The Great Thief

Chapter 828: Camouflage (monthly ticket)

[The latest broadcast] Tomorrow is 515, the beginning of the anniversary, the most welfare day. ● Hey, in addition to the gift bag, this time the 515 red envelopes must be seen, the red envelopes do not grab the truth, set the alarm clock ~

"I think you must have a solution," Lu said there is no need to reluctantly.

The Valley of the Fireplace is not good. It is located in the northern part of the Kingdom of Lordaeron. It used to be the fief of Old Fording. After being exiled, Old Fording handed over the fireplace valley to his beloved son Tyran Fording.

When the plague of the undead began to sweep out of Lordaeron, the Valley of Firefighters did not succumb to the hands of natural disasters like the surrounding towns.

Prince Alsace used to be stationed in the Valley of Fire to fight against natural disasters, which also brought nearby human refugees to the Valley of Fire. Tyran Fording, the lord of the Valley of Fire, accepted all of these refugees.

In the days that followed, with the uncle Alsace, the Scourge swept the entire Kingdom of Lordaeron.

Perhaps because of the persistence of humanity in Arthas's heart, or his reluctance to face the place where he had been fighting for a long time, the Valley of Firefury miraculously survived the land that had become a plague.

After Uther’s siege of the undead army brought by Arthas, almost all of the land in the eastern part of Lordaeron became an enemy.

At this time, the great lord of Tyre's hand, the silver hand veteran, the Ashbringer Alexandros Mograine, Lordaeron Defence General Alfred Abidis, high-ranking pastor Eisen Lien created the Crusaders of the Scarlet Crusade, the revenge of blood to the dead, and the organization grew up rapidly on this land.

With the vast members of the Knights of the Silver Hand as the backbone, countless humans, dwarves, and elves who lost their loved ones, friends, and homes under the invasion of the Scourge Army joined in.

With respect for the cause of justice and respect for the teacher Ethan Lien, Tyrande Verdin joined the Scarlet Crusade and contributed his own fief, located in the Valley of Fire in the Western Plaguelands, with Mogley. Nie's fiefdom, together with the hands of Tyre in the Eastern Plaguelands, became the two bases of the Scarlet Crusade.

And he himself became the leader of the Scarlet Crusade in the Hearth.

however. The behavior of the Scarlet Crusade gradually deviated from the light of the Holy Light, becoming extreme and crazy, Tyrande Furding was immersed in the pain of failure, and gradually became a practical flaw.

The entire Valley of Fires has been completely controlled by Ethan Lien.

Ethan Lien is a high-ranking priest. One of the founders of the Scarlet Crusade, the Attorney General of the Scarlet Crusade, the Firefly Valley Blood Crusade Prosecutor, and the mentor of the great lord Tyran Fording.

Lu knows the level of the Scarlet Crusades in the Valley of Fire, and it is really not what he can deal with.

"There is only one way to pass my letters. That is to disguise," Old Fording entered the room behind him. After he came back, he added a map: "Follow the instructions of this map and go south. You can be there." I found the tomb of Uther. I have a trusted old friend, Malanda, who lives there, finds her, shows her something, she will help you."

Lu Li got the gift of a quest item Tirion, it was a small box, and there was nothing to know.

Lu Yi summoned his own horses and ran all the way in the direction of the map.

In fact. The tomb of Uther is not difficult to find.

There are often paladins who come to his tomb to hang, whether it is the aborigines of this world or adventurers.

In the place where he died, the remorse of the Western Plaguelands stood in his grave. There is still a holy light on Uther's grave in the dark plague.

Uther is the representative of the Paladins. He is a powerful opponent for the enemy and a spiritual pillar for the Paladin.

Even when he refused to execute Stratholme’s command of the massacre, and was thus identified as a treason by Alsace as a ****, the beliefs of the paladins were extremely firm.

Their follower Uther escaped from the battle sequence and fought for his own faith.

The so-called kingship, the so-called Alsace, is simply not worth mentioning in the eyes of the paladins.

However, it is precisely because of this spiritual pillar. At the moment Uther fell, countless paladins lost their mentor, they were confused and overwhelmed, and many people fell directly.

"May your legend guide me in the same direction. May the Holy Light kill all natural disasters..."

When Lu was coming to the tomb of Uther, there were two paladins kneeling on the ground to pray and see their costumes, apparently belonging to the wandering knight who lost his organization.

Most likely, they were members of the former Knights of the Silver Hand, but they did not want to join the Scarlet Crusade and began to wander and fight.

They are scarred. Not a refuge.

"Rogues, leave here," the paladin found the land and pulled out their knight sword.

"The true glory cannot be defined by race and occupation, but by the judgment of human behavior and norms." Lu Yi did not intend to start, but borrowed the words of Old Fording.

Both levels of the elite Paladin on the 50th level or more met for a while, then shyly turned and left.

"Your sentence is very good. I always feel that I have heard it somewhere." A figure turned from the back of the grave and said that she was raised by a low head, apparently a dwarf.

"His Tirion Fordring sent me," Lu Li immediately went down from the war, and gave a gift to the gnome control, and then presented the gift of Old Fording.

This gnome is obviously the witch, Melanda, who is the old Fuding who asked Lu to find.

"Tirion Fordring?" The witch was very surprised. It took half a day to slow down. She opened the gift and it was actually a few candied haws.

Lu knows that this thing can be made with the same fruit and honey, but the plague is obviously not there. Old Fording may have spent a lot of time thinking about this gift.

As for why the sugar cane is sent, Lu Ji guessed that there should be some stories.

However, the witch, Melanda, obviously will not share her story with Lu. She is very satisfied and cherishes this gift. After she has looked at it, she is very serious.

And Fording is an old friend, although this little gnome seems to be tender, the actual age is definitely not low, I did not expect this hobby.

In the middle of the earth, the belly was squatting, but the face did not seem to continue to ask: "I heard that you can use illusion to disguise me as a **** crusader, and then you can mix into the fireplace valley. Is that true?"

"It's true," Meranda nodded. "I'm what you said... illusionist. Although I can create an illusion that will allow you to enter the Valley of Fire, but you must know that my strength is not unlimited. If you leave the area too far, the illusion will gradually disappear and you can only persist for a short time."

“How long?” The smashing of the centrifugation, this time the problem really came.

At the beginning of ps.5.15, the red envelope is raining! At 12 o'clock in the afternoon, I will grab a round every hour. A big wave of 515 red packets will be lucky. You all go grab, grab the starting currency and continue to subscribe to my chapter! (To be continued.)

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