The Great Thief

Chapter 880: Tib's blazing sword

"This is for you," said the pleading, but the male **** had to face, but the action of giving the red envelope in advance completely sold him. .... ...

My sister has a t0 kit, and he can't fall behind as a brother.

Remnant dreams looked at the fifty gold coins that came over the deal. She suddenly refused to lose the gold coins: "Flower Big Brother, I have enough money today, this... well, I don't want it."

"It’s okay to hold it, you can't touch it. Buy a crocodile meat from the top grade and feed your pet. You look at your pets and they are all skinny." The flower bottom is not changed, it is really difficult for this whole one. The guy with the cold man's face can actually say this.

The residual dream tangled, but still accepted.

She is actually not a greedy person. Money has little concept for her. She never exchanged money from playing games, typical rich children.

I started to touch the body, and I opened my eyes together with the little hands of the dream.

A small hand shakes, a piece of equipment is at hand.

"Malone's elbow, gold hammer, not a suit," Remnant Dream dropped a small shoulder: "Flower Brother, I will return the gold coin to you."

"Nothing, keep the flowers, this little money," the flower bottomed away from the fear of hurting the little girl, trying to make a look of indifference, the first piece of equipment is gold, the second piece is likely to be silver, after all, It is a wavelet ss.

"This weapon, who are you?" The residual dream shared the elbow of Malone.

I suddenly squirted a group of people, because the effect of this two-handed hammer is very funny: when hit, the target may be stupid for 2 seconds and the power increased by 50 for 30 seconds.

The game is really a spoof, not only to create a npc with the same name as the star, but also to write the equipment effects like this.

Stun can be understood, hey is okay, but what is the concept of playing silly.

"Let me try a hammer and see if you will be stupid," the blue sea breeze put up the shield weapon and put it on the hammer, and said to the drifting zero, the drifting zero turned a blind eye and did not bother to care for him.

This hammer attribute is actually okay, but it is a bit sloppy for Lu and others.

Since the blue sea wind is going to be used, he will take it with him. The special effects of the second two are more in line with his character.

The second one is really rubbish. The silver and silver equipment, the flower base is so pretentious that nothing happens, and everyone will not dismantle him. Anyway, after the copy of the Raiders, there are still many elite groups coming in to fight. When it bursts out, he can take a low level. Good equipment and others change, after all, the 50-level suit is not so good to collect.

"The next blame let me steal first," Lu looked at the abandoned blacksmith shop on the left front and made his request.

"Stealing mobs, why?" The blue sea breeze is very confused, why do you want to steal mobs, and why not steal from the beginning of the copy, all here to steal.

"There are individuals in these undead who may be a blacksmith. There is a book saying that he has a very good sword." Lu said.

"Is it the best?"

He knows that Lu is not the kind of uninformed person. The stealing of a little monster will inevitably waste a lot of time. He subconsciously thinks that this sword will be very good, maybe it is legendary equipment.

"No," unexpectedly, Lu Yi shook his head and said: "This sword is not the best, but it is very valuable, very very..."

I used a few very, and my face showed the expression of the familiar fan, so everyone began to look forward to it.

What a "very, very, very valuable" sword is worth.

This sword is called the blazing sword of the cloth!

It is said that after the destruction of Quel'Thalas, the surviving high elves renamed themselves blood elves to remember the dead compatriots. They originally sent hopes of regaining their homes to the already precarious alliance.

But after witnessing the corruption and declining power of the Alliance, the blood elf prince Kael'thas Sunstrider was disappointed with them.

In the end, due to the innate desire for magical energy, the blood elf relied on the demon hunter Illidan, and along with him came to a different world outside Azeroth.

The blood elves have encountered countless demons and other evil forces here, and suffered heavy losses.

In order to prevent his compatriots from being harmed again, a high-ranking blood mage at the side of Kael'thas, Tibrus Fire, decided to use the most powerful and terrible spells, and exchange his magical life for the supreme artifact.

After obtaining the consent of Kael'thas, Tiburos read some ancient spells, and his body was swallowed up by the fiery flames.

At the moment when Tiblos’s life completely disappeared, a long sword cast with a magical fire was born. To commemorate him, Kael'thas named the sword "the blazing sword of the cloth."

For a long time, Kael'thas was using this sword to protect the fragile blood elves.

In the battle where Illidan attacked the Frozen Throne and was defeated by Arthas, the blood elves and the naga's coalition retreat back to the outer domain, and the blazing sword of the handle lost its powerful magic. An ordinary long sword.

Later, this long sword abandoned by Kael'thas was turned to Stratholme in the hands of the blacksmith.

More than one bard has come to admire the best artifacts that have been forged with countless best materials and that require a master to be buried.

"Can it be repaired?" The heart is moving, he is using a sword.

"No," Lu said, shaking his head, adding: "The nature of this weapon is more general, and the special effects of the calf have long since expired."

"Hey, don't sell off," Float was anxious.

Fortunately, the azure sea breeze, this pig only controls the shield, the flower bottom and the sesame stuffed dumplings only admire the best equipment, and although the land can also use the sword, he obviously only likes gold coins and sister.

"This sword is like being shrouded in flames. The book says that it is the head of the four great lightsabers. Some nobles who love vanity have come to Stratholme many times, and even some people have robbed the idea, but unfortunately I am scrupulous about each other, no one really hands."


"What is love and vanity," said the drifting one away: "Go to steal, come back and give you money."

In order to float out of the big industry, Lu can only sneak up to steal, and when I leave, I still hear the drifting thoughts: What is the difference between people and salted fish?

Fortunately, he has now learned to strengthen the sneak, and the whole game is not more sneak than he sneaked. These mobs did not notice the closeness of the land, and even the blame that claimed to be anti-submarine did not respond.

This level of mobs are usually stolen by heavy waste. The garbage boxes contain a wide variety of things, but most of them are garbage.

The blazing sword of the cloth was opened from this heavy garbage bin. (To be continued.)

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