The Great Thief

Chapter 883: Timi's toy gun

"The wave ss is coming, the cloth professional is careful to output, keep the hatred outside the top three, and pay attention to accumulate hatred, but don't ot," Lu looked at the small ghoul and rushed over and reminded everyone.

Although it is just a small wave ss, Timmy is not as weak as his body.

Perhaps he has no threat to the plate class occupation, but the cloth armor is often killed by the spike under his hand. The high attack and high penetration make him a veritable cloth killer.

A long time later, when the player level is high, come back here with a trumpet, there are still high-level wizards here to die.

In fact, there is a small road behind the house next to it. This strange thing can be circumvented. When Timmy’s story is well known, there are many teams who are no longer going to kill this little ghoul, but the land is obviously not so sentimental, and In his view, perhaps Timmy prefers to die, not to live like this.

Lu Li remembers that there is a task to overthrow this Timmy and turn him into a small npc in Undercity.

Unfortunately, the mission is triggered by the Horde player. As an alliance, he is powerless, but if he can know any tribe in the future, he can entrust him to complete this task.

The blue sea winds stepped up, and the ghoul's claws made a deep mark on the shield, making a harsh sound.

A more than seven hundred damages floated on the blue sea.

"The attack is so high, the defense is not very good, and it will not return blood," Mt sent the information back to the team.

Lucenti said that this is actually nothing. When Timmy will use an irritating skill to improve physical attack and attack speed, then it will be called a cloth killer.

As for not returning blood, it is not entirely true. He has a skill called the trapped beast's claw. He can take four hundred points of life from the player and add it to himself. The frequency of use is still quite high. If it is not this wave, the defense is low, and blood. The amount is not high, and it is estimated that it is not so good.

Timmy's forty-seventh grade, the general level, under the hands of the team from the land, very quickly scarred.

He has no lines and has been silent.

Only sometimes it will stop the attack, and the black eyes are full of confusion, which makes people look very unbearable.

In addition, his shape is not as dirty as ordinary ghouls. If you know the story related to him, it is easy to evoke people's sympathy, and several girls in the team have been sympathetic.

Because the blood sucking skill of the wave ss is very big, it took twenty minutes to finish, the experience value is not bad, but unfortunately there is no skill point.

The residual dream is to first touch out a shotgun.

Timi's toy gun (dark gold): damage 62-88, agility +42, power +36, hit +20%, groove +2, special effect 1: there is a certain probability of attacking the target to fall, 瘫痪 2 seconds , Effect 2: Skip, use, activate the equipment to jump 15 yards away from the specified direction, cooling time 30 minutes, special effects 3: irritating, use, physical damage increased by 30%, attack speed increased by 20%, lasting 20 Seconds, cool for 10 minutes, equipment demand level 45, durable 115/115.

The following line of small characters is shown: When Timmy is still very young, his favorite is to hide in a corner of the village with a toy gun and suddenly jump out to scare people.

In the face of the big eyes of the ruthless dream, Lu nodded and agreed to give this equipment to her.

The best equipment is not necessarily the most expensive and the best, but the most suitable, this equipment is very good, high attack and high attributes, and increased by 20% hit, which is not a good dream of hitting the snow. And the three special effects include control, maneuver, and outbreak.

The previous bow was actually not much worse than this, but the residual dreams like this shotgun.

The second thing is a synthetic stone.

Increasing the damage by 10% is a very good stone. The land is also divided into a residual dream. He has two grooves for the shotgun. They can be set with two different stones. One can use this to add damage. One can go to the guild warehouse to scouring an added attribute.

The next wave ss is also a small wave ss. His name is Frestern. It is also said to come from Dalong County. He has a singular singer like a nightingale. On a rare night of the moon, he always stands in the blue and shining. By the lake, scorn the love of life and the world.

The act of purifying Stratholme has claimed the lives of countless innocents. Their only crime is that they should not stay in this difficult city.

Travel singer and piccolo player Frestern is one of the victims. After he died, he continued to wander in the city and could not accept his tragic fate. Here he was a dead soul who could play musical instruments. Unfortunately, no sound could be heard every second in his throat. No one could appreciate his music. Music and freedom have long become a fantasy of luxury. In the faint melody, the white bird flying on the pale blue lake is only floating in his dreams.

Frestern is a nickname.

The word Huang Ming comes from the computer-side game hundreds of years ago. The so-called Huang Ming is the strange thing that will not actively attack the player.

But killing him is certain because he can explode things.

Azure sea breeze is a shield squatting on the other's face, even if Frestern is angry with the gentleman, not to mention the fact that he is now a natural disaster monster, and there is no good temper.

Raising your hand is a multiple shot. Almost everyone has been beaten a small amount of blood. The March rain that is responsible for the treatment is a big jump. The subconscious is going to read the group plus treatment. The land quickly stops her, don’t look at this. Multiple shots are so dense, in fact the damage is not high, and the attack frequency is very fixed, the reading group plus is completely wasted.

The current group plus treatment skills are still relatively rare, and there are two rains in March.

Frestern's most distinctive and powerful skill is called Lullaby, which puts the target into a state of sleep for up to 10 seconds, and loses 5 percent of the blood per second during sleep, lasting twenty seconds.

If this skill is not treated, it is almost a mortal ending.

Therefore, the land will let the March rain keep the group plus blood skills, and will use it when it will save lives.

When Frestern lost a third of his blood, he took up his shorts and took out a flute. He didn’t know the blue sea breeze of the lullaby. He laughed: "This guy can’t beat us, I want to play the flute. Can we listen?"

The flute sounded and all the people fell into a deep sleep.

At the same time as sleeping, all the people began to lose blood, and they fell off in a blink of an eye.

"In March, use the badge, and then add blood to everyone," Lu said quickly.

March rain was very obedient with the badge to relieve sleep, read a group of blood skills, all people are separated from the danger. (~^~)

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