.

And more "heads full of resentment" became ineffective, and the roots that used to feel that the skull was quite a lot and urged to use it did not speak.

It’s actually quite interesting to throw your head. This process is simply an exhibition of the negative state of dawn.

In addition to the previous Sunder Armor, fixed body, followed by a series of such things as silence, curse, fatigue, disease, broken muscles, wrestling, slowdown, fear, coma, charm, stun, fainting, disarming and so on.

Some are useful, such as coma, disarming, illness, fatigue, etc. These either stop the wave ss attack, or reduce the wave ss attack, or reduce the wave ss armor.

Some have no effect, such as deceleration, and the speed of attack is better. It is a waste to reduce the speed of one building.

Of course, there are still some states that can be very troublesome.

When the blood volume of the wave ss is reduced to 40%, that is, when the soul is about to usher again, the evil priest Hex suddenly has a fear.

As we all know, fear is that the target is running around uncontrolled.

In this way, the wave ss attack stopped, but as she ran, the original formation was in chaos, and she had a shadow impact before she could recover.

At this time, the wave ss is exactly the output of a small team. This team is thin skin, and the result can be imagined.

Ten people hanged three, leaving seven residual blood.

Coincidentally, dps caught up, directly into the demons stage, the demons stage is a large group of injuries, the remaining seven did not have time to return blood, stepped on the front of the three.

If you count the other positions unfortunately, this wave will die one or twenty.

Lu Li called a distressed, while let mt pull the wave ss back, while let the druid pull a few high output, no way to pull all, the battle of the druid is limited, run out, etc. What to do.

More than 50 bodies that have not been pulled up have been lying on the ground, and the land can only be replenished from other places.

Occasionally, there are people who hang around the mobs, but they are not outside the attack range of the evil priestess Hex.

The skills of the entire Cinzalo Center are flying all over the sky, but the surrounding is a squeaky mob that can’t get in.

Even if other people in the guild get the news, there is no way. Anyone can see the tricky situation of this situation. The people inside can't come out, and the people outside can't get in.

The p2 stage lost a lot of people, and the head full of resentment also consumed 80%.

The p3 phase begins when the blood of the evil priest Hecks drops to 20%. This phase is a bit simpler. In addition to the chaotic hits, several other skills that can cause large areas of damage are dying.

However, it is still unreasonable, and the wave of ss in the twilight is counter-attacking, even if it only has 1% of the blood left, it is possible to turn over and sing.

The land is not the kind of command that will be great. He looks serious. People who don’t know the situation think that everyone will be destroyed immediately. So everyone is fighting spirit and guarding against the evil priestess Hex. .

In fact, waiting until the blood volume reached 5%, there was no serious accident.

The only accident was that the main blue sea breeze was hit by a chaotic hit. The six blue sea breeze made everyone quite a bit of work. Fortunately, he was a blood cow, and the low attack was pitiful, and there was nothing to kill others. (To be continued~^~.)

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