The Great Thief

Chapter 824: Incarnation bat

Finally, I still have to go to the copy. It is said that the lucky paladin can also get the painting through other means, and the guy who is away from the black-handed leader and whose charm value is not so high is obviously not so lucky.

The rating of Stratholme is fifty, and this level is based on the level of the wave ss.

Although the mobs don't reach the level of 50, but there are always fourty-seven, and Stratholme is a famous and difficult copy, which is not what Zul' Farak can compare.

In the northwest corner of the Eastern Plaguelands, Stratholme has two entrances. In the northwest corner, the entrance to the Scarlet area is generally called the front door. On the east wall is the entrance to the Undead. It is generally called the back door and has a city. The door key or thief can be opened directly.

It is more convenient to go to the back door wherever you want to go, and his unlocking level can completely open the door.

On the periphery of the copy, the monsters piled up in various days, and the average person could not get close. When practicing sneaking before leaving, they would almost never get close to these monsters because they were too many.

Even if everyone will open a copy of Stratholme in the future, a standard ten-person team can safely pass through here.

Of course, at that time, we must also guard against the players in the hostile camp. They are more terrible than monsters, but the thieves' occupations are generally not considered a threat, because there are all natural disaster bats everywhere, and thieves are best to stick their tails honestly.

Looking at the catastrophic bats on the road leading to the copy, there are some headaches.

Natural disaster bats are a kind of attribute collectively. In fact, there are many types of natural disaster bats, ranging from forty to nearly fifty. There are also legal geeks, physics monsters, and even bats that can sneak. And they all have strong perceptions without exception.

It can be said that the plague land and Stratholme are full of malicious thieves from the setting.

But the land can only be **** the scalp, don't expect to bypass the road and circumvent the mountains from both sides. There are only a lot of natural disaster bats on the top, and if you are almost lucky, you might plant it into the bat's lair.

The only thing that can be done is to be careful and careful.

He hesitated and took out the intensive skills book to confirm the study.

System: Discover the submarine travel skills. Whether to confirm the study, the experience value is 1.2 million, the gold coin is 120, and the camp reputation is 4,000.

Lu looked at his experience, reputation, and the gold coins in his backpack. He smiled and shook his head. It’s no wonder that everyone said that they can learn to strengthen their skills.

The 1.2 million experience value makes the land drop almost to the level, and the player who changes to the 40th level or not may not even drop one level.

One hundred and twenty gold coins are 10,000 real money. Many people may not be able to save so much money for a few months. But this is the easiest thing to do, because most of the big guilds will have this money to let their members learn to strengthen their skills.

This is also a benefit, encouraging players to collect learning reinforcement skills as much as possible, and the amount of intensive skills in the guild determines the future of a guild.

Of course, if you don't have a guild background, you can only find your own way.

As for the four thousand reputations, this is the key to restricting how many intensive skills a player can learn.

This reputation belongs to the ranks of the camp, and it can gain access to the reputation of the camp. Except for some camp missions, it is like the retreat of the orcs who left the land. Then it can only be generated by influential events like first kill rewards.

The current reputation of the camp is only over 10,000 points, and it is only enough to learn another skill.

After confirming the study, the experience that has been upgraded a lot has returned to the time before liberation. This is the place that most hurts him.

Strengthen stealth: Instant, let the thieves hide until the stealth state disappears. The sneak effect is improved, and the sneak effect is further improved in the shadow environment. The random effects are transformed into bats. After using this special effect, the caster will become a bat. The flight reaches a specified location at a certain distance, and the cooling time is 2 minutes.

The avatar is a bit stagnation.

Of course, he knows that the intensive skill can randomly produce a special effect, which is similar to the equipment special effect, but it is not absolute. There is nothing in the two intensive skills of his last life.

The reason for the sluggishness of the land was that it was randomized to the avatar bat.

This is not exactly the future of the famous fame, as long as it can be used to attract the little girl screaming the most windy effects.

Mo Forget Map learned the intensive flashing skills. The random special effect is the avatar bat. I can imagine a person suddenly becoming a bat without any warning, and suddenly flies a large distance, the visual impact. How strong is it.

Not only that, but this special effect is also very effective in practical aspects.

The name of the **** of law, which is not forgotten, is largely due to his strange maneuverability.

The monster's iron barrel array will not be trapped again. You will hurt you in a moment, become a bat, and you can cross obstacles and fly over the cliff. If these are not enough to impress you, then if this means can touch the frozen and entangled What?

And this is a special effect, not a skill, does not require the support of mana, the land can also be used by this thief.

Anyway, the land is very satisfactory, and the experience that has just been lost is also worth the value.

Of course, the reason why he learned to strengthen stealth at this time is that he feels that his sneak is almost the same, and the second is to cope with these natural disaster bats.

The enhanced stealth under the increase will enable him to better escape the perception of these bats.

The effect is surprisingly good. The main reason is to further enhance the sneak effect in the shadow environment. The shadow environment here can be understood as the weak light, and the plague is covered in dim smog all the year round. It is naturally dark. surroundings.

So, unless these bats are too close to the land, they can't really sense the land.

It took some time for the land to gradually approach the back door of the copy.

Unlock, enter this!

If someone is here, he will be surprised that he is daring, and one person will dare to enter the copy, and it is still a high-end copy of the 50th level.

Someone has entered this copy to open up wasteland. Naturally, it is expected that the ssom's wave ss will be like Zul'Farrak. Maybe there will be a wave ss particularly bully.

Their results were very tragic, and the mobs who were in the door were drowned.

These batches are all high-ranking elites of the forty-eighth level. They are said to be the first to volunteer to become a member of the Scourge, and they were heroic soldiers during their lifetime.

At the moment when the land passed through the copy of the magic door, there was no way to steal it, so he was also besieged by this group of natural disasters.

If it was before, it would take a little more effort to escape, but now with the avatar bat, which is extended by the enhanced sneak, it is much easier to escape. (To be continued.)

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