“Shanks! Are you going to give up Uta?”

Beckman’s eyes narrowed and he looked at Shanks in surprise.

The others quickly reacted and looked at Shanks in disbelief.

They are partners, and it is not the style of pirates to abandon their partners!

As for the crime of resisting and destroying the country, it has long been ignored by others.

Isn’t it just to destroy the country? Pirates have done similar things many times.

Although they are not those vicious pirates, they don’t care about this kind of thing.

“ah…After what happened today, Uta is no longer suitable to stay with us. Concealing what happened today is the best choice”

Shanks lowered his eyes and expressed his thoughts.

What happened tonight will definitely leave a thorn in Uta’s heart.

If Uta is taken away, then Uta will definitely feel that he has destroyed a country.

Coupled with their status as pirates, there is a high probability that Uta will become even more extreme.

The belief that Shanks carries in his heart will not allow Uta to become such a person in the end.

In this case, it is better to let Uta stay, grow in a new way, and slowly smooth out this extreme

“Mr Gordon”

Shanks looked at Gordon and said softly:

“Tell Uta that we have known about the ancient music score for a long time, but for the sake of Elegia’s treasure and the ancient music score, we deliberately let her attract your attention. And we took the opportunity to destroy the entire country and took away all your treasures and ancient music scores.”


Gordon frowned and opened his mouth slightly

“Okay, that’s it, let’s leave now. I’ll leave Uta to you. I believe you have your own difficulties. I also believe you can take good care of Uta.”

Shanks didn’t let Gordon speak. Instead, he laughed twice boldly and boldly, then turned and walked towards his ship.

When the rest of the red-haired pirates saw Shanks making his decision, they stopped thinking about it and followed Shanks with a relaxed expression.

In their opinion, Shanks’ decision is correct, and they just support it.

When Gordon saw the pirates leaving the shore, his expression became even weirder.

He couldn’t understand Shanks’s thoughts. Why did he think he could resist everything by doing this?

Why does the other party think that after doing this, Uta will not go to extremes?

Gordon couldn’t help but think of Luther’s way of raising children. Comparing the two, the difference was too obvious.

Sighing softly, Gordon shook his head.

Since this is Shanks’ own idea, as a sinner, he will still do what the other person thinks.

I just don’t know when Uta will stop and whether he can survive until that time.

Looking at Alegia, who looked like hell, and the harsh singing that was still ringing in his ears, Gordon’s lips raised a hint of bitterness.

It’s just that these people don’t know…

At this time, Uta was still standing in the banquet hall, but her eyes were fixed on the direction Shanks and others left, with a touch of deep hatred in her clear eyes.


“why do you do this to me…Shanks!!!”

Thanks to the increase in the Demon King of Song, Uta can clearly perceive everything happening in the entire Elegia.

Everything Shanks said before was heard by her.

But in Uta’s opinion, those words are all just bad excuses!

Yes, bad excuse!

“That he was responsible for everything, that he deliberately seduced her, haha…What a rotten person!”

Uta’s resentful voice even broke free from the shackles of the Demon King of Song and let out a low murmur.

However, the

(Read more novels by visiting our website: Knights Novel) sound she made was quickly transformed into harsh music by the Demon King of Song, which intensified the damage to Elegia.

“You obviously want to abandon me, you say it so nicely, just to avoid me…”

At this time, Uta was extremely sober and even thought Shanks’ behavior was extremely ridiculous.

After only entangled with the Demon King of Song for a while, he realized that he was unable to fight behind enemy lines, so he immediately chose to escape.

In Uta’s view, this is not about valuing oneself at all, but rather being afraid of one’s own performance.

Isn’t it because she has become a monster now? I am afraid of her and afraid of her, so I want to get rid of her quickly.

As for why he came up with such an excuse, Uta decided without thinking that this was a way out that Shanks had left for himself, so that if he met him in the future, he could persuade himself with the truth and survive for himself. find a reason

In Uta’s eyes, Shanks has changed from the heroic pirate to a complete coward.

“Ridiculous…Shanks, please tell me, don’t look at what a person says, look at what he does….”

“Oh, I think I will never forget the feeling of being abandoned by you…”

Two lines of clear tears flowed from Uta, and her only clear eye soon became as dead as the other one.

Shanks’ abandonment made her feel that she had lost the meaning of existence.

In such a world, she has nothing to miss.


Just after the red-haired pirates’ ship left the port, the merchant ship that Stella and Usopp were on also arrived at Elegia.

Most of the passengers stood on the deck, looking worriedly at the burning flames of Elegia.

But they are not afraid. After all, this merchant ship starts from the Grand Line, and the East China Sea is not worth their worries.

Stella and Usopp were also mixed in the crowd, looking at the fire in Elegia in surprise.

“Aunt Stella, that man did this, right?”

Usopp whispered next to Stella. Although he was asking a question, his tone was firm.

Since the accident 2 years ago, he is no longer the boy who didn’t understand anything.

He understands Alegia’s strength very well. It’s not too strong, but ordinary pirates can’t touch it.

The only ones nearby who have the strength to destroy Elegia are the Red Haired Pirates.

“Not sure yet…All we know is that the red-haired pirates’ ship is heading towards us.”

As soon as Stella’s words came out, Usopp’s face was stunned.

He hurriedly looked into the distance. Thanks to Jesus Bu’s inherited talent and the light of the Elegia fire, he could clearly see the pirate ship approaching not far away.

On the mast of the pirate ship, there is an image of the red-haired pirates.

“That’s what they did…”

At this time, Usopp was convinced that Allegia’s matter was related to his bastard father.

But this was not beyond his expectation. In his imagination, pirates were just a bunch of trash who only knew how to burn, kill and loot.

At this time, he could see the red-haired pirates destroying the country, which just put his mother’s thoughts to rest.

With this in mind, he quickly took out a video phone and started recording the scene in front of him.

Amid the raging fire in Elegia, the Red-haired Pirates’ ship sailed from that direction unscathed to other places.

Suddenly, the crowd on the deck of the merchant ship was in an uproar and kept screaming.

Usopp looked at it from a distance and couldn’t help but his expression changed.

A flying slash was slashing towards the merchant ship with the intention of cutting it in half.

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