The Great Thief

Chapter 816: teaching

Garona is a little surprised. At this stage, the adventurer seeks a mentor, isn't it an intensive skill book?

Lu is probably the first person to ask the instructor to personally guide himself. In most people's perceptions, npc and players are completely different systems, and the game is a game after all. ←,

"Well, thirty seconds, I will limit my strength to your level," Garona took off her cloak.

This cloak that can distort the line of sight seems very special, even if she can not limit the ability of the cloak, after the cloak was taken, Lu Li saw the first appearance of Garona.

Garona is a mixed-race, a mixture of orcs and draenei.

Her father is probably not even aware of her own, and her mother is actually from the famous, according to the knowledge of the land, Garona is the draenei Mar della.

Mar della is not an ordinary character.

He "has witnessed many infinite wars against the Burning Legion in the world" and is a model among the draenei. With unparalleled combat skills and thunderous means of upholding justice, he is respected by the entire coalition.

The weapon of Naru in his hand is one of the ultimate artifacts of the Paladin profession.

The draenei and the orc mixed Garona have more obvious orc characteristics, but they are much softer.

She used to be considered a hybrid of human orcs, because the tribes at the time did not know the existence of the draenei, which shows that her shape should be closer to humans.

After looking at it a lot, it looked as usual and was not too surprised, even though he was the first to see a mixture of draenei and orcs.

Garona had already passed the age of her eyes, and she had some exploration in her slightly red eyes.

This new disciple is totally an accident.

Lu Li had already caught her attention before she contacted her through the contact.

Garona's position in the Ravenhold Manor is quite high. It has not been revealed to the world for many years. It is impossible to pay attention to a small adventurer. However, Lu is the first to enter the Ravenhold Manor and has the ring of demigod. So almost all the top management organizations are concerned about this person.

Although Cenarius is only a half-god, he is the son of the only true **** of Azeroth, Elune, and the son of the Green Dragon Queen.

One of his two rings, one of them makes Malfurion a more powerful character than the ordinary demigod. The other drop is naturally of concern.

There are actually a lot of people who have thoughts about being a mentor. There are McNeil Siko Sema Prag, the most powerful tinker of the gnome family, and the ultimate assassin who almost entered the semi-god field. Worried about the revenge of Cenarius, it is very likely that the son of Cenarius, the guardian of the jungle, will be slaughtered.

But Lu was chosen by Garona.

Garona is well thought out. Mainly in the case of Cenarius, I agree to give some help to this thief who is likely to have a promising future.

Strengthening stealth is her signature skill and has never been taught to anyone.

After giving the book to Lu, she asked herself at least for the title of the tutor.

Now that she asked for more complicated guidance, she did not refuse, but the backhand pulled out her own weapon from the waist, a dagger, plus a handful of axe thieves players can not use the axe, and Garona completely ignores the rules of the game.

"Be careful, I hope you will not hang on one move." Garona is coming.

Lu Yuan originally thought that Garona might sneak and fight with him, or a shadow step to sneak attack behind him, I did not expect that she would be so straightforward to attack in front of her.

Raise your hand block!

It is a subconscious movement. It has been cultivated into this kind of conditional reflection with countless battles. It has not been unfavorable in the past battles. His blocking skills are the existence of textbooks in the entire circle of thieves.

"It’s too rigid, and the eyes sometimes deceive you.” With the Chinese language ridiculed by the Orc Master, the little axe was accurately cut into the neck and there was an amazing crit damage. Fortunately, the previous defense 0 blood volume 1 state has disappeared, otherwise he will hang up this time.

"I obviously see you attacking here," and the blockage of the fall made him unable to believe his eyes.

However, he couldn’t care for the entanglement, and the decapitation in his hand was under the influence of Chegarona. It was his most skilled attack, and Garona did not block, but a simple straight thorn that accurately hit the inner side of the elbow.

Completion 32%!

Just so lightly stroked, Lu Li created the lowest record of his completion, even if he just entered the game, he would not be so low.

"The skills that are developed on the wooden stakes. It is difficult to get to the elegant hall after all," Garona said.

Her steps were wrong, not only avoided the next attack of the land, but also slammed the attack on the back of the land, just as Lu was deliberately sent to the door to let the other side cut.

This is a super high damage, and the degree of completion of this attack suspected of being attacked by the land has exceeded 100%.

"You see, walking is not simply to attack and avoid," Garona will tell him some truth every time he slams. These things are very common, but they have already reached the bottleneck. The land indicates the direction.

Lu Li really insisted on thirty seconds because he could add blood to himself and his injury-reducing skills.

"Come here today, the next time you want to find me, you can come directly," Garona is not surprised, she did not play its due strength, even if the level is suppressed to the same as Lu, there are countless means to put him Direct seconds.

However, she is very satisfied with the attitude of the land and the savvy expressed in a short time.

So she reached out and clicked on the shoulders of the land. A dark green circular mark flashed and disappeared. Lu received a system prompt and said that he had received the blessing of Garona.

Garona’s blessings give a 5% agility bonus.

In addition, there are two transmission capabilities, one of which can be summoned to Garona at any time, and the other is to apply to be summoned to the instructor, the former can be anywhere, anytime, while the latter has a long cooling time, enough So many weeks.

The game is balanced, it is impossible for a big master to guide you all day.

"Okay, let's leave," Garona began to get out of the way.

Lu was a huge harvest, and naturally did not continue to rely on it. He nodded and turned into a crow fluttering his wings and flying high, because he kept thinking about today’s harvest, so he did not see Garona shocked after seeing the crow. expression.

The dark red blood crow, and the Druid's raptor state is still different, it is exclusive to the great prophet Medivh. (To be continued.)

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