The Great Trump Card

Chapter 560: Meet mother-in-law

Lin Nao and Zhao Hu fought a few words, and then fell asleep, and found that they and Zhao Hu were quite in line with each other. Because they live together, the relationship between Zhao Hu and Lin Nao is very good. The two people are about the same age. Let Lin Nao realize that Zhao Hu is not only crazy, but also rebellious, which is very similar to Lin Nao.

In addition to pulling the skin, the two people also exchanged ideas on martial arts. Lin Hao found that he could learn a lot from Zhao Hu. After all, Zhao Hu is a metaphysical level, and he is also a master of metaphysical level. The whole country is also considered a first-class master. No matter if he goes to any city or even a province, will he be favored by all forces? This level of strong man naturally has many unique views on martial arts.

  The next two days, Lin Nao did not have any contact with Li Wenwen, and Wei Qimian finally came.

On the day when Wei Qimian came over, Li Youmei was more excited than anyone else. This was different from others. This is her future daughter-in-law. Looking at it now as a prospective daughter-in-law, she, as a mother-in-law, certainly wants her own prospective daughter-in-law. better.

 Lin Nao went to the station himself, and Wei Qimian and Li Tie got off the car.

  Li Tie's strength has now reached the early stage of Ming Jin. As a close master of Wei Sihai, he accompanied Wei Qimian together, showing how much importance Wei Sihai attaches to Wei Qimian's safety.

   Lin badly hugged Wei Qimian, Wei Qimian smiled sweetly, but did not break free, now she has come to see her future mother-in-law, what else is so shy.

   As for Li Tie in the back, he pretended not to see anything. This stupid big guy is actually not stupid at all.

  Lin Bad looked at Li Tie and smiled: "Strength is improving very fast."

   Li Tie laughed and said: "Compared with Mr. Lin, it's too far behind."

   "It's okay, take the time to give me pointers."

Li Tie's eyes shine, although Lin Bad is much younger than him, but Lin Bad's strength is beyond him, it is too easy to point him, for him like this who has never met a famous teacher. It's a great benefit.

Lin Nao naturally thought of letting the master instruct Li Tie, but that was simply a fantasy. The master has long refused to accept his disciples. Although these two times barely saw an exception in his own face, but also because of two aspects, One is because of his face, and the other is because the talents of the knife, Dongyun Buyi and Zhao Hu are really amazing, otherwise, the master will not even glance at it, let alone give pointers.

As for Li Tie, Li Tie is in his thirties, and his strength has just broken through the Ming Jin period. Although the Ming Jin period has already been regarded as a master of entering the room, it is definitely not a category of genius, so the master is not anyway. May be shot.

  Li Tie said excitedly: "Then I really thank Mr. Lin."

   "You are welcome, we are all family members, your strength has increased, and my daughter-in-law's safety will be more guaranteed in the future!"

  Wei Qimian shyly said: "Nonsense, I have not married you yet, who is your wife."

   "Look at you, I came to see my future mother-in-law, what embarrassment." Lin Badou said with a grin, then said, "However, Brother Li Tie, I am afraid there is no place to live in my family......"

   "It doesn't matter, I'm looking for a hotel in the county. Anyway, it's very reassuring for the lady to live in your house. In the past few days, I've been waiting for the lady in the hotel. When the lady returns, I will go back with me."

   "That's okay." Lin Nao said, "Come on, let's go home together, Brother Li Tie, let's go to find a place to live after dinner."

  The three of them found a taxi. Li Tie was tall and needed to curl up while sitting in the taxi. The taxi driver looked at Li Tie like the iron tower and was terrified.

   Lin bad said: "Go to the bungalow."

"it is good."

   The car started to start. Wei Qimian grabbed Lin Bad's arm and said, "I'm a little nervous."

   Lin bad smiled and said: "You are Princess Wei, what's so tense? Take it easy, my mother is better, especially kind to others, and I want to see you a long time ago."

  Wei Qimian said, "Yes, this is a gift I bought for my aunt. I don't know if she likes it or not."

  Wei Qimian pulled out a delicate box from the bag, and after opening it was a diamond necklace.

   Lin bad surprised: "Wow, flash my eyes!"

  Wei Qi smiled and said: "Don't be so exaggerated, in fact, I want to buy more expensive, but later I considered that my aunt didn't know whether it would be accepted, so I didn't buy it, and finally bought only one more than 20,000 yuan.

   Lin badly smiled and said: "Fortunately, you did not buy more expensive, otherwise my mother really does not necessarily collect, more than 20,000 yuan is not cheap."

   "This is the first time I met." Wei Qimian said, "I don't know what my aunt likes, clothes are not easy to buy, so I can only buy jewelry."

   Lin Bad looked at the gentle and careful Wei Qimian, and couldn't help but hug Wei Qimian, and kissed Wei Qimian's face directly: "Bee... I love you."

  Wei Qimian smiled happily. She tried to make herself a well-behaved daughter-in-law and could be liked by her husband, which was simply worth it.

The driver couldn't help saying in front: "Brother, you are married back to a princess. I have never seen such a precious gift for the first time when I see my future mother-in-law, and it looks so beautiful. You are really blessed."

   Lin bad smiled and said: "That is of course, my wife is not only beautiful, but also sensible."

   Lin Nai couldn't help but show off, Wei Qimianjiao let out a noise, but it was beautiful in his heart.

   The car finally drove to the door of the house, Lin Bad paid the fare, and several people walked away from the car.

