The Great Thief

Chapter 959: Little apprentice

"I believe you can teach her, she is still a child," Hagel said with a smile. "Follow me, please don't mind, the distance is a bit far."

It’s far from the distance, and Lu Ge went directly to Ironforge with Hagel.

When he saw the so-called child, he discovered that the other party was really a child. The real child, a little gnome who was less than ten years old, was shorter than the mini version of the dream of eating Nogfuge.

I will not say that the dream is a little short.

"This is Shuny, is it very cute," Hagel squatted down and the little gnome looked up and pointed to the whispered voice: "I found an elf to teach you."

"But I want to be with Hagel's brother," Shuny is obviously not so willing.

But she is reluctant and can do it. The opinions of the children are never taken seriously by the adults, not to mention that Hagel does have other things to do.

How to teach a little gnome, a completely arrogant, no experience, no strategy, an unheard of task, if Hagel sent her as a babysitter he might be more sure, after all, he has been doing milk for many years. dad.

Thinking about it, I decided to take it out and feel the crisis in the wild.

There is almost no absolute safety in the wilderness of Azeroth. Even the Moonlight Woodland has monsters, and the aborigines have become accustomed to this situation.

"Uncle Uncle, why don't you have long ears?"

"My ears are also very long, just not as long as you think. The ear you are talking about is not an elf, it is a blind man."

"Uncle Elf, are you all sleeping on the tree?"

"Occasionally, I actually think the bed is more comfortable, there are snakes on the tree, they may feel that you want to be close to them."


"I look old, I just heard you call Hagel brother."

"Not the same, I will marry Hagel brother in the future, and it will take hundreds of years to grow to you so high."

"Children, even if your Hagel brother is thousands of years old, you can't be as tall as an elf."


"Talk about your Hagel brother, why do you want to marry him? He doesn't look so attractive, and you shouldn't think about it so early."

"Haggar's brother saved our lives. That year, the stone blame suddenly appeared in Khaz Modan."

The sarcophagus is a barbaric race close to the caveman. Despite their low intelligence, they have an amazing temperament.

The ancestors of the dwarves were the earthy spirits made by the Titans. In the history of the world of Azeroth, the earliest earth spirits were affected and they were transformed into stone monsters in the mother. This is a barbaric failure product, so the Titans locked the failed product, and then proceeded to the second experiment in the Uldaman, the final formation of the earth into a solid race of the dwarf!

The main burial place of the stone blame is located in the ancient Titan city of Odman in Khaz Modan.

The sarcophagus was sleeping there for countless years until the dwarves began to discover Oldman. The dwarf dug too deep, awakening the stone blame from the long sleep. Now the stone scorpion screams out from the caves everywhere, spreading the horror in the dwarf kingdom.

One of the most powerful ones raided the dwarf city of Gnomeregan.

Although the gnomes fought bravely to protect the city they loved, Gnomeregan fell.

During the fall of Gnomeregan, most of the gnome races were killed by at least 80 gnomes, and very few survivors fled to nearby Ironforge. They set out to rebuild their army there, heal their wounds, and prepare to recapture the city they were destroyed.

It was during this period that the little gnome was hidden by his family in the dense sewers of the city.

The dry food they carried quickly finished eating, panic, hunger, and cold. Several children were subjected to the first heavy experience in their lives when their homes were shattered.

"Nipshi told us the story. He said that there used to be a pirate. He is Captain Nipshi. We are going to sail."

Lu can imagine the scene, how helpless several children are in the dark and damp sewers.

"Later, Hagel came, he gave us meat," the little gnome's face showed a happy smile: "That is the mine hamstring, Hagel can use the flying knife to catch the mouse, I am I ate a lot of rat meat in one breath."

Lu suddenly suddenly no longer hates his task, perhaps he can't teach the child anything particularly advanced, but at least hope that the little gnome can be happy.

"Hagel, he saved a lot of people, right," so don't think that he is special to you, so don't decide your marriage and love plan so early, because of the relationship between the sisters, Lu Yi feels that the little girl should not fall in love. The teacher said that early love is not good.

"Hagel will come to see me every few months. His body always has a touch of radiating dust. I guess he may have rescued some of the Gnomeregan people, maybe another experience. Great battle. He will come to see me occasionally, bring us some mine hamstrings, and that day is the festival of our children's carnival."

Well, Lu Li decided not to say Hagel’s bad words behind him.

And he keenly caught a word: "Do you say the smell of radiation dust?"

"Yes," the little gnome's face showed maturity that was not in line with her age. She clenched her fist and said vowedly: "I want to go to Normerigan with Hagel's brother to save our people."

"It’s not a good idea, Shuny, is it easy to go to Gnomeregan?" Lu’s face sank.

When Gnomeregan was about to be framed, the great tinker McNeil Thermapugger used a special bomb to destroy the overwhelming stone blame.

This bomb exploded, causing severe radiation, not only killing countless stone monsters, but also turning many gnome infections into leprosy gnomes.

"Oh, I am so worried about Hagel, he will definitely become a leprosy gnome," Shuny said, holding her face and crying. She may still have a naive side, but her fate made her understand a lot. thing.

"First of all, you must learn the skills of the thieves to go to Gnomeregan to help Hagel, Shuny, are you willing to receive training?" Lu sighed.

"Of course," the little gnome wiped his tears away, forcing sobbing, his eyes wide and serious.

Lu Li found that his game interface has changed. Most of the skills have a teachable option. The task of teaching a little gnome to become a thief has officially started. To be continued.

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