The Great Thief

Chapter 894: Hunting (seeking a monthly ticket)

Pushing the killed person into the water, Lu immediately immediately got up and left, and two other people who seriously suspected that the player did not kill.

Here is the game. While you observe others, you are also observed by others. When chatting with the old man, he may be a standard npc image, but once he kills, the performance is definitely not the habit of npc.

Sometimes the biggest reason for exposing yourself is often not a flaw, but greed.

The land was mixed into the crowd and soon disappeared into this small square.

Although there are opportunities for killing on similar occasions, it is too agreed to be exposed. Once it is blocked by npc or the player, it is very likely that the ship will be overturned in the gutter.

When I called a taxi, I showed a tired look after I went in. It was no different from the professional elite who went to work one day. He took out a cigarette in his mouth but did not point: "Master. I have just been on a business trip here, what can I relax nearby?"

“Hey,” the taxi driver immediately smiled, and he turned his head and squeezed his eyes. “Whatever you like, you don’t need to relax completely.”

Lu Lu seems to be very heart-warming, but in the end, he still shook his head and refused: "No need to relax, the place to relax, what the disco, what is not the disco bar, people are also lively, of course, must have more sisters! ”

"Give it to me, up to fifteen minutes to let you see the beautiful girl who is overwhelming," the taxi driver slammed on the gas pedal and the car quickly struck out.

Those who don't know think that the person who wants to go to the skin is him.

It was already more than nine o'clock in the evening when he looked at the watch. He was not surprised at all.

The development of virtual technology, if neurosensory is a milestone innovation, then time technology must be a mountain that everyone tries to overcome.

Longevity is not something that anyone dreams of.

Throughout the ages, no matter whether it is a monk or a monarch, no matter who it is, as long as it is not the kind of person who tries to kill himself, no one wants to die early.

People are expecting virtual technology to achieve time distortion. For example, after three days in the game, only one day in reality, even in the game for a lifetime, just outside for a moment, then it may achieve some kind of eternal life. .

There has been some progress in this area, but unfortunately it has not been popularized for decades.

Today, this copy applies this immature technology in a sense, killing the game for three hours, in this copy space, the player can spend twelve hours, a full four times the gap.

Sure enough, as the driver said, fifteen minutes later stood in front of a huge nightclub.

The landlord saw the guards rushing to the taxi driver and nodded. It is estimated that they all know each other, even if the driver brings the guests here to get the commission.

"How many?"

"One," Lu is very natural, and a hundred-dollar bill successfully attracted the eyes of the guard.

He pushed the door open and walked in. It was separated by a door. The inside of the pavement was the world of cockroaches. It was mixed with the taste of fat powder and tobacco and alcohol, and perhaps there was a kind of heat that made people bloody.

This is a huge place, surrounded by a wine table and a bar, you can drink alone, or you can find a lady to accompany.

In the middle is a huge dance floor, perhaps the men and women who are strangers to each other are rubbing and teasing here, the middle is the higher stage, a group of sex. The girl is showing off the grace.

Lu was chosen to sit at the bar and let the bartender give him a glass of wine.

"Sir, do you want to introduce you to your sister?" The bar looked at the land and was a raw face, very enthusiastic.

"No, give me a cup," Lu will drink the wine and stand up and put the glass in front of the bartender: "I like to come by myself, then give me a cup, look at my wine, come back and drink." ”

The bar laughed and said that the land was relieved.

The land was swaying like a drunkard, and soon it was mixed into the swinging crowd.

There is more than one hunter here!

A player who apparently didn't adapt to this occasion accidentally revealed the flaws. He was twisted off his neck by another strong man. The player who was hung up and squatted was squeezing to a wine table and carefully slamming the dead on the table. It looks like it is asleep.

Very cautious and very savvy, but unfortunately he did not find himself a prey in the hustle and bustle.

No matter how strong people are, the pipes are fragile and deadly.

When the knife was swept from his throat, he struggled only a few times in vain, and then kept on the table in the same position as the previous person.

After leaving the guy to leave, he immediately left in a hurry. He didn’t make the same mistakes as the brawny. Here is the disco, and the countless drunks sleeping on the sofa and on the table are not so quickly discovered. These two guys are dead.

Killing this brawny, Lu has earned points three times in a row, and now the total score has reached eleven points.

The strong man killed more than one person, the score is second only to the red name, the river fishing only gave the land two points, better than nothing. However, Lu is more concerned with pursuing his own safety, and he is not too concerned about the number of these points.

Once the called is broken, he is likely to be surrounded by smart npc.

Among the crowds who danced into the dance, they quickly approached the position of the most central dance girls, and he found a goal.

This person should be the target of the land, as a player is actually attracted by the beauty of the npc dancers, this time I do not know the life and want to climb the table to touch the dancer's thigh.

Lu went up and grabbed him, and embarrassed to say to others: "Sorry, my friend is drunk, sorry."

In fact, the sharp knife has pierced the heart of the target.

Carrying the corpse to the place where there are few people to deal with, the land continues to look for objects that can be started. In order not to be targeted by other players, he takes a shot and changes to a place, never staying in a place for too long.

System: Assassination mission is open, a Jun, yellow t-shirt man, height 173m, weight 67 kg, bodyguard number 5, reward 15 points.

Actually it is a temporary task of the scene, and it is the task of fifteen points. The salty pig hand who escaped from an aboriginal chick, looked in the direction of the entrance, and soon saw the recent arrival of several bodyguards. The assassination target.

All the players in this scene can get such a hint, so the task is not simple. (~^~)

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