  Although Wei Qimian said that he was nervous, after all, he was also a girl who had seen the world, and he adjusted quickly. He took Lin Bad's arm and walked elegantly to the entrance of the courtyard. Li Tie followed them.

   As soon as he walked to the door, Li Youmei walked out of it. Li Youmei looked up and down at Wei Qimian, grabbed Wei Qimian's hand, and smiled and said, "Mianmian?"

   "Well." Wei Qimian nodded cleverly, and sweetly cried, "Auntie."

   "Hey, hey, hello, how beautiful it is. What a blessing this child is to find your beautiful girlfriend. It is so beautiful, it looks better than a star."

Wei Qimian was still worried that her grandmother would not get along well. After all, she always saw the relationship between her mother and daughter-in-law on TV, but she never dreamed that her grandmother even praised herself to this extent. My heart was blooming, and my impression of my old woman was getting better and better, sweetly said: "Auntie, you look good, it's not like Lin's mother at all, it's like an elder sister, and it's still like this Temperament."

"Haha, how can there be any." Li Youmei couldn't help but smile, "The child can really talk, looks so beautiful, my son is really blessed, come, come in quickly. Oh, and there This one, look at me and patronize my daughter-in-law. There are friends who don’t know."

  Wei Qimian blushed, and the daughter-in-law made her shy and happy.

  Li Tiehan smiled and said: "I am not a friend, I am the bodyguard of my young lady, good wife."

  Li Youmei smiled and said: "Since you are here, then all are friends. Come and come in all quickly. I still have a lot of people to introduce you."

Entering the yard, the dining table was set. Several masters and Zhao Hu were already seated. When Wei Qimian came in, all three masters looked at them with appreciation. Wei Qimian was still a little nervous. She knew that all three were all Lin Nao’s master has a good saying, one day as a teacher and a father for life.

Li Youmei introduced: "This is my son's master, Yin Ye, old man. You are also called the master. This is my son's second master. The medicine is not dead. Generally speaking, it is called Yao Lao. It’s my son’s third master, Ye Lao, you can also call it third master. This is Zhao Hu, my son’s colleague."

  Wei Qimian sweetly said: "Good master, good second master, good third master, brother Zhao Hu, you too. I am Wei Qimian."

Wei Qimian's manner was decent, and there was no shelf from the giants, which made some masters more and more like it. Zhao Hu looked at Lin Bad with a somewhat playful look, as if to say, do I want to put you in front of you? Tell your brother and sister about dating two beautiful women in a few days.

  Li Tie also called people, and then introduced himself.

  Wei Qimian opened the bag and said, "I don't know Brother Zhao Hu is here, so I didn't bring a gift. Auntie, this is a gift I brought to you. I don't know if you like it or not."

   Li Youmei opened the diamond necklace and said, "This is too expensive, too expensive, no, you have to take it back."

  Wei Qimian said sweetly: "Auntie, the price is not the most important, what is important is the heart of the heart. Mianmian thinks whether it is a dollar or a gift of 100,000 yuan, as long as it is sent, the aunt will like it.

   Lying in the trough, Lin Nao was a little amazed in his heart. Mianmian is too good to talk.

   Hearing Wei Qimian say this, Li Youmei was also somewhat ecstatic, and said with a smile: "That line, then I will accept it. Auntie is not welcome with you."

   "Auntie is so nice."

Wei Qimian pulled out three jade fingers again. At first glance, the texture is very good, and the price is certainly not expensive. He said: "Three masters, I don't know what all three masters like, but these jade fingers are said to moisturize the body. Yes, you can live longer. Mianmian doesn’t know much about it. I don’t know if it’s true or false, but it’s also Mianmian’s intentions.”

With that said, Wei Qimian handed the jade plates to each one. The three masters took them in his hands. The old silver leaf smiled and nodded. The old Yaoya also kept saying good things. Ye Lao was even more amazed: "Youmei girl, You see, you have such a good daughter-in-law, it's simply envious of others!"

   Li Youmei smiled and said: "Even I myself start to envy my son."

   Everyone laughed out loud.

  Zhao Hudao: "I don't need it anymore. I'm also a guest who comes here as a guest."

  Wei Qi smiled and said: "Brother Zhao Hu, I was just teasing you. I heard Lin Bad always mentioned you, saying that you are a very good person, and saved his life several times..."

Hearing Lin’s bad life, Li Youmei’s expression became serious. She hadn’t heard anyone mention this before. The reason for the seriousness was that she was worried about her son, who was worried by others outside. Saved several times and proved how dangerous it should be. On the other hand, I am very grateful to Zhao Hu.

 Zhao Hu said: "You don't have to thank me for that."

"Even if we don't thank you, aren't we friends too?" Wei Qimian said with a smile. "I don't know what Brother Zhao Hu likes, but I heard that Brother Zhao Hu accidentally dropped his phone into the river while practicing martial arts a few days ago. It’s gone, but it’s not easy to use.”

  Zhao Hu looked at Lin Nao and asked, "You are really a strict wife and report everything every day."

  Wei Qimian couldn't help laughing: "Lin Bad is laughing at you, saying that you are too stupid, but after hearing this, I just thought that there was just a new Huawei mobile phone, and I just bought it for you."

  Wei Qimian took out his phone from his bag, Lin Nao and all the others couldn't help but live in his heart and admired, how exquisite Wei Qimian should be, how careful he should be!

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