The Great Thief

Chapter 899: Plague cloud

Of course, it is not a matter of accepting that Nasanos dying is not acceptable.

The number of npcs that she refused during this time was too much. Even the Druid van der Deer helmet in the Cenarion area of ​​Darnassus was rejected.

The Vandal Deer Helmet was rejected by the proposal of Lu.

The Great Druid Fandal Deer Helmet is a well-known ancient night elf who was already a prominent member of the Cenarion Circle when he was young. The tall body and the temperament of the deer helmet make him a difficult and powerful druid in the eyes of the world. He often slams his own teacher, but is the most talented by Malfurion. One of the disciples.

However, when his son Vastan died in the battle of quicksand, his blackening and degeneration had no way to turn back.

Because the square mobs were emptied, the wave ss swallower Ramsden began to appear, and did not leave them a time to rest. Fortunately, Lu Li had known this situation for a long time, let everyone sit down and eat for the first time. The bread and water were restored, and the poison used in the medicine did not fall.

Therefore, the Xinxin Mercenary Corps who greeted Ramsden was not in a hurry.

The main feature of the swallower Ramsden is the high attack. He should be the highest wave ss of the Stratholme base attack, even stronger than his master, Baron Rivendell.

And this kind of strength is a gradual strong, and with the delay of the battle time, his attack is getting stronger and stronger.

Many teams are here because dps doesn't work.

Now, Lu and others have a 20% increase in the anger of Nasanos waning, a 20% increase in attack, and a 20% chance to ignore the defense of the swallower Ramsden. In these attributes, in fact, the first two are not valued by the land, he is most concerned about the 20% chance of ignoring the wave ss defense.

The most powerful of the swallower Ramsden is defense, and even his attack is also growing because of the strong defense.

If you can reduce the combat time by reducing the defense, in fact, the high attack is also within the acceptance of everyone.

What is the concept of ignoring defense? He means that the wave ss will have the lowest defense, and the player will play the maximum limit of the attack, so that the player will play the maximum attack that he can play.

And crit is more likely to happen if the defense is not effective.

"Battle!" The blue sea breeze grabbed the shield and jumped up. The arrogant rushed up, completely without the decadence after being abused into a dog by the mayor.

"Others wait, let mt establish hatred and say," Lu hurriedly stopped other people, and the cold sweat on his forehead, the beginning of the group almost destroyed the rhythm of the group, this group of guys have been playing so many times, actually Still so unrestrained.

The swallower Ramsden's hand is a hook, pulling the blue sea breeze that is about to be rushed to the front, and the big stick of the other hand has already come over.

"I am jealous of your uncle," mt was only stunned by the hammer.

In fact, this time the wave ss has no hatred against the blue sea breeze. If it is not just stopped, then whoever attacks the wave ss first, will be attacked by the wave ss for the second time.

At this stage, the second person is properly, especially for the legal remote profession. It is a nightmare. They are remote, and it is the easiest to shoot a second shot outside of mt. Their armor is low and poor. How can they withstand it? The swallower Ramsden's blow.

Fortunately, only the blue sea breeze is now entering hatred. The swallower Ramsden does not like this guy, but he can only continue to attack.

"You can start, it's all stable, spend you don't grab two hatreds and three hatreds, drift two hatred, I have three hatreds," Lu Shi assigned a hate sort, the game will provide players with a hate list in the copy battle. Once a hatred has lost hatred or hangs, there will be a second enemy.

The drifting is the deputy t, and it is necessary to stand up and take over the blue sea breeze at any time.

As for the separation of the land and the bottom of the flower, if the wave ss finds a land, he has many means to escape, and the bottom of the flower must look at the state of gambling luck.

Building a good hate sequence, in fact, still have to stand, but there is no way to explain why he has to arrange this, because the means of wave ss is not enough to destroy the group, so he simply does not say it.

While playing wave ss, chatting, chatting and chatting, I expected the city murder competition today.

In addition to the land, Moonlight also participated in the competition, just because the city is too big, and there is no communication means in the game, so a city south is far apart.

The champion will have a world announcement, so everyone knows that Lu is the champion of this killing match.

Simple point of the small eight sauce and residual dreams, plus the sesame stuffed dumplings that seem to be mature and not mature enough, they feel that the land is too powerful, it is very curious whether he is a soldier or even a special soldier in reality. Killer and the like.

The response from Lu is very simple and mixed.

Moonlight is deeply aware of how difficult it is to leave this first.

In fact, he also had more than three hundred points, even accumulated earlier than Lu Yi, but unfortunately his style of work is too tough, not as smooth and sly as Lu Yi, and finally he killed several policemen and was shot dead.

Dead points return to zero, this activity moonlight is very depressed.

The swallower Ramsden seems to be angry at everyone's contempt, how can you chat while fighting, so he uses something that can be considered a big move.

First, even stepping, is a series of trampling, a total of trampling three times, trampled at different random locations, players with a range of four yards around the ss will be dizzy, when the step is completed, the swallower Ramsden has more Mean means.

He will release the plague cloud at this time, and the appearance of a large green fog will not only cause the negative state of the disease, but also continue to poison the blood.

Players must escape from the plague cloud as soon as possible. Otherwise, the longer the disease is decremented, the more the damage caused by the poisoning is enough to make the skinny occupation tragic on the spot.

If you follow the Raiders, Lu Yi should arrange for you to stand at five yards, so the number of people who are connected will never exceed three.

This time, their luck was very bad. Seven people were savage in the plague of the clouds, and the mt blue sea breeze was even worse. He was not only abused by the waves, but also the people who gave him blood were stunned. As a result, his blood volume is only reduced, and the form is in jeopardy. (To be continued.)

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