"His Royal Highness Pluto, there are so many masters in the Dragon Kingdom, and Henry and I are the only ones here now. If something unexpected happens, it may be difficult for us to protect His Royal Highness Pluto. Do you want to send some more brothers over?"

Compared to Henry's trepidation, Caitlina, who was sitting by the side, obviously had a longer-term view.

Feeling the sudden drop in the surrounding temperature, she also understood that she had thought of something unhappy when she joined His Highness Pluto, so she reminded carefully.

As the oldest country in the world, the Dragon Kingdom's background is not comparable to those of small foreign countries.

Although the Nether Temple is one of the most powerful forces in foreign countries, with its mega-power abroad, Lu Fang is the king of the underground mercenary organization, and Caitlina and Henry are also masters of the master of transformation.

But when they stepped into this mysterious country, Caitlina still felt like walking on thin ice.

"The Dragon Kingdom is a forbidden place for mercenaries. We came back secretly this time. If we bring too many brothers, it will definitely arouse the vigilance of the Dragon Clan and cause unnecessary trouble for us."

"Long before returning to the Dragon Kingdom, I have already made sufficient preparations. Instead of using our brothers abroad, it is better to find the local local snakes and use their power to help us."

"The reason why I asked the two of you to come here this time is to let you cooperate with me in the dark and investigate the reason why my Lu family was wiped out."

Speaking of the real culprit of their Lu family being wiped out, Lu Fang is still at a loss.

Eight years ago, the Lu family was originally a first-class family in Beihai City, but they were attacked by thieves overnight.

His parents, grandparents, and all relatives except Lu Fang were all killed by the mysterious thief.

It was at that time that he met Zhao Chen and was saved by Zhao Chen.

This kind of opening where parents sacrifice to heaven and have boundless magic power is also a common method used by this kind of protagonist.

The most important thing about Lu Fang's return to Beihai this time is two things.

One is to avenge the blood hatred, to find out the murderer who wiped out the whole family of Lu family,

The second is to repay his kindness. Zhao Chen saved his life back then, but Lu Fang tarnished Zhao Chen's innocence when he was in a coma. Lu Fang has always been worried about this matter.

Now that he is in a mess abroad, and the king returns, it is natural that he wants to repay Zhao Chen's kindness.

Thinking of the woman who saved his life and was the first woman in his life, his eyes became stern and softened a bit.

"I, Lu Fang, am definitely not the kind of ungrateful person. When I was most desperate and helpless, you saved my life. Then, for the rest of my life, I, Lu Fang, will definitely use my life to protect your safety."

Lu Fang clenched his fists, and secretly vowed to himself that he would make Zhao Chen his woman, cherish her well, and never let him suffer any more harm.

"His Royal Highness Pluto, we have reached the territory of Beihai, where are we going next?" "

Just when Lu Fang was in a daze, Henry, who was driving the helicopter ahead, suddenly asked.

"Let's go to Yunxiao Pavilion."

Lu Fang nodded, and gave an address to Henry beside him.

Sky Tower?

Hearing this, Henry also began to think about it.

As early as when he returned to the Dragon Kingdom, Henry had a certain understanding of the forces in the Dragon Kingdom, especially the forces in the North Sea.

Yunxiao Pavilion is the strongest underground force in Beihai, especially in the past two years, it has risen strongly, not only ruling the roost in Beihai, but even many forces in the entire Jiangnan Province have been annexed by it and become the overlord.

That's right, what we are going to is Yunxiao Pavilion, Zhao Chen looked at the puzzled eyes of Caitlina and Henrina, he nodded, and explained to the two that a few years ago, Yunxiao and Pavilion, the master Gu Yunxiao Abroad, he was ambushed, and I saved his life.

"Not only that, when I met Gu Yunxiao four years ago, I felt that he practiced the residual magic skill without strong internal force support. Although forced cultivation can improve his strength, it left hidden diseases and backlash on his body. ."

"The master has already agreed that I can use part of the Nether magic power in exchange for Yunxiao Pavilion's support for our Nether Palace in the Dragon Kingdom."

Hearing this, the two finally felt relieved, and understood why Qin Zhengxiong and Zhao Chen only brought them back to Longguo.

It turns out that it is because of Gu Yunxiao's relationship that they can provide convenience for them in Longguo.

Hearing what Lu Fang said, he actually wanted to teach Gu Yunxiao part of the Nether magic power, which made Henry and Caitlina very entangled in their hearts.

You must know that the Nether Divine Art is the untold secret of the Nether Palace. Except for the master of the Nether Palace, even the four great envoys of the Nether Palace, the middle and high-level combat powers of the twenty-eight stars "are not qualified to learn it at all.

Now, in order to get the support of Gu Yunxiao and Yunxiao Pavilion, they actually have to exchange Nether magic skills.

