The Great Thief

Chapter 901: Fire resistance equipment

"You mortals, you don't understand the greatness of death," swallower Ramsden swallowed his last breath, and his rancid body slammed on the ground.

Not to mention, the last line is actually quite deep, but not everyone does not understand.

The blue sea breeze is more understandable, because he also hangs up. After being resurrected, his face is black like the bottom of the pot, especially when he hears the drifting skills, he is full of envy and hatred.

Not to mention a lot of experience.

The experience of wave ss in Twilight is rich, but after the last system revision, the experience that everyone can gain is fixed, and it will not be more experience because of the small number of others.

This is to avoid the player's voluntary sacrifice to become a single player brush experience.

Lu Yi did not get the skill points. It can only be said that this game is too difficult to obtain. Now with more and more upgrade experience, the skill points are not enough. The skills he has recently acquired can not be upgraded without upgrading.

"Hurry up," the blue sea breeze pulled the dream to the wave ss, looking at him with a look.

The tired and tired wave ss has not been divided into experience. Now I can only comfort myself from the aspect of equipment. Someone's self-consolation thoughts may be the best ones they use.

The dream of remnantly looked at him helplessly, and he confessed to the ss.

"Extraordinary cane, my staff, increase the probability of training and success 30%, wow, really good thing, this I want, reward yourself 50 gold coins," the dream is happy, then everyone Watching her right hand grab a gold coin and put it in the left hand...

This is to reward yourself, it is so stupid!

Xiao Ba Sai is afraid to look at the little girlfriend who has been mad, and feel that this game has no way to continue playing.

Because I have recently mixed the secondary element of a station, there are many related works in fantasy novels. Many hunter writers are there to catch a cute Druid little sister to be a pet...

She couldn't help but imagine that she would not see the future of the day.

The slave vine is indeed a good thing. It has a high attacking and high attribute. When the hunter is in the melee, he can take it out and draw a dozen. As for the increase of the taming chance, this is very important for all hunters.

In addition, the other two special effects are also good things, one has a chance to repel the enemy, and the other one is used to let the hunter transfer to the specified location.

This piece of equipment is dark gold, and the swallower Ramsden still failed to make a legend, even though he has a certain probability of legendary equipment. That little chance, this legendary equipment is often forgotten in the list of Stratholme's equipment drop.

"Don't tease," the blue sea breeze patted the little girl's head and pointed to the ss body reminder: "Hurry up and touch and find something good for you."

The temptation of the gold coin is too great. The reward of the fifty gold coins from the right hand to the left hand and finally back to the wallet does not allow the little hunter's purse to add even a little weight.

"It's a gold..." The disappointment instantly climbed the face of the dream.

Gold equipment is absolutely unimaginable temptation for ordinary players, but each one present is an ordinary player, who will be generous in reward for not being able to cause the heartbeat.

"The ring of elements, good things," Lu was amazed.

Then everyone began to look at the property seriously. Lu will not easily praise a certain piece of equipment. Since he said it is a good thing, there must be good reasons.

Ring of Elements (Gold): Constitution 40, Fire Resistance 30%, Groove 1, Special Effect 1: Reduces the control effect by Fire spells by 30%, Special Effect 2: When the health is less than 10%, a certain probability Produces a protective cover that absorbs up to a thousand points of damage for the player. The equipment requires a level of 50 and is durable 142/142.

This is a ring. In many equipments, the explosion rate itself is very low.

The gold ring has already made this piece of equipment comparable to the dark gold equipment. If you look at the equipment properties, it is not difficult to find out why it is a good thing.

Forty points of physical attributes are nothing, the key is 30% fire resistance.

If there is nothing in this ring, only one fire is 30%, and Lu will still say that it is a good thing.

When the player reaches the 60th level, then the level experience slot will be stuck. For a while, the player can't continue to upgrade. Don't worry that the player will protest because of boredom. They have no time and no energy to protest.

Molten Heart, Black Winged Nest, Onyxia's Lair, Ahn'Qiraj Temple, Naxxamas...

Any one of these copies of the wave ss can be pulled out to crush the player's existence, and the resistance equipment of that period is also hot, especially fire resistance equipment.

It is easy to sell hundreds of thousands of real coins in the ring of the hand. Only the talents of the Grand Council have the financial ability and ability to purchase such equipment. For ordinary players, they may get a 10% fire resistance equipment. You can eat and worry for a few months.

Therefore, Lu said that this is a good thing.

Of course, the special effects behind, especially the special effects two are also very good, and it is already very impressive to absorb a thousand points of damage.

The first special effect is for fire control spells. Frankly speaking, it is quite good. Of course, it is a pk madness like moonlight. They may prefer to reduce the control time of ice spells.

"That is to say, this equipment can only be used when it encounters the fire ss?" The blue sea breeze heard the explanation is inevitably disappointing.

The real bull's fork should be that the green hills do not relax, and the north and south winds are invariable. In any case, you can use this wave of equipment to be a barrier.

"You don't even want to give me money to sell," Lu said with a hand to find him.

"Give it to you...and so on..." The blue sea breeze originally wanted to give Lu, but he quickly reacted: "No, you are so very smart, this equipment is very very valuable, talk about it. How much is this equipment worth?"

"Hey, are you doing business like this," Lu said, shaking his head and reaching for a figure.

"Five thousand?" Azure sea breeze is a little disapproving. If the 50,000 real money is the price of a piece of the best gold equipment, even those who often see dark gold equipment, I am afraid that will not be in the heart.

"You said a zero less," Lu turned his eyes, and this person's IQ is definitely a problem.

"There are monsters coming!" The moonlight sent an alarm.

How come there are monsters so fast, and when you talk about it, actually touching two pieces of equipment is a matter of tens of seconds. Everyone sitting on the ground is still not full of blood.

"Look at what seems to be anti-blame," mainly because time has passed too long, and the copy of the last generation is better than the current level of equipment, so some details are ignored, he suddenly remembered the swallower Ramsden After hanging up, you should quickly respond to the following wave of mobs. (To be continued.)

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