The Great Thief

Chapter 994: Deciding 16

In the ring game, the team defeated one of the five players in the Jinyiwei team. The team competition was even more useless and the whole line was crushed. So far, the ruling sword eliminated Jinyiwei, and the ambitious guild stopped 50.

By the time of the year, the ruling sword finally broke through all obstacles and entered the top 16.

This year's 16th National Congress is not suspenseful, and there is no new guild that has been smashed in the dark horses like the Huaying Cup.

On the leaderboard list, the glory capital is at the top of the list. Their quality is relatively high, and they have not met the strong team. Although they have been planted once in the seventh heaven, they still get high scores that other guilds can hardly reach.

In the second place is the sword of ruling.

Because of the goal of training newcomers, the ruling sword has arranged a lot of cats and cats to eat meat and fat monkeys, and even the first lineup of the cherry blossoms recalled more or less lost a lot of points.

But at the same time it also defeated the Seventh Heaven and Dawn Wings in the team competition, called the only team in the first season of the league.

Ranked third is the Wings of Dawn. They defeated the capital of glory but lost to the sword of ruling.

Ranked fourth is the seventh heaven. They also lost to the sword of ruling. In addition, they lost to the unparalleled city. At that time, South Bosri did not get the infinite change, and the two teams fought a battle. Called the most classic scene of this competition.

The fifth nature is the unparalleled city, and the sixth is the **** battle flag.

Wei Yuge continued to encounter the unparalleled city and the wing of dawn, the **** battle flag, and after three hard battles, Kankan ranked seventh.

In the following are the squadrons, the blue guardian, the sacred temple, the blue moon, the purple moon, the stars, the stars, the grandeur, the eternal kingdom, the brothers, and the gods at dusk.

The points can't decide the final ranking, and it's impossible to decide the champion runner-up.

On the whole, the 16th National Congress is still under the control of the Grand Council of the Club. They have rich backgrounds and most of them have financial support. They will not collapse for a while.

However, it is not without a surprise.

The first accident was the Jiangnan nobles and the Shengshi dynasty. The two old guilds failed to advance and were all excluded from the top 16.

In the current game circle, most people are concerned about the top 100, which is the ticket for the club guild.

The top 16 is another milestone. Anyone who enters the top 16 is a qualified super guild. Over time, the 16th is the recognized glory hall of the game circle.

These two guilds have been going downhill.

But no one thought that they would fall out of the top 16, especially the Jiangnan nobles. On the list of the game guild last year, he was second only to the glory capital, and now it is the twentieth, estimated behind them. The consortium’s minds of hiring and killing people are all there.

Instead, it is Lanyu and Hongtu.

Hongtu's hegemony is the sorrow and wine discretion that Lu Yigang just entered into the game, Beitang Meng, the guild of several people in the Northern Tang cats, and the president of the Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor, the guild has been tepid.

After the Huaying Cup, they accepted the capital injection of the big consortium, and it is said that the price paid is very huge.

Although Emperor Tubo is still in the seat of the president of the guild, the real power has almost been lost. The new club manager has taken over most of the management power, using scientific management methods to formulate the guild system, increase the incentive mechanism, and dig heavily. A group of non-core players from other clubs hired the industry's almost the strongest coach.

The drastic rectification made him really get it.

The guilds of the guild list of fifty open corps suddenly rose into the top 16 and many people began to pay attention to the guild and club management. Some consortiums began to intervene in the game, and placed their own people through various means, hiring professional managers. Management Association.

This has its advantages and disadvantages. Professional managers, after all, do not have the guild management that these veteran players and even retired competitors turn into.

The other one who is on the list and ranks ahead of the Emperor's hegemony is Lan Yu.

This winter, Lan Yu moved from the 33rd to the eleventh in the total list, and almost entered the top ten. They became the new dream team that is more dark than Hongtu.

The fact that Hongtu’s hegemony is on the stage is actually an old face. They all dig from the major guilds.

Lan Yu is the whole new lineup. The seven players are all raw faces. When they first stood on the stage, they collectively shivered. They didn’t know whether they were nervous or excited, or both, and the priest’s sister was cold. The cake even cries while playing.

The establishment of this guild benefited from the financial support of Weiyu Pavilion, even if it was not the branch of Weiyu Pavilion.

The purpose of Weiyuge's financial support is to train their own players. They have established a training base in the city of this guild. Each year, some young players are selected to receive training in all aspects. When they are almost there, they are sent to the stage.

If the performance is good, it will be sent to the Weiyuge General Association. If it is not good, it will be left behind, or it will be thrown into other clubs.

This time, the training graduated exactly seven people.

They collectively applied to the General Assembly to form a team to stage the game. The water elves may find it interesting, so the leapfrog specially approved their request, so the blue team appeared in front of the world with a new lineup.

These seven newcomers, who bumped into each other, even broke into the top 16.

At the moment when the results of the 16th National Congress came out, they finally decided to keep their lineup. They would no longer let Lanyu become the talent reserve base of Weiyuge. They always paid off and they gained the independent status of the unparalleled city.

Some media reports said that although the Lanyu Association has a history of two or three years, the club has been established for more than a year, but the real Lanyu was born this winter.

Lu was watching all of this quietly, doing his own thing without flustered.

Most of the time in the leveling, a small part of the time to brush the arena, other time placed on the casting and engineering, casting materials, drawings, everything, and the hands of the best casting hammer in hand, no suspense rose to the expert level.

Engineering is all the way, not lacking drawings or missing materials.

However, after a long period of accumulation, he finally entered the expert level, and he was finally able to make the goblin pacemaker and the perfect Auchin rifle.

Goblin pacemaker!

Drawing: Goblin pacemaker

Recipe: Engineering

Need: Expert Engineering (26o)

Use: Teaches you how to make a goblin pacemaker.

Goblin pacemaker: A pacemaker can sometimes resurrect a dead ally and cannot be used in combat.

The Goblin Pacemaker requires an engineering grade expert 260, which is a bit higher than the perfect Ogilvy rifle expert 250, so the land has been borrowed to buy some materials and intends to make five perfect Auchin rifles.

Even if you remove the one that promises the water elf, you can still have four.

He used one hand and sold it to the moonlight at the cost price. The remaining three people who sold it to the guild could just earn the material fee for himself and the water elf.

After completing these equipments, the distance expert 260 is almost the same. (To be continued.)

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