Although it was only part of it, it made the two of them care a little bit.

Of course, the two also understood that Lu Fang and the old Pluto of the Nether Palace had their reasons for doing this, so they didn't dare to say anything more.

"Henry, Caitlina, you two don't need to follow me to Yunxiao Pavilion, just park the helicopter on a high road about 300 meters away from Yunxiao Pavilion, just stop." Lu Fang looked at Henry and ordered road.

Hearing Lu Fang's words, both Henry and Caitlina couldn't help but look at Fang.

Stop at a height of 300 meters?

What did I want to do with Mr. Pluto? Could it be that I wanted to jump from a height of 300 meters.

Jumping from such a high altitude, no matter how strong Lord Pluto is, he will probably be smashed to pieces.

"Master Pluto, it's too high to jump down like this, even if the master of Transformation Realm Master jumps down like this, I'm afraid... I'm afraid...

Caitlina looked at Lu Fang who had opened the helicopter door and was about to jump, and said worriedly.

"My Nether Palace is powerful abroad, and I have already earned a great reputation. However, not many people in China know of our existence."

"If you want Yunxiao Pavilion to cooperate with us honestly, without showing all your true talents, how can you deter these little people."

Lu Fang opened the hatch, gave Caitlina and Henry a reassuring look, then waved his hands and said, "It's impossible for a master of transformation, don't forget, I, Lu Fang, am a grand master. , For me, it is simply a piece of cake.”

Caitlina and Henry looked at each other after hearing the words, and smiled.

Yes, how could they forget this.

Their Master Pluto is a strong man in the realm of a great master, and there are not many great masters in the entire Dragon Kingdom.

This height is not difficult at all for their Master Pluto.

Under the staring eyes of the two people, Lu Fang jumped forward. Just jumped off the helicopter.

"Look, there seems to be a black shadow falling from the sky."

"Is someone littering the plane?"

"How is this possible, the planes are fully enclosed, how could someone open the door to throw garbage, and it is also impossible for someone to be so bold as to throw garbage in my Yunxiaoge site

Everyone in Yunxiao Pavilion was attracted by the sound of propellers,

Countless people walked out of the house and looked towards the sky.

Seeing the black shadow falling from the helicopter, everyone couldn't help guessing what this black shadow was.

Before everyone could react, there was only a rumbling loud noise resounding around everyone.

Like a rocket, it exploded in Yunxiao Pavilion.

The building where the headquarters of Yunxiao Pavilion is located seems to be trembling non-stop, like a landslide.

Gu Yunxiao looked at the teacup that was shaking in front of him, and his mood became ups and downs along with the shaking water.

There was also a rare hint of surprise on his calm face.


Without waiting for Gu Yunxiao to think about it, Chen Gu, a disciple of Yunxiao Pavilion, hurriedly came forward and said: "...~Report to Pavilion Master, someone jumped out of the plane above my Yunxiao Pavilion headquarters."

jump off the plane?

It is shocking that someone is so daring and dares to jump out of the plane above the headquarters of Yunxiao Pavilion.

Compared to Gu Yunxiao's shock, Chen Gu, who saw Lu Fang fall from mid-air with his own eyes, was even more shocked and dumbfounded.

No one can imagine that there are actually people in this world. Dare to jump directly from a height of two or three hundred meters.

Most importantly, this person has not been smashed into a meat sauce.

It has directly refreshed, these people's perception of the world view.

As a disciple of Gu Yunxiao, Chen Gu is also a master of the dark world,

I have some knowledge of some ancient warriors in this world,

In his opinion, the so-called ancient warriors in his (Qianhao) mind are just some people who can exert their internal strength.

Even if it is picking leaves and flying flowers, it will hurt people invisible, and I have never seen it.

But today he is the martial arts concept in his mind, and all of them were trampled to pieces by this man who jumped from the helicopter.

Looking at the mysterious man's feet, like a spider web, the cracks spreading in all directions, the shock in Chen Gu's heart is simply indescribable.

In the entire Yunxiao Pavilion, Chen Gu was not the only one who was shocked.

Countless Yunxiao Pavilion disciples. After hearing this loud noise like a bomb exploding, they all searched for the sound and rushed over.

And those Yunxiao Pavilion disciples who saw Lu Fang descending from the helicopter from the sky with their own eyes, they were already shocked and could not speak a word.

Whether this person is a human or a ghost, it is incredible that nothing happened when he jumped from a height of several hundred meters. "

"Even if our pavilion master doesn't have such strength, it's too scary, it's really scary."

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it even if I was killed. There are still people who can exert such terrifying power.

Countless Yunxiao Pavilion disciples all emerged from the room at this moment.

Looking at the man who fell from the sky, he nodded and sighed repeatedly, with a trace of admiration in his eyes. .

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